Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Jumping To Conclusions and Kissing It Better

Nita’s P.O.V

I couldn’t believe what just happened. Bill had seen me sitting on Tom’s lap pulling his hair and immediately I knew what was going through his head. He thought I liked Tom and was flirting with him. Whoa, did he have it all wrong.

He ran out the front door before I had a chance to explain what he’d seen wasn’t what he thought. I jumped off of Tom as quickly as I could and chased Bill out the door, slamming it behind me.

Bill was already in the elevator going back up to his flat. I waited knowing he could go anywhere else without the elevator; he wasn’t one for stairs. After a few minutes the elevator doors opened back up and I stepped inside pressing the button to the tenth floor. It only took like 15 seconds top get there and then I went right to his door.

Knock knock knock

“Bill let me in!” I yelled.

“Nein! Go away!” I heard his muffled voice yell back.

“NEIN! I won’t leave until you talk to me…” This better not take long, I’ll just get the key from Tom.

“Why…?” he said in an angry kinda whiney voice. Gott he could sure act childish sometimes.

“Bill…” I sighed rather loudly. I was about ready to turn and walk back down stairs when I heard the lock being turned and the door opened. Bill stood there, obviously not wanting me to come in, and glared at me.

“Can we do this inside, or to you want everyone to hear your private life?” I was more than a little irritated at this point.

“Fine.” he stepped aside and let me inside. “Well…?”

“Why did you just run out?” I asked.

“I didn’t like what I saw…”

“What exactly do you think you saw?” I didn’t mean to raise my voice but I was sure I already knew the answer.

“You and my brother! I mean, can’t you see Jessa likes him? And I’m almost sure he likes her too… and you…you just…what was that?” He was angry and confused.

“Ok first off, Jessa is my best friend! Do you really honestly thing I would intentionally hurt her? NO! Secondly, there is nothing going on between Tom and me. He was teasing me so I tackled him, it was completely innocent. And thirdly, that’s not what it looks like when I like some body!” I shouted.

“Oh really? So tell me Tanita…what does it look like?” he shouted back.

“Like this.” I said as I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. I smashed our lips together with great force and held myself against his tall…thin…warm…perfect frame. I could fell the shock in the tension of his body, but he loosened up a bit and wrapped is arms around me pulling me in closer — as if that was really possible.

Gott I hoped Tom would find out about this ‘cause that would just give him more ammo. Bill pulled his lips from mine and looked down at me with a perfect smile spread across his full pink lips.

“I wonder what it looks like when you really really like someone.” I couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“Maybe I’ll show you sometime…” I smiled up at him.

“Good.” He took me by the hand and led me over to the couch in the middle of his living room.

Jessa’s P.O.V

I was in the shower trying to wash away the drunken smells from last night. I heard the front door slam shut and immediately thought Tom had left. He was probably going to change into his own clothes. I hoped he’d come back down to see me.

I kept thinking about what he was going to ask me before Nita had walked into the kitchen. He wouldn’t tell me and I knew he was only playing, trying to get me to beg for it. Guys…they’re so weird sometimes.

I finished up with my shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I drug a brush through my wet tangled hair and then put my contacts in. when I got into my room and began searching for one of my favorite shirts; blue with black and white stars all over it. It made my eyes pop.

I couldn’t find it and decided to go out front and ask Nita if she’d seen it. I heard someone in the living room so went that direction.

“Hey Nita…have you seen my--” my breath caught in my throat. Nita wasn’t anywhere in sight. In her place was Tom, just as I’d left him. Still in my shirt sitting on the couch grinning at me. I couldn’t seem to move.

“She went up stairs to get Bill. Anything I can help you with?” He smirked and started playing with his lip ring. Gott I wished he wouldn’t do that…ok, so that’s a lie. I loved when he did that, but I really needed to turn around and go put on some clothes.

