Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Perfection In The Form Of You

Tom’s POV

"Did I tell you, you look beautiful tonight?" I couldn't help myself. I knew I was being repetitive, but the words were just slipping out of my mouth.

"A dozen times..." she smiles, tightening her hand around mine, "...but it's nice to hear."

My eyes moved to Bill and Nita sitting a few feet away from us. Bill smiling like the tool he was but the part that worried me was the look on Nita's face. Her eyes were focused on the limo floor and her smile was as fake as any playboy bunnies boobs.

"Hey what’s going on with Tanita?" I knew it was none of my business but she was Bill’s now and Bill was my business.

"Oh…” she sighed. “It’s nothing really."

Bill’s POV

I knew there was something wrong between the two girls but honestly I didn't want to know right now. Tonight was supposed to be a good, fun night and that's how it was going to be.

All of a sudden the long, black car came to a stop, the door getting pulled opened and a head popping in, "We're here sirs."

A grin grew on my face as Nita's hand tightened around mine and we watched Tom help Jessica out of the car.

"Bill?" I looked at her, my smile turning into a slight frown.

"Yes?" I knew I should have been faking a smile but she was unhappy and I wanted to at least have some out look on why.

Her eyes were looking at our hands intertwined and she slightly flinched. Oh Gott, was she having second thoughts on this ‘me and her’ thing? Is it bad? Is she dying?!

"Happy Birthday." She looked up at me, her brown eyes peeking out from under her long lashes.

My smile returned to my face, my long fingers wrapped around her cheek. "Thank you." My lips brushed hers. "We should go inside." I couldn't help my laughter anymore.

She nodded, her fingers twisted into my hair and pulled my face forward.

Jessica’s POV

Honestly, Nita wasn't running through my head anymore because I knew we would make up at some point tonight. I knew her too well and I knew she knew me. I already saw us sitting on the sofa talking about how great our night was and what the plans for tomorrow were. We fought but we could never stay apart for long. As she once said, I was like her twin, we always had to be together in someway or another.

"Hey you okay?" I turn my head and see Tom grinning at me as he passed his jacket to the door man.

"Perfect." I smile back, letting him help me with mine.

"I really hope you like the food here. Honestly I've only been here once because Bill made me take him. He can be such a girl sometimes." He laughed, his eyes slightly closed.

My hand reached out and tugged the end of one of his dreads, his eyes popping open in a second and a smirk pulled across my face.

"Seat for two this way sir." The waiter smiled.

"Oh, no. There are two others, they’re just not inside yet." He smiled back. The waiter nodded and started his way toward a table.

"Old bag." He mumbled.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he just laughed.

"You heard that? Sorry I was talking about the waiter."

"Why?" I questioned.

"Its nothing, he’s just being a purvey old man, that's all." I gasped, his smile growing bigger.

Tom’s POV

Honestly, could this night get any better? Besides the old bag of a man looking at Jess like she’s a piece of candy. Even if she were, she's mine.


"God guys, it’s about time you came in." I heard Jessica laugh; I turned my gaze from the old bag to see Nita and Bill walking towards us.

"Sorry, we had to talk." Nita blushed and I couldn't help but laugh.

Jessica’s POV

I was so happy dinner was going great and my smile was only getting bigger every time Tom would mention how great this birthday was because I was sharing it with him.

"I'll be right back. I have to go to the ladies room." Nita giggled moving her chair out and walking away.

"I'll be right back." I smile putting one finger up to innate I would only be a few moments.

I made my way to the bathroom, hoping this would work out. I couldn't stand sitting at the table and only talking to Bill and Tom. I needed Nita to speak to me but she would only lean over and whisper in Bill's ear.

"Nita are you in here?" I whisper. Why I was whispering I don't really know.


I looked around the corner to see her sitting on the bench that was up against a wall.

"Oh…” this wasn't going to work was it? I couldn't let this wash down the drain. Moving to Germany with my best friend was one of the biggest things I've done with my life and I couldn't lose that now.

"I'm sorry." My thoughts were cut short when I was engulfed in a hug. "I shouldn't have gotten mad at you Jessa. It’s just me being stupid. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." A sob escaped and I hugged her tighter.

"It’s okay Nita. I know you won't and I'm sorry too." I leaned back and smiled. "Friends?"

"Of course." she smiled back grabbing a piece of tissue off the counter and wiping her eyes.

"Maybe we should go back?" I laugh wrapping my arm around hers.

"Yeah. I mean Bill’s more then likely thinking I got flushed down the toilet." She laughed, a small snort escaping her mouth.

"Ha ha, yes more then likely. And knowing Tom he’s only making it more believable."

Making our way back to our table we took our seats and smiled at the boys.

"Is everything okay Jess?" Tom asks his hand resting on top of mine.

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait guys.
Writers block is a bitch!
Anyway, say thank you Nita, this rocks!!

Thanks to all of our readers and to xXxAlicexXx, Mellogasm, NitaObscene, Chick1678 and sherbetsi for the comments.