Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Dirty Boys and Gay Ass Questions

Jessica’s P.O.V

Nita and I were so excited about being asked to hangout by the Kaulitz twins! We had spent all day trying to think of what to wear and finally found our perfect clubing outfits. It was five ‘til eight and we were sitting in the living room waiting for the guys.

“How do I look?” Nita asked as she examined herself.

“Freakin great! You’re gonna blow him away!” I smiled.

“Well I’m not the only one, some crazy ass fan girls are gonna be pissed seeing you out on the dance floor with him!” Nita chuckled.



We both jumped from our seats and ran to the door. I got to answer this time. I opened the door to a very excited Bill.

“Hi, are you girls ready?” He asked me with a huge smile.

“Nita is just grabbing her jacket.” I responded. Bill just continued smiling, I looked over his shoulder to his brother Tom. He was also smiling but a little more subtly than Bill. Nita came to my side finally ready.

“Great, lets go!” Bill said grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hall to the elevator. I heard Nita close the door and her and Tom followed behind us.

“You look nice Nita.” I heard Tom say to her.

“So do you Jessica.” I heard from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to respond.

“Thanks, you too!” I smiled.

“And of course you do too Bill!” He smiled at me as we stepped into the elevator and made our way to the main floor.

“Danke!” He smiled shyly then turned to Nita.

“Wow your hair looks amazing!”

“Awe, danke doll!” She smiled at him.

We were led out of the building by the boys and to the Black Escalade in the parking lot.

“Shotgun!” Nita shouted. Tom glanced toward Bill and seemed to be asking if it was ok with him.

“Ok, I’ll sit in the back with Jess.” He smiled. He seemed to always be happy.

I ended up getting the seat behind Tom and he opened the door for me. I smiled thanking him and he smiled back. The ride to the club was anything but quiet. Nita was asking Tom every question possible about his car, and Bill was asking me about my work.

I explained who I worked for and what I did. I occasionally glanced at the rearview mirror noticing Tom who seemed to be listening to every word I said. I turned my attention back to Bill and went on about my artistic abilities.

“She’s rather good!” Nita piped up. “She’s done drawings of the both of you!” She told them. My eyes went right wide showing a bit of shock and embarrassment.

“Really?!” Bill was ecstatic. I shyly smiled and noticed Tom staring at me again.

“Yea…” I didn’t like to brag about that stuff but Nita loved to for me.

Tom’s P.O.V

Nita sat in the passenger seat across from me absolutely awing over my car. It was rather cute, she was really cool. Jessica sat behind me and I could see her in my mirror. She was talking with Bill about her career, she was an artist. That was really cool, I love art, maybe she’d show me a thing or two.

Nita turned to Bill for a moment. “She’s rather good! She’s done drawings of the both of you!”

I glanced again in my mirror seeing a look on her face as if her biggest secret had just been shared with the world. She looked up at me and shyly smiled.

There was something about her, I don’t know…but I was going to find out. We finally got to the club and I let the valet park my car. I opened Jess’ door and the four of us were let in right away. We were the Kaulitz twins! We led, well more like Bill drug Jess and Nita and I followed them to a booth in the back.

“You guys want drinks?” I asked.

“You know what I like!” Bill said.

“Umm…surprise me!” Jess smiled and I returned one to match.

“I’ll go with you!” Nita said, she had an odd look on her face but I agreed and she followed me to the bar.

Nita’s P.O.V

I decided to go with Tom to get drinks, I had some prying to do. We left Bill and Jess at the booth sitting across from each other and talking intently.

“So, you like her?” I asked him and he just kind of stopped and glanced at me.

“What…what makes you say that?” He asked as he ordered the drinks.

“Hmm, besides the constant staring at her through your mirror or the opening her door for her…you just grabbed her drink along with yours!” He looked down at his feet for a second then back up at me.

“Is it that obvious?”

“Yea! But its ok, you are her favorite!” Jess would kick my ass for telling him that, but I’m sure she wouldn’t care once she had him to herself. His eyes went right wide as we made our way across the dance floor and he began to smile like a fool.


“Yea, here I’ll help you out a bit!” I suggested.

“How?” He questioned.

“Just watch!” I smirked. As we got to the booth I squeezed in next to Bill giving Tom no other option but to sit next to Jess! Yes, you can say it…I’m an evil genius! My plan would work, they always did! Hell, why do you think we live in the apartment complex we do?! You got it…Evil Genius!!

Bill’s P.O.V

Nita and Tom finally got back with our drinks and Nita plopped down next to me handing me mine. Tom slowly sat down handing Jess hers. He had that look, he liked her. That was cool ‘cause I only saw her as an amazingly awesome friend.

