Lips Like Morphine

Last Night Here

He didn’t have a clue where Jonny would be, so Mat just drove around town, peering at groups of drunks, trying to spot his dear friend.
Eventually, he’d reached the other side of town and came to a couple of houses Zacky had shown them a couple of years ago. Built a while back, the houses were mansion like and were a failed attempt to draw some richer folk to Huntingdon Beach. But, they were too out the way, and had never sold. Everybody went there to use the big rooms to have a laugh and get pissed. Mat remembered they certainly had. Beer, fire and poker. What more could you want.
Mat drew up by the gates, and then climbed the wall. The gravel drive crunched under his feet as he walked to the door, which opened easily. Mat searched everywhere on the ground floor, but found nothing.
He took long strides up the grand staircase and found Jonny in what would have been the master bedroom. The terrace doors were open, but the breeze was only gentle, so the fire in the centre of the room burned happily. Mat walked further into the room and saw Jonny out on the terrace, looking at the sky and humming tunelessly. Mat coughed and Jonny spun round, shock becoming a huge grin on his face.
“Mathew! Y’alright?” Great, Mat thought, he’s completely pissed.
“C’mon Jonny, I’m taking you back to Zacky’s. Forest is worried sick.”
“Ah, the blushing bride. Although, I’ll let you in on a secret; she’s not a virgin.” He giggled then raised his eyebrows at Mat. With the way Jonny was swaying, Mat was really freaked out, but Jonny just continued to grin.
“It’s hardly a secret Jonny.”
“Oh no, I suppose not. Especially when you’re the one that’s been fucking her.” Jonny spat.
“I thought you liked her.” Mat’s shoulders had tensed, the hairs on his neck stood on edge.
“Oh, I like her – Forest’s great.” Jonny said airily, “It’s you I hate.” He jabbed his long finger at Mat’s chest, causing Mat to step back. Jonny followed.
“You’re the heartless tosser I want to just throw out the window, so I can watch you fall and hit the ground, see your bones crunch and your blood spill.” Mat went cold.
“Jonny, I’m so-“
“Let me finish!” Jonny screamed.
“I trusted you! I told you because I thought that you’d understand, you’d be kind, like you’re kind to all those girls you lay off. I thought you wouldn’t hurt me, but you did.” Jonny’s eyes were watering, but he fought them back.
“I could of got over you, I would have been happy for you and Forest, but you just left. Ran away. You didn’t speak to me or anything. If you’d explained how you felt, that me and you wouldn’t work, I would of healed, but what you done Mathew Devine, it’s fucking killing me.”
Mat bit his lip then looked at him.
“I’m sorry, okay? I panicked Jonny; I didn’t have a clue what was going on. I was fucked up and then I met Forest. She seemed like an easy distraction, but it’s grown. I love her Jonny, I really do. I know I’ve hurt you and I hate myself for it. I’m sorry that I’ve caused all this shit in the first place.” Tears burnt at the back of his eyes and he couldn’t hold them back like Jonny had.
Jonny just hugged him and Mat clung to his thin, skeletal frame. Jonny cried too and then they kissed. They lost all thought, they didn’t realise what happened. But they slipped out of their clothes and sank to the floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Dear.
Heart's Are Gonna Get Broken Maybe?

Puzzling. ; )