Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Chocolate Pieces of Jello Molds

Bill’s P.O.V

I stayed up most of the night thinking of something nice to do for the girls that just moved in. I wasn’t quite sure of anything yet, but I was determined, and wouldn’t sleep until I had figured it out.

Hmm, what is something that all girls love? Jewelry…well that might be a bit to weird. Hi I’m Bill and this is my brother Tom, we wanted to welcome you here with these enormous rocks. Yea that would be a bit much and would more than likely scare them off. Hmm what else…Chocolate! But that doesn’t say much, just going out and buying chocolate. Hmm…well, no…I could, no not that either…I got it! I’ll bake them a cake! Everyone loves chocolate cake, its perfect!

I finally decided it was alright to go to sleep, but wanted to get up early to start baking. I got up pulling of my jeans and throwing them in a near by chair followed by my shirt. I crawled under the covers and let them swallow me alive as I drifted off to sleep.

Later that morning

My eyes shot open at the first sign of sun peeking it my window and warming my face. I jumped up grabbing a shirt and pulling it on as I walked into the kitchen. I went straight for the cabinet above the microwave and luckily we had a box of chocolate cake mix and two jars of frosting. Mmm I could eat some of the left over frosting for breakfast.

I searched through all the lower cabinets for something to cook it in. I pulled out a frying pan and thought to myself…no it wouldn’t work. I went through the cabinets pulling out every pan we owned. Finally finding one and setting it aside.

I went to the fridge and grabbed a few eggs a little too carelessly. Two fell at my feet, but I would have to clean that later, I had a cake to bake. I grabbed a measuring cup and hoped I was using it right. It couldn’t be that hard right?

I added all of the necessary ingredient and poured the better into a pan I assumed was for cake, if not it would do. I set the timer for 30 minutes and decided that I’d better get this place cleaned up before Tom came in a freaked on me. After I was done I sat back on the counter fingering at the frosting and enjoying every bit of its chocolateiness.

Tom’s P.O.V

It wasn’t even 8 o’clock yet and I heard Bill open his door and walk into the kitchen. I figured he had figured out what he was going to do for the girls we saw last night. I turned to my other side and attempted to go back to sleep. I say attempted because Bill is brother, there was no way he could do anything quietly.

I heard him already, going through the cabinets and pulling out dishes making probably as much noise as he could. What was he doing anyway? I didn’t even want to know.

I pulled my pillow over my head but it barely helped. I heard him with what sounded like an electric mixer. I looked up confusingly at the door as if it had made the noise.

About ten minutes later I could smell chocolate and not only did it perk my interest, but it made me hungry.

I got up and pulled the same Kani shirt from last night over my head before leaving my room. I’d shower later. I walked down the hall to the kitchen I realized that what I smelt was cake. Bill was baking? Oh Mein…this would be good… I hoped!

I walked in the kitchen to see Bill sitting on the counter eating frosting with his fingers! That actually looked pretty good.

“So when will that be done?” I asked motioning toward to oven.

“15 more minutes!” Bill said proudly.

“It smells good.” I said dipping my own finger into the jar and pulling it out covered in chocolate. Ugh, I’m not going to say what that looked like.

“Danke! Here, help me look for that colored icing mutter left.” Bill said hoping off the counter. We went through the cabinets and finally found two tubes of decorative icing. One tube of Red and one of Blue.

“I say we use the blue!” I suggested.

“Nein! We’re using Red!”

“Why do we have to use the red one?! Not everyone likes red!” I rebutted.

“And not everyone likes blue. Deal with it. Plus, I made the cake I get to pick!” Bill said triumphantly.

“Fine I’ll just eat this myself!” I began to unscrew the cap and put the tube up to my mouth, and then Bill stopped me.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you!”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because we’re going to give this to them later and you don’t want to look like you’ve been having fun with Papa Smurf!” Bill began to laugh.

“Good idea! I’ll just save it for another time.” I stated as I put the icing back into the cabinet. “I’m going to go shower before we do leave.”

“Ok make it fast, I need one too!” I heard him say as I wondered down the hall back to my room.

I pulled my shirt back off and threw it in the laundry basket in the corner. I grabbed a pair of boxers from my dresser and made my way to the bathroom to shower.

Bill’s P.O.V

The timer on the stove went off and I grabbed an oven mitt to pull out the cake. It smelt really good and I was quite proud of myself. I set it on the counter to let it cool some while I went to find a plate to put it on. I grabbed one of my favorite black and red checkered plates. Tom thought they were weird but that’s why I loved them.