“So where are you girls from?” I asked.

“I’m from Newfoundland, Canada.” Nita spoke up first.

“And I’m from Oklahoma…the state above Texas.” Jessica explained.

“Wow, isn’t that a bit far from each other?” I asked.

“Yea! I had to drive two days to get to Toronto to meet up with her!” Jess laughed at her statement.

“What do you drive?” Tom asked her.

“A 2008 Ford Expedition!” She said proudly.

I turned to Nita and began asking about her career. She was hired to work for Kat Von D. I’d met her, she was a nice lady! Nita had promised to do my hair sometime, and I was looking forward to it.

Many more rounds of drinks had come but Jess and I seemed to be the ones not really drinking all that much. I could tell Tom would be wasted soon if he didn’t cut back! He leaned over and whispered something to Jess, she nodded and then they left for the dance floor. Nita and I sat talking some more.

Jessica’s P.O.V

After two drinks I called it quits, I didn’t want to be plastered on our first outing with the boys. I sat talking with mostly Tom, I knew Nita set it up so he had to sit next to me! What can I say, by best friend was an evil genius!

I think Nita was working on her fourth drink, and Tom on his fifth. Bill had stopped after two like I did. Tom leaned toward me and spoke softly into my ear.

“You wanna dance?” He pulled away and stared into my eyes. God, let me tell you, those were the most amazing eyes I’d ever seen. Even being a bit glazed over from the alcohol, they weren’t anything short of amazing!

“Yea, sure!” He took my hand and led me out to the dance floor. Nita was right, there were a lot of girls out there glaring me down.

“Don’t even pay them any attention! They’re just jealous!” He said as we began dancing to the upbeat rap song. He had then turned me around and began dancing behind me, his hands resting on my hips. Yea, you know how…I don’t even have to explain!

Bill’s P.O.V

As Tom and Jess left to dance I turned to Nita and began to talk to her. There was something different about her that I liked, I planned to figure out what that was. We could hardly hear each other over the music so I scooted closer to her. Then she asked that question.

“Bill? Are you gay?” She slurred out. I was use to being asked that and couldn’t really be angry, she was pretty drunk.

“Nein! I’m not gay.” But that didn’t seem to please her.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes! Very!” I laughed.

“But how can you be sure? Do you have any proof?” She continued, but that didn’t even make any sense. So I did the only logical thing I could think of. I leaned in close and pressed my lips to hers, lingering a bit longer than I probably should have, but hell, I doubt she would care.

“That proof enough for you?” She smiled and leaned in to kiss me again.

Tom’s P.O.V

I was having a blast with Jess, but being as drunk as I was I couldn’t help but try and make a move! But not with everyone staring us down, I had a plan!

“Hey, could you help me to the bathroom!? I’m feeling a bit dizzy, and I wanna actually make it there!” I lightly laughed as she agreed to help me. I kept my hands on her hips as she led me to the bathrooms.

“Here we are.” She said at stopped at the door. I tried to lead her in but she just looked at me strangely.

“I might need help!” I said biting my lip and smiling down at her.

“You’re a big boy, I’m sure you’ll manage!” she laughed.

I leaned down to her ear, “Not with that…” I went back to her face and leaned in the kiss her. She began to kiss back but then pulled away laughing a bit.

“Was?!” I asked.

“Not now, not here!” she said.

“Why, what’s wrong?!” I smiled leaning back in but once again she pulled away.

“Tom, I like you and all, but I want you to remember me in the morning.” She smiled and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Like I could ever forget you!” I said as I turned to walk into the bathroom, but was stopped when she grabbed my hand turning me back around. She grabbed the back of my neck pulling me down to her and kissed me! She let go and smiled up at me.

“Go pee before you make a mess of yourself!” She laughed pushing me in the bathroom.

“Too late!” I yelled.

“Oh mein! Gross!” She laughed. She was funny, and I guess I could wait.

Jessica’s P.O.V

I waited for Tom to get out of the bathroom thinking of how much I really did want to follow him in there. But no, not now, he was drunk. He came out smiling.

“Better?!” I asked laughing a bit. He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

“Yea!” He said as he took my hand and led me back to our table. As we approached I could see Nita and Bill with their mouths glued together. I cleared my throat causing Bill to jump back in his seat.

“Hey Jessa! Did you guys make love in this club?!” Nita asked rather loudly.

“Oh yea! Lots of love Nita!” I joked. She just laughed. You could tell that the alcohol was really starting to set in on both her and Tom.

