Lips Like Morphine

Party Anyone?

Greg and Dan volunteered to organise the engagement party with enthusiasm that made Elias almost piss his pants.
“You fucking girls!” he gasped in between laughs, as they jumped at the job.
Sure enough, Greg and Dan just beat him up.
The shindig was planned 4 days after the beach day and this seemed to be more than enough time for what seemed the whole world to find out. Forest sat reading letters and cards and thought, ‘Fuck! I never knew I knew this many people!’.
There were phone calls and gifts and to the couple’s delight, family and friends were more than keen to travel to Huntingdon Beach.
Best of all, Mat’s parents flew from their home in Lake Forest to give Mat his mother’s engagement ring.
“Maty m’boy, she’s fantastic.” Mat’s dad said as people began to arrive.
“I know, but it’s glad to hear you like her Dad.”
“Yeah, well, you’re mom is over the moon.”
“I think she loves Forest more than I do!” Mat laughed and looked to the two women who were sitting and giggling over cocktails.
“HELLO!” Everyone looked to the door to see a newcomer enter the room.
“COURTENAY!” Forest shrieked and got up to greet her friend.
“Hello.” Courtenay, or Korkee as everyone called her, grinned as Forest and Tash hugged her.
“How awesome is this! Forest, Korks and Tash, together again at last. Shame the others were too busy…” Tash sighed.
“Well, they’ve all said they’ll come over for the wedding, fersure.” Forest said.
“Where’s my Maxy Greeny Baby?” Tash asked, realising that Korkee’s rather gorgeous boyfriend was missing.
“I really don’t know, I suppose he’ll be here in a…”
“PAR-TAY!” Zacky and Max entered the room with a crash, already grasping beers. They went to the girls and made hellos. Korkee didn’t look happy, as Forest and Tash seemed a bit too eager to share a kiss with Max. She looked to Mat but he just grinned and winked. Korkee rolled her eyes.

It wasn’t long ‘til the house was full and everyone got pissed enough to start playing games.
Mat looked across the bustling room and couldn’t help but smile as he saw Forest’s expression. Tash was trying to persuade her to play musical chairs, but Forest was not happy. Forest’s eyes met Mat’s and she mouthed to him, ‘Help me!”
Mat thought for a moment then pushed his way through people.
“Forest dearest, you're Dad's on the phone.”
“Oh really? Well, mustn’t keep him waiting!” Forest shrugged to Tash and Mat took her hand. They slipped out of the room and onto the quiet terrace.
“Do we know anyone sane?” Forest said with exasperation.
“I really don’t think we do.” Came the reply.
Mat wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close and they looked at the moon.
“I remember sitting out here when Zacky proposed to Tash. We were just sitting around, having a laugh and he randomly came out with it.” Mat said.
“I remember slaving to fix the boards up. And I chose the potted plants.”
“It’s weird,” Mat sighed, “You and me should of met years ago.”
“Devine intervention.” Forest clearly pronounced the ‘e’, causing them both to giggle.
Mat turned to Forest and pulled the engagement ring from his jeans pocket.
“I’m gonna do the more formal proposal now.” He chuckled.
“Oh okay, let’s be serious.”
“Forest, will you marry me.” Mat asked with a straight face.
“Pretty please?”
Forest burst into laughter but then managed to calm herself. She looked into his eyes and stopped her smiling.
“Mathew, I would be honoured.”
“That’s a shit answer.” Mat smirked and put the ring back in his pocket.
“Oh fuck off, gimme the ring will you?” Forest moaned.
“No, not until you give me a proper answer.”
“But you said we were being…” Mat just raised her eyebrows at her, but Forest could see the smile at the corner of his lips.
“Fine.” Forest said and stepped closer to him. She slid her arms around his waist rested her forehead on his.
“Maty, I promise that I’ll marry you and I’ll always be by your side, for better or worse. I’ll always support you and I’ll always love you.”
They looked into each other’s eyes, then Forest broke the silence.
“Can I have the ring now? Please?”
Mat reached into his pocket and gently took her hand, slipping the ring on her finger.
“Do you really promise to marry me?” Mat said.
“Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“Stick a needle in your eye?”
“You bet.”
He grinned.
“You promise to marry me?” Forest questioned.
“Is Cyndi Lauper the best thing that’s ever happened to music?”
“That Mathew, I do not know.”
Mat gasped in shock, “Woman, you disgust me.”
“Well fuck you then.” Forest smirked.
“Please do.” And he kissed her.
“By the way,” Forest broke away.
“D’you know where Jonny is?”
“Partying it up with everyone else isn’t he?” Mat said, more interested in continuing the kiss rather than Jonny’s whereabouts.
“No one’s seen him. Tash was worrying about it earlier.”
“I’m sure he’s fine.” Mat shrugged.
"Hmm...I think you should go find him."
"What?! No! He'll be fine!"
"Please Mat..."
Mat sighed and looked her.
"Fine." he muttered and went out to the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Dear, Where's Jonny?
Okay, My 'Author's Notes' Are Gay.
Can't Help It.
I'm Hyped Most Of The Time...