Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Ich Will Dich Liebe

Tom’s POV

After dropping Jessa off at work a pulled the small black velvet box out of my pocket and set it on the middle consol. I knew exactly how I’d spend my morning; getting my bracelet engraved. I couldn’t wait to pick her up after work and show her. Better yet, I’d just wear it and wait for her to notice it; I doubt it’d take long.

I drove across town to the address on the certificate in the box. The radio played quietly in the back ground and as a familiar voice came through the speakers I knew Bill had messed with the stations again.

Nena’s song Liebe Ist was one of Bill’s favorites and I never really paid attention to it or asked why. I reached out to press the button programmed with my favorite hip-hop station but the verse ‘Ich will dich liebe, denn die liebe ist geblieben’ caught me and caused me to turn the volume up slightly.

The lyrics poured from the speakers and into my heart and I knew now why Bill liked them so much. It was almost comforting how I could apply them to Jessa, but do I love her? I think only time will tell. But Bill, I could tell he was falling head over heels in love with Nita. I felt it every time he saw her and every time he spoke her name. I wonder if he felt my affection for Jessica…I’d have to ask.

Now in an amazing mood I pulled into a parking space in front of the jewelers and stepped out making sure to lock my car before entering the building. It was nicely put together and had display tables set up everywhere covered in diamonds and expensive jewels.

I approached an elderly man at the front desk and smiled when our eyes met.

“Hallo, how may I help you today?” he asked kindly.

“Well I received this gift yesterday and came in to get in engraved.” I replied and slid the box across the counter.

He opened it and took out the slip and examined it briefly before handing me a form to fill out.

“Just write down what it is you’d like it to say in the boxes provided. There’s a 25 character limit on something this size and that includes spaces.” he informed me as I took the pen he offered and started filling out the form.

M-e-i-n-e L-i-e-b-e-, J-e-s-s-a

I slid the completed document back to him and after looking over it he grinned and looked up saying, “I can have this ready for you in an hour Mr. Kaulitz.”

“Dankeschön, I’ll just look around a bit.”

He nodded and headed off into a back room as I turned to the nearest display case and looked inside. There where a lot of random things inside and after a few seconds I noticed that all of the items contained red gems. As I looked at a few other cases I realized they were color coded in a way, or more according to gems.

I saw a case containing a brilliant blue gem and walked over curiously; I’d never seen a gem so beautiful. It was so blue and so deep and I instantly saw Jessica’s eyes in them. I looked up at the label and saw that it read ‘Blue Tanzanite’. I looked at a few of the perfectly set stones through the glass and then noticed and older woman at my side, probably my mom’s age.

“Beautiful aren’t they?” she smiled.

“Ja, they remind me of my girlfriend’s eyes.” I smiled softly continuing to stare at the jewels and then realized that she in fact wasn’t my girlfriend. I had yet to ask her. I’d have to think of a romantic setting to ask her in.

“She must be lovely.”

“She is.” I was about to look up at the woman when I noticed it. The perfect gift for Jessa; a beautiful ring set in silver adorned with tiny diamonds.

“Where you looking for anything specific that I can help you with?”

“Actually,” I started, pulling my eyes from the ring, “I’d like to look at that ring there if it’s alright.” I pointed.

The woman pulled a set of keys from the pocket of her skirt and opened the case from the back side. She reached in and carefully picked up the ring and came around to the front handing it to me. It really was gorgeous.

“Do you know your girl friends ring size? I assume that is who you’re looking for?” she asked.

“Ja, I am looking for her, and nein, I don’t know the size.” my face fell slightly.

“No worries. About how tall is she?”

“I’d say around 1.75 meters.”

“Hmm, tall one is she? Thin frame?” she asked.

“Fairly. Why?” I was confused.

“Well you can sometimes determine the size of the ring by height and weight. This is a size 7 which is standard; it should fit her fine, but if it doesn’t you could always bring it in to get it sized.”

I thought about it for some time and figured that if a good enough time to give it to her didn’t come up anytime soon I’d give it to her on her birthday at the end of next month.

“I’ll take it.” I smiled and followed the woman over to a counter where I filled out some paper work and then paid for the ring. As if it was all timed the man from earlier came out with my bracelet. I thanked them for their services and left happy. By the time I got back into Hamburg it’d be close to the time I’d go pick up Jess. So that was my destination.

Jessa’s POV

As the meeting ended I stood to shake the hands of my new colleagues and thanked them for the opportunity I had been given. I was honestly excited to be working with these people; three were all so friendly. I grabbed the manuscript after putting on my jacket and headed out through the glass doors with the others.

Olivia looked at and caught my attention, “So how’d it go?”

“Great! I’m so anxious to start working on it.” I gestured toward the stack of paper in my arm.

“So I guess I’ll be seeing a lot of you then?” she sounded hopeful.

“Looks like it.” I grinned.

“Good, so maybe tomorrow would you like to go down to the café with me so we can get to know each other?”

“Sure, sounds great!”

“Perfect! I’ll see you tomorrow then.” she smiled and waved as I made my way out through the exit and to the elevators.

Down stairs Tom waited at the curb in his Escalade and as I approached the car he looked up out of the window at me and the smile on his face took my breath away and I swear I could have died. He looked absolutely beautiful. I climbed up in the passenger seat and before I could put my seat belt on he reached over and took my face in his hands and kissed me. It was only a light innocent kiss at first, but within the few seconds that passed I felt more passion than I knew a man could possess. He pulled away slightly and caressed my cheek with his thumb as he just stared into my eyes.

“Hallo, liebt. How was work?” he said softly.

“Good, but I’m happy it’s over.” I smiled. As he slightly pulled his hand away I caught a glint of silver out of the corner of my eye. Tom was wearing his bracelet I’d got him…and it was engraved.

“Tom, you went and got it engraved.” I smiled cheerfully and grabbed his hand so that I could read what he’d had-

I felt like I was going to cry; I was so happy to read the words in front of me.

“Oh, Tom.”

“It’s only the truth.” he smiled brightly and his beautiful brown eyes sparkled. He pulled me back in to kiss me and I honestly felt at that moment I loved him. After a few second we separated and I pulled on my seat belt and we started out drive home.

“Oh, Bill was saying something to me about Nita not having such a great day at work, and that she’s in a bad mood. He didn’t elaborate but I figured she’d want to talk to you more than us.” he chuckled.

“Hmm, I wonder what happened.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Not my best but I was pressed for time, sorry.
I hope you noticed the links, they go to the video, lyrics and a picture of the ring.

Thanks to our readers and to CassMcD, LiifesMusik, Moster-Kermit, xXxLost_My_MindxXx and purplejes197 for commenting our last chapter.