Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

A Sick Misunderstanding

Nita's POV

''First, every pair of pants I own are mysteriously gone, then my car wont start, and then when it finally does I get stuck in an ass load of traffic.'' Kat said as she walked over to her chair, Peter's arm wrapped around her waist until she sat down.

''Well it's over now.'' I assured her as I picked up a brush.

''Hopefully. Now work some of that magic of yours.'' She said, a small smile gracing her lips.

''Will do.'' I assured her as I pulled the hair tie out of her hair.

As I started to brush through Kat's hair, Peter decided that the side of her he was standing on wasn't good enough and switched. Having him always hovering around her was a pain in my ass but I was slowly but surely learning to deal with it.

He decided to change sides again and this time he bumped my arm.

''Sorry.'' He apologized quickly when I gave him the death glare.

As I reached to get the straightening iron from the table in front of the styling chair, Peter decided to move again. God, in a minute I was going to burn his drunken, cheating ass.

The two chatted idly as I started to do Kat's hair and every so often, Peter would push me out of the way so that he could kiss or touch her in some way. And he was forever changing sides of her; I knew he was just trying to piss me off.

At one point, he pushed me and I almost shoved the straightening iron in Kat's ear.

''Ok Peter, if you're going to keep this up you have to leave.'' I said sharply, glaring at him.

''Nita, take it easy.'' Kat said calmly and I clenched my teeth behind closed lips.

''Yea, I'm just trying to be close to her.'' Peter added.

''Well your trying to be close to her almost cost her her ear.'' I said, gripping the iron tightly in my hand.

''Well be more careful.'' Peter said and I almost threw the device at him.

Kat didn't say anything to that; she simply went back to waiting for me to finish her hair. On one hand I couldn't believe they were teaming up on me but on the other hand he was her boyfriend and it was perfectly understandable that she was taking his side.

I let out a breath through my gritted teeth and then went back to Kat's hair. This day was taking too long already and I couldn't wait for Bill to show up and take me away from here.

Peter decided to change sides yet again but this time was different.
This time as he walked, I felt his hand slide across my ass.

I froze and looked at him with wide eyes. He was talking to Kat as if nothing had happened. Maybe it was an accident.

I continued my work with the same nonchalant disposition that he had until he changed sides again and again his hand trailed across my ass, this time adding a little squeeze.

This time I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and he was looking back at me with a little smirk as Kat typed something into her phone.

''Oh shit.'' Kat said after a minute, looking at the screen of her phone.

''What is it babe?'' Peter asked, looking away from me and back to her.

''My manager, she says I need to go see her like now.'' She said. ''Can you clip this or something?'' she gestured to her hair.

''Yea sure.'' I said, grabbing a clip. I twisted up her hair and clipped it before she hopped out of the chair and left the room.

I took the opportunity to confront Peter.

''What the hell was that?'' I demanded when I was sure Kat was down the hallway.

''You know you liked it.'' Peter said confidently.

''Not a chance! You're dating my boss!'' I replied, quite flustered about the whole ordeal.

''But that makes it so much more exciting!'' he said, putting his hands on my hips and pulling me towards him. ''I know you still feel that flame.''

''In your dreams.'' I said, trying to push him away with both my hands on his chest.

''Come on Nita, you know you want it.'' he said, leaning towards me.

I put my hands on his face, trying desperately to hold him back when suddenly-

''WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?'' Kat yelled when she reentered the room.

''Nothing!'' I said immediately, pushing away from Peter when his grip severely loosened.

''Nothing my ass! She was coming onto me!'' Peter said and my jaw dropped as I looked at him.

''What!'' Kat yelled.

''It's not true! He was coming onto me!'' I said desperately.

''Honey who do you honestly think I'm going to believe? My boyfriend of six months or some hair stylist that just got here?'' she said as if the answer was obvious.

''But I swear I wasn't-''

''Just get out! I'll find someone who wont try to get with my boyfriend every time I turn around!'' she said angrily.

''Fine.'' I said calmly, not wanting to yell at her and completely burn this bridge, although it looked like Peter had done that for me.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I headed for the back exit of the building.

I needed to call Bill.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo, Go Shelby!

Thanks to our readers and to x6GothisxGirl9x and Monster-Kermit for commenting!

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