Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Sorrow In Her Eyes

Jessa’s POV

Nita and I exited the elevator and turned toward Tom and Bill’s apartment. They were just what we needed after finding out about Peter and Luke.

We knocked on the door and waited patiently for it to be opened.

“Hey guys.” Bill smiled at us and let us in.

“Hi Bill.” I said back.

Nita just went into his arms and rested her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and then kicked the door shut.

“Uh, where’s Tom?”

“In his room,” he pointed to his left, “down the hall, first door on the left across from the bathroom.”

“I nodded and smiled as I left him to tend to Nita.

Bill’s POV

I stood just holding Nita and was thankful she wasn’t crying. These guys really did bother her and I understood why.

“You wanna go sit in the living room?” I asked and she nodded against me.

I led her to the couch and she sat next to me but turned so that she was facing me as well.

“I’m sorry to be this way.” she sighed.

I shook my head saying, “No, don’t be. It’s perfectly rational.”

“I just…Gah! Why do they have to be everywhere?” she slightly shouted.

“I don’t know sweetie, and I’m sorry they are.” I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her forehead. “But if that Peter guy upsets you just tell him your boyfriend will kick his ass.” I smiled.

“Boyfriend?” the corners of her frown pulled up into a smile.


“Right.” she said before leaning back in and placing a small kiss on my lips.

Tom’s POV

I took my shirt off and tossed it in the laundry basket in the corner before turning to go grab a clean one. A small knock at the door caused me to stop my venture to the closet. I knew it wasn’t Bill because he would have just burst in, so I went over and opened the door.

“Oh hey Jess.” I saw her blush slightly and start to turn away.

“Sorry, I uh…”

“No, it’s ok. Come on in.” I said, catching her wrist before she could leave.

She came in and I closed the door again. She looked slightly more fatigued than she did when I left her at her apartment ten minutes ago.

I reached out and rubbed the sides of her arms, “Hun, what’s wrong?”

I single tear slid down her face and she was quick to wipe it away. My heart rate accelerated and I became very concerned to know just what Nita had told her.

“Jess, what’s going on?” I pulled her over to the bed, completely forgetting about putting on a shirt, and sat her down next to me.

I held her hands in mine as she sighed and brought her attention from the window to my eyes.

“Mine and Nita’s exes are here.” she said smally.

“What? Why?”

“I don’t know why. All I know is that Peter, Nita’s ex, is dating Kat Von D and Nita saw him and Luke, my ex, at work today. Ugh, Tom I don’t want them here.” she said frustratedly as she shook her head.

“I understand. What did they do to upset you so much?”

She went on to tell me of how low these two guys were and about the boozing and cheating. They didn’t deserve these girls.

“I’m so sorry Jess.” I whispered and pulled her into a tight embrace, her arms up around my neck while I held her close.

I loosened my grip and she leaned back far enough for me to look into her eyes. She looked like she wanted to cry again. I held the right side of her face in my hand and softly caressed her cheek. Her hand lingered on the back of my neck and the pit of my stomach tensed tremendously.

We sat there staring for what seemed like forever. Then she started to lean in…
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all of or spectacular readers and to Monster-Kermit, xXxLost_My_MindxXx, xXxAlicexXx and Loveless Soul... for commenting or last chapter.

More comments lovelies!