Thank You, Gravity

Shower Visits

Waking up with Joe's arms around me was the best feeling in the world right now, but what woke me up doesn't give off a good vibe.

Ring, Ring

I let the phone ring, not caring who it was at the moment, I'd hear the message if the person chose to leave one. I looked at Joe as the phone rang; nothing could keep him from sleeping. I just keep looking at Joe and thinking about how amazing he is. I finally am pulled from my thoughts when the answering machine beeps.

Hello boys, it's your dad. Frankie and I are coming to visit for a few days this week. I wanted Kevin to come to but I haven't been able to contact him; but if I get to him, he will be joining us. I hope you guys are doing better then when I last saw you, I'll call back when I know exactly when we are coming. Love you guys, bye.

Dad and Frankie are coming? Sure Kevin could come, he already figured out about Joe and I, but I don't thinking dad is going to be happy when he finds out that two of his sons are together, dating.

I decide that Joe slept long enough and try to move his arms from around me. This causes him to pull me closer and put his head on my chest. I run my hand through his hair and whisper to him for him to wake up. When this doesn't work, I turn the the dark side, and scare him up.

"Joe, dad's here." He snaps up and off the bed. I just laugh at how gullible he is and he glares when he notices my laughter. choosing to forget me, he goes towards the blinking answering machine and listens to the message from dad, his face was priceless by the end of it.

"Shit! What are we going to do. We can't do anything if dad is here and especailly if Frankie is here... what am I going to do? And then you are going to re-think things and then you are going to leave me, and get some slutty girlfriend that dad won't like but he will like it better than you dating me and.. and..." I cover his mouth from his ramblings. I find if funny that Joe still think's I will leave him. Letting him go back to cursing, planning and more pointless ramblings I decided a shower might help me think. Walking into the bathroom, I leave the door open in case Joe freaks out and thinks I left again, and undress and get into the shower.

While washing myself off, Joe's head pops in from the shower curtain and he starts to ramble again. I half way listen to him, the other half of me is thinking of what could happen when Dad comes here. When I softly hear the front door open and foot steps walk into the house, I panic and grab Joe by his shoulder and pull him all the way in to the shower, even though he's still in his clothes.

"Wow, I didn't know you wanted to do this.. I could of taken my..." I covered Joe's mouth and whisper to him to sit down. I hear louder foot steps, and see a shadow under the bathroom door.


"Nick, where are you?" Thank goodness it's Kevin. I yell back to him and push Joe out of the shower, now noticing that he looked a lot sexier being wet then he did dry. I scrambled out, meeting Kevin outside the door after I wrapped a towel around my torso. Joe followed me, still dripping wet in his clothes.

"I don'twant to know what you two were doing, but Dad's going to be here tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Both Joe and I yell. This is not good.

“Why didn’t he tell us??” I cry, overwhelmed.

“He just told me, he’s bringing Frankie. He wants us all to have a family dinner and I’ll be there, too.” Kevin shrugs. I groan inwardly.

Joe looks around the apartment. “We need to do some serious work here.” he mutters. I lean against the wall and slde down.

“Fuck.” I mutter. Tomorrow? Why so soon? This is bad…

“I can help,” Kevin offers. I shake my head.

“We’re the only ones that knows where everything goes.”

“And I kinda wanna get back to my shower…” Joe looks at me suggestively and I grin. Kevin seems to pick it up because he gives us a weird look but nods, clearly still freaked out by our…relationship.

He says goodbye and leaves, exiting through the front door.

“Get in here,” Nick grabs my soaking shirt and yanks me roughly into the bathroom.