“Umm…no…thanks, but umm…yea.” I felt myself flush and couldn’t even make a coherent sentence. I turned around and just about ran into my room and threw the door shut. With my back pressed against the door I could hear him laugh a little. It wasn’t that funny if you asked me. I glanced in the direction of my closet and saw my shirt hanging neatly where it should have been. Stupid shirt…

Tom’s P.O.V

I was sitting on their couch just waiting for Jess to get out of the shower. Nita had run after Bill, who was over exaggerating, thinking that Nita and I were flirting earlier. He always jumps to conclusions.

I heard Jess walk out of the bathroom and into her room and figured it wouldn’t be too long now. I aimlessly tapped my fingers on the arm of the couch to the beat in my head. It must have been a song I heard at the club last night because I don’t remember purposefully listening to it.

I heard a door open and footsteps coming down the hall. Jess must be done already.

“Hey Nita…have you seen my--” Jess stopped talking when she saw that it was me sitting on the couch and not her friend. She was soaked from head to toe and wrapped in a small blue towel. Her long brown hair clung around her shoulders and neck. She looked amazing; I couldn’t help but grin.

“She went up stairs to get Bill. Anything I can help you with?” I began playing with my lip ring as I allowed my mind to wonder. Her long tan legs reminded me of one of those commercials advertising girl’s shaving cream or razors. I couldn’t pull my eyes from her.

“Umm…no…thanks, but umm…yea.” she stuttered and turned the deepest shade of red I’d ever seen. She turned and stumbled quickly down the hall back to her room. I heard the door slam shut and burst out laughing. She was so…I don’t know…I can’t even describe it.

About ten minutes later she came back out into the living room. This time fully dressed and her deep blue eyes where outlined in dark makeup making them even more irresistible. Gott, I don’t know why she makes me feel this way. Get it together Kaulitz.

“Sorry you had to wait so long.” she smiled as she sat down next to me, pulling her knees about next to my thigh. She was facing me and had her hands in her lap; she stared down at them like she was embarrassed.

“It’s cool; I guess you could say I was mildly entertained about half way through.” I smiled at her as she laughed at her self.

“Yea, well I assumed when I heard the door shut that you had left to change…ha, I guess I was wrong.” she sang out that last part and rolled her eyes.

“Yea, I guess so. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions, that what just got Bill in trouble.” she pulled her eyebrows together in the center of her forehead and I began to explain the scene she had missed while showering.

“Oooooh, ok. So that’s why she left. She’ll set him straight, I wouldn’t be too worried about it.” she smiled.

“Oh, I’m not worried. I don’t like her like that so there really isn’t anything to fuss over. Bill can have her all to himself.” I assured her.

“Hmm…so…what was it you were going to ask me earlier? Before Nita interrupted…?” I knew she wouldn’t forget that. I had to really suck it up if I was going to ask her. I mean, it isn’t even a big thing…so why should it be that hard? Not like it’s ever been in the past. Of course I’d never known Jess in the past either. I figured I play my game a little more before I asked though.

“It was nothing remember…” I laughed.

“Nein…it was something! Tell me…bitte?” she grabbed my hand again and this time I closed mine around hers. Her eyes went right wide and she looked away hoping I hadn’t seen.

“Well, I guess I was wondering…” I started slowly.


“Well…thing is, mine and Bill’s 21st birthday is tomorrow…and I was wondering…umm. Would you like to go out to dinner…with me…for our birthday?” I looked down at my lap hoping that didn’t sound as stupid as I thought it did. She was really quiet for a few seconds so I raised my head to look at her under my eyelashes. She was smiling.

“I’d love to.” She leaned over and placed a small kiss on my cheek. Her soft pink lips felt very cool in comparison to my warm face.

“Great…umm…I’ll pick you up at…6:30...sound good?” I asked.

“It’s your birthday, you tell me” she giggled and I felt nauseas, but the good kind, like I had a massive amount of butterflies banging on the inside of my stomach.

“You’re so…” I looked away searching for an appropriate word, “…different. But in a good way. I’ve never met anyone as laid back and easy to talk to as you.”

“Thanks…I think…I just figure that you deal with crazy screaming girls on a regular basis, so I don’t need to join in on that.” she laughed. She was right; it was nice to have someone to just sit here with. She was also the only girl who hadn’t taking advantage of the fact that I was drunk last night. I woke up in my own bed…alone. Crazy to say it, but it was a nice change.

