Lips Like Morphine

Each Step A Stab In The Heart

“Jonny, wait!” Mat shouted and he ran off. When he reached the doors onto the street, Jonny was already inside a taxi, but Mat all but threw himself in front of it.
“Are you fucking crazy?!” the driver exclaimed as Mat climbed in.
“Sorry.” Mat shrugged. Jonny was equally bemused, looking at Mat as if he was a madman.
“What? I couldn’t just let you leave…”
They drove in silence and managed to pay the driver with change from their pockets.
Jonny had his card, but that was no use to a cab driver.
They’d come to a near-by hotel and at the desk they were asked how many rooms.
“Urr, just one.” Mat said smoothly.
“Two beds then?”
“Of course.”
They got into the lift and still didn’t speak. As soon as the door was locked, Mat had Jonny against the wall, but neither moved.
Finally, Mat swang back and with a sigh, he went into bathroom. Jonny just stood, staring at the wall in front of him.
“Fucking hell.” He sighed and collapsed onto the nearest bed, but not for long.
Radtke, he thought, you’ve dreamed of this – don’t screw it up!
He slowly went to the bathroom, each breath loud in his head and every step a stab in the heart.
The shower was running and Mat stood by it, waiting for the hot water to kick in. He gazed at his feet and was biting his nails, shirt and jacket discarded in ah heap on the floor.
He spun round as Jonny gently pushed the door closed. Jonny almost went out again, to runaway, but he forced himself onwards.
“Jonny…” Mat whispered, but Jonny kissed him, running his hands over Mat’s stomach, up to his chest and then smoothly over his shoulders, hands light as air down Mat’s back.
Mat dragged Jonny’s shirt off and then kissed him again. Jonny then pushed Mat into the shower cubicle.
The hot water burnt their skin and the contrast of cold tiles made them shudder. Their jeans were soon soaked and Jonny began to battle with Mat’s belt.
In minutes, both jeans lay in a wet heap, but boxers stayed on, for neither boy was brave enough to go that far.
They continued to kiss and hold each other for a while but Mat then turned off the shower and stepped out. He took a white towel and dried Jonny, kissing his neck sweetly.
As he did this, Jonny also got a towel and tried to dry Mat. Then, they went back to the bedroom and lay on one of the beds, until eventually they fell asleep wrapped around each other.
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Chapter 4 is ready and waiting in Word..!