Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Cloud Nine

Tom's POV

I had been on cloud nine all day; so far nothing had been able to put a damper on my good mood.

Last night Jessica had spent the night at my place, but not in the way that you just thought of.

She had stayed late because we were watching a movie. She had fallen asleep about halfway through but I didn't mind; I was content to watch the rest of it by myself as long as I could hold her.

When the movie finished, I tried to wake her up but she was so groggy. I didn’t think she'd make it back down to her apartment without falling asleep in the middle of the hall.

''Do you want to stay here?'' I asked, slightly hesitant.

''Mmhm.'' Jessica murmured, her eyes falling closed.

I helped her off the couch and walked her to my room. When I laid her on my bed, she started to pull at her pants and I assumed that she wanted them off.

''Want some help?'' I asked and she nodded as her hands dropped to her sides, her eyes closed all the while.

I took her pants off and folded them before I put them on the chair by my window. I nudged her a bit and she slid up to the top of the bed while I pulled the covers over her.

I grabbed my pillow and headed for the door.

''Where you goin'?'' Jessica mumbled, trying to sit up.

''I'll sleep on the couch, it's ok.'' I told her. I didn't want to rush her into spending the night in bed beside me if it wasn't her idea.

''But I want you here.'' She said, sounding rather like a sleepy kid and I laughed a bit.

''Ok.'' I said, closing the door.

I got changed before I got in bed beside Jessica and she cuddled against me.

''Thanksbabe.'' She mumbled and I smiled.

''Gute Nacht liebe.'' I said, softly kissing the top of her head.

When I woke up this morning with her in my arms it was the best feeling in the world and I was yet to come down from that high.

I turned the volume up on the radio and tapped on the steering wheel along with the music.

Jessica was at work today but she'd called and told me that one of her new work friends had offered to drive her home. Since I was already out, I decided that I might as well keep going. I liked to drive.
And besides, I could kill the time between Jessica leaving work and getting home and then get there just as she did.

I rounded a corner, deciding that I'd killed enough time and should head home when-

''SHIT!'' I yelled as I slammed on the brakes.

The guy in front of my car looked terrified and his eyes seemed ready to pop out of his head.

He had come out of nowhere and walked out in front of me. He had his headphones in, which would explain why he hadn't heard me coming. I mean; I wasn't exactly in the stealth-mobile.

Normally in this situation, my temper would have gotten the better of me and I would have snapped on this guy for being such an idiot, but today I was in just too good of a mood.

I put my Escalade in park and got out, leaving the hazards on.

''Hey man are you ok?'' I asked.

''Yea I think so.'' He replied, checking himself over.

''You should look before you step out onto the road like that.'' I told him.

''I didn't even hear you coming.''

''Maybe you should turn your music down.'' I said lightly.

''That's what my mom says too.'' He joked and we both laughed.

''Where were you headed anyway?'' I asked casually.

''Home for dinner.'' I raised one eyebrow. ''Alone.'' He added.

''That bites.'' I said. ''Hey, my girlfriend and I are ordering takeout tonight, why don’t you come over? It's the least I can do after almost running you over.''

I know I just met this guy, but he seemed alright and I did almost kill him.

''I don’t want to intrude.''

''Don't worry about it, she wont mind.'' I assured him. Jessica was cool like that; she wasn’t the type to freak out because suddenly we had one more person at dinner.

''I guess I could then.'' He said.

''Alright! She should be home by now, I'll give you a ride over.'' I said, twirling my keys on my finger.

''Sure.'' He said.

''I'm Tom by the way.'' I said, holding my hand out and he shook it.

♠ ♠ ♠

Thanks to our readers and to loverde2, x6GothicxGirl9x, xlovexlostx, xXxLost_My_MindxXx, CassMcD, Monster-Kermit, Nita.Vee and TomiBear for commenting our last chapter.

More comments lovelies <3