Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Chocolate Cake and German Boys

Nita’s P.O.V

I didn't know what time it was, but I knew the sun was up and spilling in throughout the room. I was still very tried from all the plane rides and drive we had the night before, but when my mind reminded me I was now in the beautiful city of Hamburg, Germany my body shot out of bed before you could even say Guten Morgen. I got dressed for the day and decided to explore a bit.

I needed some coffee to start out the morning but we hadn’t gone shopping yet. So I had another thing to add to my list of explorations for the morning. I grabbed some cash and walked out of our flat and down to the main floor. The crisp clean German air filled my lungs and I let a smile spread across my face as I wondered down the street in search of a coffee shop.

Jessica’s P.O.V

"Wakey wakey Jessa!" I crack my eyes open to see Nita leaning over the side of my bed.

"Hmm, what do you want?" I pull the blanket over my head to hide from that evil thing people liked to call the sun. It wasn’t there for long because Nita only pulled it back down.

"Get up you tool!" She sang rather loudly. She was always such the chipper morning person. I was going to have to get used to this, but later.

"Nein!" I said facedown in my pillow.

"Oh come on Jessica we're in Germany, we have to go out!" Nita said in the poutiest puppy dog voice possible.

I looked over at the clock that was now lying on the hard wood floor below me. It was on the nightstand before the snooze button decided it didn‘t want to work properly, so I pushed it off. I had to focus for a minute seeing as I didn’t have my contacts in. 10:34

"Its only 10: 34 Nita go back to bed…please?" I wasn’t about to be drug out of bed with such a little amount of sleep.

"No, that’s time wasted!! We have to get up and go out looking around…It’s amazing here! There's even a coffee shop down the road." Nita began talking in her excited tone and I knew there would be no more sleep for me.

"And how would you know? You just got up?" My head was stuffed under my pillow and I was hoping to get Nita off the topic of getting up and going out. But I doubted very seriously that was going to happen.

"I went and got us coffee." I raise my eye brow under the pillow and laugh.

" Oh! And there’s this really nice black Escalade in the parking lot. I was going to go and steal it but I don't think it would work out that great." Nita laughed at he own joke knowing fully well she would probably be chased by the cops. I could already see it…me going down to the police station to get her and the both of us laughing our heads off. As she continued laughing I couldn’t help but use my feet to push her off my bed and onto the floor.

"AH!" Nita yelled loudly. I looked down to see her sitting in my bedroom floor covered in coffee.

"Oh mein Gott Nita I'm so sorry!" I try to hold back my giggles but it was hard. "Does it burn?" I asked putting my hand out to touch the now coffee covered jeans that clung to Nita‘s legs.

"What do you think!?" Thank god she was laughing.

"Umm...yes?" I laugh out. It was a good thing Nita and I never fought, that’s how I knew this move was going to work out.


My head shot toward my opened bedroom door, someone was out front and kept knocking.

"Are you going to go answer it?" She asked, I look down at her still lying on the floor, her arms under her head and her coffee covered knees pointed in the air.

"Umm no… you, I look like shit!" I laughed at her; I didn’t want to answer in just my pajamas.

"Hmm, true..." She stood up to go answer the door and I give her a soft punch in the arm.

"Ouch! Why'd you do that?"

"Oh come on that didn't hurt." I laughed at her as she rubbed her arm leaving my room.


Tom’s P.O.V

"Maybe their not home?" Bill said as he shrugged.

"Shut up Bill! Who in their right mind wakes up at this time and goes out?" I was getting agitated. Four knocks and there was no answer.

"Well Gustav-" he began but I cut him off

"I don't care about Gustav and his getting up early at the moment! Knock again." I didn’t feel like knocking myself anymore.

Bill balanced the cake on one hand and raised the other to knock on the door, only the door opened up and before he knew it his hand hit one of the girls in the cheek.

"Ouch! Oh mein why is everyone beating me up today?!" She laughed, her hand rubbing her cheek and a smile on her face. She still had her other hand on the door knob and I hoped she wasn’t getting ready to slam it in our faces because of Bill.

"Oh mein Gott, I'm so sorry. I was going to knock again and the-" Bill was once again cut off, but by the girl inside the door this time.

"It's okay; it wasn't like it hurt or anything." She put her finger up," Could you wait a moment?"