I went to grab the cake and it was still really hot. Hmm…how can I get it to cool off faster…?! Oh…I’ll put it in the freezer! I wonder if it will melt everything else in there…? Whatever that wasn’t any of my concern at the moment. I sat at the table flipping through a magazine for about ten minutes, that should have been enough time…right?

I went back to the freezer and pulled out the cake. Danke Gott it was cool by now. I was so anxious to get it frosted and out the door. I took it over to the plate I had set out on the counter and flipped over the pan. But the cake didn’t come out. I stood there vigorously shaking the pan hoping the cake would make its way out but it wouldn’t.

“What are you doing?” Tom said coming around the corner into the kitchen.

“I can’t get the damn cake out!” I said continuing with my shaking.

“Well did you grease the pan?” I stopped and looked up at him.

“Nein…I never thought to.” Wow now I felt stupid. Tom knew something about cooking that I didn’t. Well he was better at it than me anyway but I hated admitting it.

“Here let me see it. I saw mutter do this once.” Tom picked up a butter knife and slid it along the edge of the cake pulling it away from the pan.

“I never even thought to do that!” I slapped myself in the head. Tom handed the cake back to me and I once again flipped it over onto the plate. I pulled the pan up and…

“Scheiße!! What the fuck happened to it?!” Only half of the cake came out onto the plate. The other half was still stuck to the bottom of the pan.

“How am I supposed to know? You made it!” Tom just stared at the half of a cake in front of us.

“Let’s just peel the other half out and kinda…glue it together with frosting.” Tom suggested and it sounded like a good idea.

We began to pull the cake out piece by piece sticking it down with a big glob of frosting. Once all the pieces were put together I went to grab the other jar of frosting to cover as many mistakes as I could.



“Why in the hell did you bake a cake in a jello mold?!” Tom looked at me confused and laughing.

“What? A jello mold…Oooh that’s why there are those designs on it.” Damn I was really bad at this.

“Yea…wow! I say next time we just buy a cake!” Tom laughed as he set the jello mold in the sink.

“Deal! Now can you hand me that icing bitte?”

“Ja…here.” Tom handed me the icing and I began to write ‘Welcome’ across the middle. I heard Tom fidgeting with something behind me and I turned to find out what. That’s when I dropped the icing right in the middle of my word!

“Verdammen Sie es!” I yelled looking down at a word that now looked like ‘Weiccno’ which was supposed to say ‘Welcome’!

“What now?!” Tom asked coming over to me.

“I dropped the damn tube on the cake!” I said staring angrily at the icing. Well I wasn’t blaming myself.

“Here, let me see it!” Tom took the icing and with one finger tried to wipe away some of the messed up letters and replaced them with newer ones.

“There all better!” Tom said setting it down and wiping away the stickiness on his hands.

“Danke! I’m gonna go take a shower then we can take it down to them!” I half heartedly said as I walked off. Man, try and do something nice for someone and it goes up in smoke. Well not really, that would have been worse!

Tom’s P.O.V

I sat at the table flipping aimlessly through Bill’s magazine, not finding anything that interested me. Not even the girls, the all looked way too fake for my taste, almost like dolls.

Bill came around the corner, finally fished with his shower…and his hair…and his make-up. Gott he took forever. At least he was wearing his hair down; otherwise it would have taken even longer.

I was so anxious to go meet these girls I had been, well…’spying’ on last night. But whatever, Bill was too. I through down the magazine and jumped up going over to grab my hoodie.

Bill joined me in the living room with the cake in hand, grinning from ear to ear.

“You ready?” He asked me.

“Sure…” Hell yes I was.

“Good! Could you get the door for me?” I opened the door and closed it after the both of us left. We walked down to the elevator and I pushed for the doors to open. As we got inside I reached across Bill, seeing as his hands were full, and pushed for the 8th floor…we were on the 10th.

I wonder what they look like…hmm…are there only two, or more. Are th--


The doors slide open and Bill and I walk toward their door. I could see Bill trying to calm himself as he positioned the cake so that the words were facing the door. I just stood next to him and he looked at me, gesturing toward to the door. I reached my hand out and knocked twice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's chapter 3 finally lol
So what did you think?
How hard did you laugh at Bill?
Let us know what you thought!

Ja - Yes
Nein -No
Bitte - Please
Danke - Thank you
Mutter - Mother
Gott - God
Scheiße - Shit
Verdammen Sie es - Damn it

Thanks to all of my readers and thanks to XBurningxFlamesX and Mellogasm for the comments on the last chapter!