Lips Like Morphine

Love And Hate

“Oh my god, you’re Mat Devine.” Forest said as she shook Mat’s hand.
“Wow. Yes. I am. But how do you…”
“Oh, well, I’m a huge fan.
“Obsessive.” Tash muttered.
“Fuck off Tash.” Forest shot back. Mat just laughed.
“So you’re an English chick as well.” Mat pointed out, desperately trying to scrape his brain together as Forest had well and truly scrambled it.
“Yuh huh. Me and Tashie went to school together, eh Tashie?”
“Oh I’m leaving if you’re gonna start with the Tashie.” Tash groaned.
“C’mon Tashie, let’s go dance!” And before Tash could complain, Zacky dragged her into the crowd. Mat and Forest giggled.
“Those two are great together.” Forest sat next to Mat with a smile and a sigh.
“Oh yeh. It was a relief when Zacky finally asked her out.”
“It was a relief when Zacky finally asked her to marry him!” Forest laughed.
Mat gave her that gorgeous, knee-weakening smile as they looked into each other’s eyes.
Like drowning in chocolate, Forest thought.
“So Forest, drink?”
“Aww man, I could kill for a Jack and Coke.”
“Very good choice.”
So, for ages, they just sat and talked, until Mat’s drinks got the better of him. He leaned forward and softly kissed Forest’s lips.
“Sorry shouldn’t have done that.” He muttered to his hands.
Forest’s hand, with it’s bitten nails, lifted his chin gently.
“I didn’t mind at all.”
Silence and the world just disappeared. Mat could only see Forest, until Zacky and Tash smashed it.
“We’re off, people to meet. You coming Forest.” Zacky held out his hand to Forest.
“’Fraid I’ve gotta work Need to talk to some guy about some boring shit. Two days to write up and end off the article.” Forest sighed.
“Ouch.” Mat added.
“Okay, well see you around Mat.” Zacky said.
“Well, do you guys wanna come to the gig tonight?”
“Sure! That’d be awesome!” Tash said.
“Cool. Zacky V plus 2 on the guest list?” he looked at Forest questioningly.
“Hellzyeah.” She smiled.
“Laterrrrs Maty Baby.” Zacky waved and they began to leave.
“Hang on Zacky.” Mat sighed after battling in his mind.
“Are you really busy or would you mind keeping me company?” When Mat asked this, he knew that Zacky had guessed something wasn’t quite right.
And Zacky had always been a good listener.
“Sure. I can blow of the other Matt, ‘cos the girlfriend’s flown in anyway.”
“You can come with me if you want Tash, keep me company?” Forest asked.
“Umm, yeh okay. Stop you dying from boredom.” They laughed and walked off, waving as they went.

“Let’s walk and talk.” Zacky said and put his arm around Mat. They got out onto the street and just wandered.
“Fuck Zacky, I’m messed up. My brain’s frying and she’s just scrambled it completely.”
“Ah, Forest.” Zacky replied with a grin.
“God, she’s amazing.”
“I know. One minute she’ll be all girly or whatever with Tash and the next she collapses on the sofa to drink beer and watch sport with me. Complete contradiction, but it’s awesome.”
“Wow, seems more perfect than I thought then! She your piece on the side?” Mat laughed.
“Hellzyeah bitch, and you’d better back off!” the two friends almost pissed themselves laughing, but they eventually managed to composed themselves.
“So what was it that’s bothering you?” Zacky asked, the concerned friend once more.
Mat chewed on his lip. He would tell Zacky about Jonny and the panic attacks he’d had, all the shit that was getting on top of him, but he just couldn’t form the words.
“I’m just stressed out really. Touring’s hitting me hard this time round.”
“Yeh, I know how it is.” Zacky squeezed his shoulder.
“Just remember, I’m only ever at the end of a phone. Talk to me.”
“Cheers Zackaroo.” Mat smiled.
“Come on Maty Baby, let’s go enjoy ourselves.”

Jonny sat in the empty van and sulked. The others were still out, but he’d come back, claiming he needed sleep.
Why had Mat blanked him earlier? Did he regret last night?
“Of course he did.” Jonny muttered and he kicked the driver’s seat, what was usually Mat’s seat. He’d been so happy last night, but now he was just alone again.
“Welcome home to lonerville.” He snarled.

Kill Hannah weren’t amazing that night, but they were still pretty damn good. Mat was buzzing, his afternoon with Zacky had charged him up and he proved himself a performer.
Adding to this, he’d seen Forest in the crowd.
She came! He thought.
But he stopped himself from rushing to his friends and met the fans. He loved this bit, being able to thank them all and he knew it really made their day to meet their favourite band. But of course, the last three people waiting to see him were Tash, Forest and Zacky. He led them backstage and there were cheers at their arrival.
“Tash! You’ve come to marry me, yes?” Greg asked.
“Get over yourself, she’s finally decided to be with me.” Dan grinned at Greg.
“Sorry guys,” Tash shrugged, “Zacky’s stolen me from you both, for good.”
This caused the party to be even crazier than usual.
Jonny tried to have some fun, but he just couldn’t bring himself to join in. He looked at Forest and Mat, who had hidden themselves away in the corner. Jonny’s heart ripped a little with every word and laugh they shared.
But, the final stab was when Mat kissed her.
Those hands that had skimmed along Jonny’s shoulder and had dragged down his back, well now, they ran up into Forest’s hair and brushed along her jaw.
Jonny bit his lip and left the room discreetly, running down corridors until he found the bathroom. He broke down, clinging to a basin for support. Tears streaming down his face, Jonny looked into the eyes of his reflection.
“I fucking hate you Mathew Devine. And hate is a very strong word.”
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What's Gonna Happen?