We both nodded as she turned around and began yelling for the other girl.

"Jessica! Come here with have guests." She had a sly smirk on her face while the other girl walked towards the door.

"It’s not the cops already is it?" I heard the other girl I supposed was Jessica say. It kind of made me want to laugh but I didn’t.

"Told you so...." Jessica was now standing next to her friend staring wide eyed as Bill and I just stood there.

"You can give me my money later." The first girl said to her, she smiled and faced back to me and my brother.

Jessica’s P.O.V

"Told you so." Nita said to me as I stood staring at the two most beautiful things in my life.

I was completely shocked, how did she know that out of all of Hamburg celebrities would be living here?

"You can give me my money later." I heard her say before she turned back to the boys. I nodded and smiled at the two boys that were standing in the door way.

"Come in." I gestured and they both smiled at me as Nita and I walked toward the living room area to sit down.

"My name is Nita and this is my best friend Jessica." I just smiled, wow Nita be blunt about it. I rolled my eyes and smiled at the black haired boy we knew as Bill, who was now sitting across from me holding what looked like a cake in his hands.

"I'm Tom and this is my twin brother Bill." The dread head, Tom smiled at Nita and sat in an arm chair.

"This is for you." Bill smiled and sat the cake down on the coffee table.

"Yay cake!" Nita shouted sitting next to me on the sofa. "What’s it say?" She squinted and poked at the red icing on top.

"Welcome..." Bill laughed, "I kinda messed it up so Tom fixed it." I looked over at Tom and he smiled.

"Well thank you very much." I smiled and dipped my finger into the icing before popping it into my mouth and licking it off. Chocolate was my favorite.

"So Tom, are you the one who owns that amazing Escalade in the parking lot?" Nita asked, her head facing Tom.

"Well of course." He smirked giving her a small wink before moving his eyes towards his brother. "Maybe we should get going."

"Oh no don't go yet, have some cake." I laugh before making my way towards the kitchen with Nita following behind me.

"Holy shit he’s so freakin’ hot!" She said and I laugh at her while cutting off slices of the cake. "What the hell is wrong with this cake? Its all...falling apart." She asked.

"Oh be quite at least they were nice enough to try and make us a cake." I push her aside and walk back to the living room three plates in hand and Nita holding her own.

"So what brings you two to Hamburg?" Bill asks slipping a piece of his cake into his mouth.

Nita’s P.O.V

"Well I'm a hairstylist and Jessica here is an artist, and she's very good if I must add." I smiled at Jessa and went back to playing with the cake that was on my plate. Tom smiled over at Jess and we both knew it was because Tom himself was into art. Bill didn’t seem to pay much attention to it.

"Oh wow you’re a hairstylist?" I looked up to see Bill looking at me with amazement.

"Sure is doll." I smiled at him.

"Maybe you could do my hair sometime?" He asked excitedly.

"Of course." I grinned and laid my plate down on the coffee table. "I should really go change these pants, they still have coffee all over them and I feel like a dirt bag." Nita laughed as she mock glared at me.

"Well we were leaving anyway." Tom smiled setting his plate on the coffee table as well. "And thank you for the cake." He smiled over at Jess.

“Oh…thank you!” Jess said smiling back.

"Tom ask them." Bill smiled, pushing a piece of black hair behind his ear.

"Ask us what?" Jessica asked standing up next to me with Bill following her movement. Tom turned to us with a sly smile.

"Well we were wondering if you maybe wanted to go out with us tonight." Tom smirked and I could feel my knees weakening on the spot.

Jessica’s P.O.V

I smile to myself.

"Of course, we would love to." Wow as simple as that?

"Wow, um okay we just live two floors above you so we'll come get you at like.....eight." Tom smiled and Bill nodded.

"Okay." I smiled back ushering them to the door.

"See you guys at eight!" Nita yelled from the living room.

"It was nice meeting you Jessica." Bill smiled holding out his hand for me to shake.

"It was a pleasure." I smiled the both of them as they exited our flat and made their way back to the elevator.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok guys here you go!
Nita gets the credit for this chapter!!
She rocks!!

Thanks to all my readers and Mellogasm, XBurningxFlamesX, Saint-Vire anf StArZz for the comments on my last chapter!