Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Love Delivered In A Gift Bag

Tom’s POV

We got through the rest of dinner pretty well, all except for that old bag of a waiter continually checking Jess out. She had started noticing it after the first few times and it was bothering her, I could tell. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and she just simply smiled at me.

We were now just stepping out of the limo back at our apartment complex. The girls asked us to join them to their flat; they had gifts for us waiting there. I was very curious, though not as expectant, as to what jess had gotten me. Anytime she mentioned it over dinner, her deep blue eyes would glitter in amusement.

Nita pulled her hand from Bill’s to unlock their door and Jess and I followed them inside.

“Ok, you two wait here on the couch and we’ll be back in a minute.” Jess said as she pointed toward the couch.

“Alright.” I said and reluctantly let go of her hand.

Jessa’s POV

Nita and I hurried to our rooms and quickly changed into more comfortable and maneuverable clothes. I threw on my navy flannel bottoms and a black tank top that fit me well. It was still cold out so I quickly put on some socks before grabbing Tom’s gifts and heading back to the living room.

“Close your eyes guys.” I yelled before entering the living room.

“They’re closed.” both boys yelled back in unison.

I hid Tom’s gifts behind the couch then went around it and sat down facing Tom and Bill. Nita joined me but did not hide her gift, which indicated she’d go first.

“Ok, open them.” Nita said excitedly.

Bill’s POV

Tom and I opened our eyes and saw both girls sitting across from us on the sofa. Nita held a huge silver and black gift bag in front of her, and Jessica nothing.

“Ok, I’m going first.” Nita exclaimed. She got up and handed me the bag and said, “I hope you like it.”

Everyone watched as I opened the bag and pulled out some black tissue paper. Underneath was a pile of black leather garnished in tons of silver zippers and buttons.

“Au mein Gott Nita! Ich liebe ist! Dankeschön!” It was the most awesome leather jacket I’d ever laid my eyes on.

“No problem, I’m just glad you like it. Try it on; I want to make sure it fits alright.”

I slipped it on over my dress shirt and instantly felt cooler.

“Perfect!” I said as I stood and hugged her tightly.

Nita’s POV

“Check your pockets.” I said.

He reached into his pockets and pulled out the small plastic zip lock type bag. Inside was a tongue stud; the top ball black with a small white star.

“Oh this is completely wicked. I’m going to put it in now.” he said as he sat down with me.

“Alright, my turn.” Jess stated as she stood and went around the back of the couch.

Tom’s POV

I waited rather anxiously as Jess shuffled around with something behind the couch. She glanced at me and her eyes again began to sparkle.

“Ready?” she asked.

“As I’ll ever be.”

She then picked up a large black leather guitar case and set it at my feet. I didn’t know what to say; it was so awesome.

“Open it.” she said, her hands intently behind her back.

I leaned over and undid the silver clasps and lifted the lid to reveal the most beautiful crushed blue velvet lining ever placed in a guitar case. It was perfect beyond words.

“Mein Gott Jess…” I almost whispered, “Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome. I saw it the other day and remembered you mentioning how you didn’t have a case for your Les Paul. The man in the shop said that it should fit in here just fine. I hope it does.”

“Wow…that’s so cool of you.” I said as I ran my hands across the lining.

“There’s more!” She said excitedly.

I then raised my gaze to stare at her in astonishment. “More?”

She nodded her head and pulled her arms from behind her back, handing me a small square shaped black velvet case. I cocked my eyebrows out of curiosity and opened it. Inside was a small silver chain like bracelet with a blank metal strip connecting both ends. It looked very similar to a medical bracelet, just blank. It looked very nice, and somewhat expensive, I hoped she hadn’t spent too much on me.

“There’s a slip in the box, so all you have to do is take that and the bracelet in and tell them what you want inscribed on it. It’s already paid for, so you only need that verification slip there. I wasn’t sure what you’d want on it, so I’m leaving it up to you.” She smiled down at me.

I set the box down on top of the guitar case and stood to face Jessica. I pulled her into a tight embracive hug and whispered softly through her hair, “Thank you Jess. It’s all perfect. This day was perfect, because of you.” I pulled away slightly and placed a small kiss on her cheek before pulling her back into me.

I knew exactly what I’d be putting on that bracelet.

Meine Liebe, Jessica.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry again for the wait guys!
I hope you enjoyed this one.

Thanks to all of our readers and to purplejes197 and murder.muse. for updating on our last chapter.

Lets get some more you guys! :]