Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Holy Hell With The Flights Already!

Jessica's P.O.V

This was the most exciting day of my life no questions asked. I was driving up to visit one of my best friends Tanita. She lives in Newfoundland, Canada and I live in Oklahoma, so you can imagine the drive I was about to make! It was so worth it though. I’d be meeting Nita, as I liked to call her, at the airport on Toronto and then we’d both fly from there to London, England then to Berlin, Germany, then a drive to Hamburg. What a trip this would be! But at least we’d get to go together.

Our belongings and such were already shipped out to our flat in Hamburg, and our cars would arrive shortly after us. This was a dream come true for me and Nita! We had always talked about moving there to pursue our dreams. And now we get to!

Nita is a hairstylist and make-up artist, and absolutely amazing at it! She usually tried out all her latest ideas on me but I didn’t mind because they were always amazing. She got hired to work for Kat Von D which was wicked cool! As Nita says she is the only ‘Wicked pretty weird girl’ she could ever imagine working for! And now she gets to!

I’m an artist and just recently got hired full time to work with a German best selling author. He would be creating a series of books for young teens and I would be his illustrator. Nita always got me all dressed up when ever I’d have a meeting or book signing, and I’d help her with any sketches she needed for her styles to present to her boss. We made an excellent team!

But let’s not skip to far ahead, let’s start at the beginning. I was waiting at gate A7 for Nita. She was flying in from Newfoundland and would arrive any minute. After a few minutes people finally starting walking off the plain and there she was! We hugged and said our hellos and how we’d missed each other since last year when I visited her.

We didn’t have to worry about luggage until Berlin thank God, so we just made our way to gate D4 and waited to board our flight to London. Luckily there wasn’t much of a layover and we were comfortably seated next to each other. We talked most of the flight, but then my drive and her first flight started to catch up with us and soon we’d fallen asleep.

Hours later as we arrived in London and we made our way down to our gate and waited for yet another flight, but thankfully this would be the last one. As we waited we grabbed some coffee, I didn’t like it but needed it, and we talked again about how excited we were to be moving in together.

“Do you remember back when we first met we had talked about doing this?!” Nita mentioned as we sipped on out coffee.

“Yea, but did you ever think it would actually happen?!” I laughed thinking back to our first phone call. I hadn’t realized it was going to be an international phone call, and we had talked for almost four hours! Needless to say my parents flipped, but it was all settled by the end of the day.

“Of course…well I hoped it would happen! And guess what?!” Ok now her coffee was kicking in.

“What?!” I played into it.

“We are!!” She almost yelled.

We both began to laugh and sat there just chatting until we had to leave for our last flight to a place we now had the privilege of calling home. Why Germany you ask. Well not only is it an amazing country, but Nita and I are both absolutely in love with Tokio Hotel, so naturally we’d choose to live there.

The first time I drove up to see her we had gotten matching tattoos because the thought was completely awesome. We had three stars on our left wrist, each one representing the colors of the German flag! We had always said they were our twin tattoos.

We boarded the plain and couldn’t sleep a wink with all the caffeine pumping through our veins. We talked the whole time and got there in what seemed to be no time flat! We were both very glad this was going by fast. Too bad the drive from Berlin to Hamburg would take longer, but I guess we could sleep in the car. I’d like to site-see but it would be 4 in the morning when our plane landed and too dark to see anything.

After the flight landed we were directed to baggage claims and then went out side to get a taxi. The drive seemed like forever, but once we started going Nita and I feel asleep and didn’t wake until the driver turned and stated our arrival. As we clambered out of the car and retrieved our luggage we paid the driver and watched him drive off.

“Holy fuck Jess…this place is huge!” Nita and I both stared up at the building in front of us.

“Seriously! It didn’t look this big online!” We were in awe.

“No joke! Hey, I bet famous people live here!” she looked at me wide eyed and I knew exactly who she was talking about!

“Nita I doubt they let regular people live in the same building as celebrities.” She just shook her head at me.

“How much you wanna bet someone famous lives here?!” Ok now she was talking, I could never pass up a bet, especially with Nita.

“Ten euros!” I threw out there.

“Ten? That’s it?” She cocked her eyebrow at me and laughed.

“Yea, at least until we start working! Then we can up the stakes.”

“Fine!” She stuck out her hand for me to shake.

“But we have to know of them! You can’t just pick some random person, that’s not fun!” We both agreed and finalized the bet with a hand shake.

“Ok it’s freezing and I’m tired, let’s go home!!” Nita yelled that last part excitedly, and we raced in the door and up to the office. The man that was apparently working a night shift as a security guard gave us our keys and gave us directions to our flat.

It was on the 8th floor and thank God we could take the elevator. After riding up listening to the most obnoxious music, we jumped out and went straight for our door, pushing it open to one of the biggest and nicest places either of us had lived in. We were both too tired to take it all in at the moment so we found our rooms, which were on opposite ends of the flat, and began getting ready for bed.

Whoever had moved in all of our things did a very nice job, but knowing Nita and I we would have to rearrange it all to suit our needs and likes! It’s just how we are. But it would do for now, it was far too early in the morning to want to do anything but sleep for the next day.

Nita and I said our goodnights and retreated to our rooms. I got into bed wanting to immediately sleep, but as annoying as it was, I found myself far too excited to sleep. So I laid there for about an hour before finally dozing off and dreaming up our fantastic new lives in Hamburg.
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OK so this is my newest story about the Kaulitz twins and my uberly good friend Nita!! [Jumbi.]
She and I will both be writing it, so hopefully you like it!!
Let us know what you think!
And of course i could dedicate this chapter to no other than Nita herself!!