Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Bend Like That

''I'm so sorry Jess.'' Tom said again but I was quite distracted from the whole ordeal by this new fire burning inside of me.

I'd never felt as loved as I had when Tom clocked Luke. No one had ever gone so far to simply defend my feelings. In short, no one had ever captured my heart the way Tom just had.

''Stop apologizing.'' I said softly but that only seemed to make him want to apologize more.

''But I brought him here, it's my fa-'' I cut him off when I smashed my lips against his.

He stopped trying to apologize and kissed me back, his hands dropping to my waist. I pulled myself tightly against him as I ran my tongue over his bottom lip, asking for entrance, which he eagerly granted.

I kissed him furiously. I'd never felt this way before; never felt this desire for anyone.

I dropped my hands to the bottom of his shirt and began to pull upward, desire pulsing through my veins. He was a little unsure at first but that quickly faded as he helped me to take it off.

As we started to back towards his bedroom, I pulled my shirt off. He stopped suddenly and looked at me.

''Whoa.'' He said with a smile. ''Get me every time.'' I couldn't help but blush.

Here was this beautiful, utterly flawless being and he thought I was beautiful. Now that got me every time.

Tom reattached his lips to mine and I hopped up around his waist, letting him carry me to his room.

When his knees hit the bed, he leaned over and set me down. I sat up and undid his belt, causing his pants to fall instantly around his ankles. I kissed the skin between his bellybutton and the top of his boxers before he pushed me back and went to work on my pants.

There was a look in his eyes that I'd never seen there before. I'd seen lust and I'd seen love, but this look was different; it was a mix of the two. Tom's look seemed to be reflecting exactly how I felt.

When my pants were in a messy pile on the floor, Tom replaced his lips on mine and the two of us moved up to the top of the bed, all while trying to remain connected at the lips.

His hands caressed my every curve as mine groped desperately at his newly exposed skin. The fire in the pit of my stomach had flooded throughout my body and burned hot wherever Tom and I touched.

He veered from my lips and kissed the underside of my jaw and down my neck as one of his hands ran to my upper-inner thigh and traced idly. The contact between his fingers and that sensitive area raised goose bumps on my skin.

Tom's kisses were getting lower and he was soon following the outline of my bra over my breasts. He seemed to be getting frustrated with the garment though because he soon reached behind me to undo it. He hooked his fingers into the straps and looked at me as if to ask permission. I kissed him deeply and he took it as an 'ok'.

He sat back to that he was straddling my thighs and looked over my mostly exposed body.

''Whoa.'' Tom said again and I smiled sheepishly.

''I take it you really like me then?'' I asked playfully.

''I'm kind of crazy for you.'' He replied with a smirk.

He traced a line from my collarbone down to my bellybutton and circled it once, a thoughtful look on his face.

''I think…I think I love you Jessica.'' He said, his eyes meeting mine. My breath caught in my throat and the fire burned hotter.

Tom Kaulitz loved me.

''I think I love you too Tom.'' I replied and there was a new light in his eyes.

And I loved him too.

Tom leaned down and kissed me furiously and a new passion flowed through his kiss.
We'd been in emotional purgatory for so long, both of us unsure of just how strong we felt for one another, waiting for the other person to say something first. But now the air was clear, the confession was out there. We were in love.

Soon both of our remaining undergarments were on the floor and Tom just finished rolling on a condom. He positioned himself between my legs and looked down at me with loving eyes.

''Are you sure?'' he asked softly.

''I've never been so sure of anything.'' I told him and he reconnected our lips as he eased slowly into me. I bit down on his lip when he did so as I dealt with the discomfort. It'd been a while since I'd done this.

When I stopped biting and started kissing again, Tom took that as his cue and began to pump in and out at a steady pace.
I was soon bucking my hips to meet his thrusts as our tongues danced.
When he hit that spot designed to make you scream, I moaned loudly in his mouth. That seemed to encourage him as he started to thrust faster, hitting my spot repeatedly.

As I moaned, Tom kissed my neck. I could feel something building inside of me and I knew that when it peaked, it would be amazing.
Tom was starting to get sloppy and I knew he was getting close too.

All of a sudden, everything released and I raked my nails down his back as I screamed.

''OH god yes!'' our hips continued to collide and Tom moaned loudly as he rode out our orgasms.

When we were both spent, Tom collapsed on top of me in a sweaty, out of breath pile of people. My heart was racing so fast, I thought for sure it was going to burst through my chest.
He moved beside me and I cuddled against him, my head on his chest.

''Wow Jess.'' Tom said as he kissed the top of my head.

''Wow yourself.'' I replied with a smile. ''What time is it?'' I looked to his nightstand but the clock was flashing midnight. The power must have gone out for a minute while we were…

''My watch is- shit.'' I heard Tom feeling around on his nightstand and then something hit the floor.

''I got it.'' I reached towards the floor, only I'd managed to turn myself around so that I was bending backwards as I felt for his watch.

When I found it, I resumed my place on Tom's chest and passed it to him.

''It's almost eight.'' He told me. ''I didn't know you could bend like that.'' I could hear the smirk in his voice.

''Me either.'' I replied with a bit of a laugh. It was silent for a minute as Tom ran one hand through my hair.

''I love you Jess.'' He said and I could feel his eyes on me. I looked up at him.

''I love you too Tom.''
♠ ♠ ♠
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