Thank You, Gravity

The Treatment Wasn't Worth it

Nick scowls as I follow him into the hair cuttery. He grumbles as he walks up to the receptionist. "Jonas," Nick mumbles. "I need a trim." I sit down on one of the chairs and pick a magazine off the table. As I start to read it Nick stalks over to the seats and falls down onto one of them, swinging his legs under it. "I hate you."

"No you don't," I smile, and Nick rolls his eyes. I know we can't be openly cute, so I sit and read my magazine while Nick sulks.

"Jonas," one of the ladies call. Nick curses under his breath, sighs and gets out of the chair. I watch with a smirk as Nick scowls behind at me, before he's lead to the sink to get his hair shampooed. It takes a couple minutes, and when I look back up he's getting his hair dried. I can't wait to see what he looks like with short hair again. He looks like a lion right now.

Nick glares at me the whole time he's walking over to the chair, until he hops up on it and faces the mirror. I watch, with a smirk still stuck on my face as the girl starts chopping off little peices of his hair. They fall to the ground and soon, Nick's head looks smaller and there's brown scraps all over the floor. His facial expressions (which I can see in the mirror) are amusing.

He stands up of the chair and thanks the girl, and I can't help but laugh as he walks back to the seat. "Screw you," he glowers. I hold the magazine in front of my mouth to hide the smile. He looks just - if not twice as adorable with his hair not at his shoulders.

"You look cute."

"I look sixteen." Nick states remorsefully.

"You were a hot sixteen year old," I tell him. He rolls his eyes but can't stop his smile from showing.

"I hate it," he mutters as we leave the shop, pulling at his hair and grumbling.

"I like it," I counter, ruffling the back of it with my hand.


We get back to the apartment and Nick goes to the bathroom to gripe about his hair in the mirror. I follow him and listen to his complaints in amusement.

"You look amazing," I say softly, hugging him from behind, resting my chin on his shoulder and wrapping my arms around his front. I smile at myself in the mirror. Nick scowls. "If you keep complaining I'm still not gonna kiss you." I turn my head, holding my lips hardly an inch away from his cheek. I know Nick can cave faster than I can.

"Sorry..." he murmurs.

"Hmm?" I ask, still holding my lips so close I'm breathing on him.

"Ilikemyhair." he mumbles quickly.

"That's what I thought," I say, pushing my lips lightly onto his cheek. He tilts his head to the side, making it easier for me to kiss him. "I've missed doing this." I mumble into his shoulder as I scrape my tongue along the skin, tapping my fingers on his stomach.

"You're so..." Nick starts to say, but he doesn't finish as he sighs as I flick my tongue over his neck gently.

"So what?" I murmur.

"Manipulative," Nick finishes. I smirk to myself and lift up, looking ahead into the mirror and smiling at our reflections.

"Get used to it."