“Danke, I appreciate you being semi normal.” I nudged her in the side with my elbow and she pushed back.

“Thanks…if I’m only semi normal what does that make you?” she joked.

“A rockstar!” I smiled proudly and she mock rolled her eyes. She started to poke me in the sides and I lost it. I was wiggling around on her couch laughing my head off. I’m so ticklish it’s not even funny. She was half way on my lap; straddling my right leg, still tickling me. She finally stopped but still sat there.

“Hmm…ticklish much?” she laughed.

“Nein…not at all!” I rolled my eyes and laughed. I had realized ‘til now that my hands were resting on her legs, she seemed to notice too.

“So…you ever gonna let me wear this?” she said pulling on my bandana.

“Umm…if you want.” I half smiled a little confused as to why she’d want to.

“I do.” she laughed and reached up carefully pulling it off over my dreads. She pulled it on over her still damp hair and did a fake little pose that made us both laugh.

“Hot.” was all I said.

“Danke…that’s just how I do.” she tried mocking my deeper voice and nodded her head at me.

“Oh really? You wanna know how I do?” I smirked.

“How?” she straightened up like this was going to be the most important thing she’d ever hear; she was only joking of course.

“Like this…” I reached forward placing my finger under her chin and pulled her toward me. I softly placed my lips on hers and held them there for a second or two. When I pulled away she was biting at her bottom lip and blushing.

“Well this is how I do it.” she smiled before leaning back in to kiss me. I smiled against her lips and kissed her back.

Bill’s P.O.V

Nita and I were now sitting on the couch talking about random things. That’s when I remembered how Tom and I had talked about inviting the girls to our Birthday dinner tomorrow.

“So, do you have plans tomorrow?” I asked casually.

“Not that I know of, why?”

“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to join Tom and me tomorrow night for our Birthday dinner? He’s asking Jessa and I think Georg and Gustav are going to join us as well I’m not sure yet.” I explained.

“Of course Billa, I’d love to go.” She smiled and hugged me tightly.

“We should probably go make plans with the others. Not to mention, you left Jessa alone with Tom.” I joked.

We walked down the hall and took the elevator back down to her flat. I wanted to hold her hand but figured I’d save that for another time. I don’t want to rush into anything and make her think I was crazy. Before we opened the door to her flat she looked over at me and smiled. Just a simple smile, but I got lost in her dark brown eyes that went on forever. And her smile was enough to kill a person. I wasn’t going to screw this up.

She opened the door and walked in only to stop and stare into her living room. She turned swiftly and put her finger to her lips indicating to be quiet. I did so and crept over to stand next to her. My jaw dropped as well at the sight in front of us.

Jessa on Tom’s lap wearing his bandana and stuck in a massive lip lock. I had to try very hard to refrain from laughing. Nita wasn’t as generous.

“Quit suckin’ face Tomi!” Nita yelled and Jessa about fell off of the couch. Nita about fell over laughing.

I knew she shouldn’t have left them alone. We walked over and joined them sitting on the couch across from them.

“Having fun Tom?” I laughed at him.

“Duh!” he smirked back and Jess nudged him in the side. He just laughed and put his arm around her pulling her close to his side. Tom always was the one to rush into things. I just hope he didn’t hurt this one like he had so many others. I liked Nita, and that meant those two would be seeing a lot of each other anyway! I prayed Tom wouldn’t fuck this up.

We all sat in their living room discussing arrangements for tomorrow night. I couldn’t believe Tom and I would be turning seemed like everything just started for us last week, but in reality it had been almost ten since the beginning. I couldn’t wait to celebrate this with my brother and friends and these two new lovely additions to our lives. I wonder how long we could make this last…?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back!
Finally, i know!
I hope you liked the update!

Thanks to all my readers and to Jumbi., Mellogasm, sherbetsi, XBurningxFlamesX and xxLUVxHIMxx for commenting my last chapter!