“We should probably get them home!” I suggested to Bill.

“Or we could ditch them and steal the car!” Bill joked!

“I think Nita would kick my ass if I left her here with Tom.” I laughed.

“Yea, and Tom would kick mine if I stole his car!” Bill joined in on my humor.

We decided it was time to leave and had to help each other carry out our drunken friends. I set Nita in the back seat with Tom and Bill fished out his keys them to me.

“What, you want me to drive?” I questioned.

“Yea, I’m not to good, especially with this beast of a car!” He laughed and got in the passenger seat. I got in and had to adjust the seat like crazy. Tom was a good four inches taller than me and there was no way I could reach anything if I had left it alone.

Bill’s P.O.V

Jess got us home in one piece Danke Gott! She parked in Tom’s reserved space and then we helped him and Nita into the building and up to our floors. I would have walked the girls to their door but Tom was getting heavy.

“Gute Nacht ladies!” I called as they left. I got an odd slur from Nita and then a good night from Jess. They were really nice and I couldn’t wait ‘til we could hang out again.

I got Tom upstairs and inside, making him take aspirin before he slept. I didn’t want to deal with his cranky ass in the morning. I took him to his room and watched him flop down on his bed fully clothed and laughed.

“Tom, take off the clothes! You’re going to be pissed when your cap is fucked up in the morning!” he reluctantly stood and stripped down to his boxers.

“Gute Nacht.” I said and he waved me off. I laughed and closed his door heading for my own room for the night.

Nita’s P.O.V

Jess drug me inside to our kitchen and sat me down at the table. She knew me well, considering anyone else would have given me aspirin, she made me coffee knowing it would work so much better.

After drinking it down she helped me to my room and helped me change so I could go to sleep. She left me there in the dark just how I liked it. I glanced over to the boxes still in the corner. So much for unpacking!

~Next Morning~

Tom’s P.O.V

I woke up with a pounding headache, so much for aspirin. I hardly remember a thing from last night. Damn, I hope I didn’t make an ass out of myself. I rolled out of bed and sat up looking at the clock…11:30. I noticed my keys sitting on my bedside table…Wait, I don’t remember driving home!

I jumped up and ran to Bill’s room, he wasn’t there. I went to the kitchen and found him eating a bowl of cornflakes. He looked up at me with a questioning look.

“How did we get home?! Did I drive?! Is my car ok?!” it all came out in one breath.

“Jessica drove us home.” He said like it was nothing.

“WAS?!” I yelled. Not even giving him a chance to respond I ran for the front door. I went down to their floor and knocked frantically at the door.

Jessica’s P.O.V

I was drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen and watching the news when I heard a loud pounding at the front door. I set down my mug and walked into the living room. I opened up the door to a panicked looking Tom wearing only a pair of black boxers! Damn he looked good.

“You drove my car?!” He said.

“Good morning to you too.” I joked.

“Nein! You drove my car?!” He repeated.

“Yes…why is that a problem?!”

“It’s my car! You didn’t ask!” he acted like I stole it and went joy riding.

“I didn’t ask because you were passed out! So was Nita, and do you really want Bill driving your car?” This seemed to soften his expression.

“Nein, I guess not.” he smiled.

“You do realize you’re in just your boxers right?!” I laughed. He looked down at his half naked body and then back at me with wide eyes, looking down both ends of the hall.

“Come on in.” I offered. He smiled gratefully and came inside. I shut the door and led him into the kitchen.

“One second, I’ll be right back!” He nodded as he sat at the stool next to mine. I walked to my room grabbing one of my oversized night shirts, good thing it was plan black. I walked back in and handed it to him.

“Was?! You don’t like me like this?” He joked.

“Not me…Nita. She’ll go crazy if she has to see you like this. She wants Bill!” As he put the night shirt on I couldn’t help myself.

“I knew I’d get you in my clothes sooner or later!” He laugh and shook his head.

“I won’t even respond.” He said.

I got up from my stool and walked toward a cabinet, “Coffee?”

“And aspirin…please?” He looked like he had a headache. I grabbed two Tylenol and a mug of hot coffee and placed them in front of him.

“Danke Jess.” He smiled at me.

“Anytime!” I said joining him at the island. We sat and watched the news together and talked a bit about last night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy Hell this chapter is long!
Sorry *^_^* i got a bit into it!!
Well i hope you all enjoyed it!!
Tell us what you think :]

Thanks to all my readers and to sherbetsi, Mellogasm, Jumbi. and XBurningxFlamesX for the comments on my last chapter!