Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

With Utter Disgust

Nita’s POV

I was on my way to Kat’s dressing room the next morning thinking about last night.

After Jessica had excused Bill and me, we went to his room and continued where we’d left off before we were interrupted. I’d gotten his shirt back off after he removed my pants and we took it over to the bed knowing exactly where this was leading.

Not even two minutes later, while Bill’s tongue as half way down my throat, Tom burst’s in the room loudly.

“What the hell?” Bill had exclaimed.

Tom looked right at me and said, “Payback’s a bitch!”

He laughed loudly and then left. Bill, being utterly confused, asked what I meant and I had explained. Bill had laughed slightly and suggested that next time I just leave Tom and Jessica be.

The mood being totally shattered thanks to Tom, we didn’t continue and instead laid there and talked.

I still had a huge grin on my face as I entered Kat’s dressing room and it remained as I realized I was alone.

“Hmm, must be early.” I said to my self as I walked over to a couch to set my bag down.

After peeling my coat and scarf off I walked over to the mirror rimmed in lights. I toyed with my hair and redid my makeup to waste time.

After ten minutes and Kat not showing up I decided to just kick back and wait. I grabbed a magazine from the rack on the wall and went to sit in Kat’s usual seat, propping my feet up n the counter.

I was about half way through the magazine when he scared the shit out of me.

“Laying around on the job?” he’d said from right behind me. I don’t know how I hadn’t seen him approaching in the mirror. I just scoffed and threw the magazine aside.

“Well not exactly laying down, I’ve seen what t hat looks like and I must say it’s pretty hot.” he continued with what I’m assuming was supposed to be seduction, but he was failing miserably.

“What do you want, Peter?” I seethed.

“You mean besides in your pants?” he winked and I could feel myself about to gag.

“Where’s Kat?!”

“You didn’t get the message?” he asked.

“What message?” I snapped, now being quite annoyed.

“Kat is stuck in traffic and won’t be here for another ten minutes.” he smiled.

Even though I hate this guy with everything in me, I had to give it to him; he had an amazing smile.

“Great.” I sighed.

“I know right?” he took a step closer. “It’s just you and me baby.”

“Excuse me?!” I almost chocked on the air I was breathing.

“Please, Nita. Don’t even pretend like you don’t still want me.” he said cockily, still advancing on me.

“I’m not pretending, Peter. I really don’t want you anymore.” I said sarcastically but being completely serious.

“Oh, whatever. I’ve seen the way you look at me.” he said coyly.

“With utter disgust? Yea, that’d be about right.” I said and turned around to the makeup counter as if it held some intense interest for me.

I heard him take a few more steps toward me and then his voice in my ear said, “Not last summer. That night at the docks, I know you remember that. You loved me then.”

“Yea, I did. And you loved getting drunk and cheating.” I stated flatly, ignoring the rush of memories that filled my mind.

“But not half as much as I loved you.” he whispered into my ear.

Just as I turned to push him away the door flew open.

“And what is this for?” Peter asked as if I’d been answering his questions all along.

“It’s eyeliner.” I said in a you’re-so-stupid tone of voice.

“Baby, leave her alone so she can do her job!” Kat sneered from across the room.

“Just learning the trade.” he said jokingly but she wasn’t laughing.

“Baby, are you having a bad morning?” he said endearingly and walked over to hug her to him.

“You have no idea.” she said into his shirt but it came out very muffled.

God, when was Bill coming to get me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait, I had a busy weekend.

Thanks to our readers and to MyXBloodXRomance, x6GothicxGirl9x, Angel of Misfit, xXxLost_My_MindxXx and Monster-Kermit for commenting our last chapter!

More comments darlings!