Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Ending One Fight Just To Start Another

Tanita’s POV

I was quite glad that Bill wasn't mad at me anymore. I mean I knew I wasn't doing anything to Tom but even if it wasn't Bill who walked in that front door, they would have thought the same thing. Tom was Jessica’s and Bill was mine and that's the way it is and the way it’s meant to be.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Bill smiled, backing his way out of the door.

"Of course. You do only live a few floors above me." I laughed at him as he stuck his tongue out at me.

"True..." He smiled that crooked toothed smile and I couldn't help my smile back.

"Please Jessica! Can I have it back nowww?!" I turned to look at Tom chasing Jessica into the kitchen after his bandana.

"Weirdoes." I laugh rolling my eyes at my best friend and her new boy.

"Agreed, But I should really get going I almost spent the whole day here. David’s going to be pissed at me for sure." He leaned forward, placing a small kiss on my cheek and I could feel all the heat rising to my face. "See you tomorrow. Come on Tom!"

"I'll be out in a second!" Tom shouts back from the kitchen.

Jessica’s POV

"Please Jessica? Bill and I are late already." God did this boy know how to whine or what?

"You can have it back..." I reached my hand out to him, his black bandana hanging off my index finger. His hand reached to grab it only for me to pull it back.

"Come onnnnn." I thought he was about to stomp his foot to the group but instead a sly smirk crossed his face.

"You can have it back but you have to do something first."

"And what would that be?" His eyebrow was raised and I couldn't help myself but let a smirk pull my lips to one side, my finger came up and touched my lips as to show him what I wanted. "Oh, well that's easy."

"Well I guess if it’s easy I won't give back your bandana." I joked, laughing and tossing his bandana in his face. I got up on my tip toes reaching to put my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his.

His slender fingers found their way into my damp hair, pulling my face into his more, my body pressed closer to his.

"Oh mein Gott. Get a damn room!" Tom pulled away, my eyes moved to Nita standing in the door way with her hands covering her eyes.

"I better get going." A quick peck to the lips and Tom was making his way to the door.

"God you and Bill are made for each other..." I said to Nita.

"Why?" She asked now sitting on one of the stools by the kitchen island.

"Because you both always walk in at the wrong time no matter what!"

"Pfft…You’re just mad because you had to stop inhaling Toms face." I laughed, I couldn't help it, and so did she.

That was the best thing about me and Nita we fought all the time but when it came to an end we always ended up laughing at our selves.


Tanita’s P.O.V

"Like really Jessica I have nothing to wear, ah! I'm going mad here Jessica please open your door!" I was going crazy. I'd been standing outside her bedroom door for about 15 minutes now and she still hasn't answered! What the hell is she doing in there? "Jessica?"

"Hey Nita!" A loud scream escaped my mouth as I turned around to see Jessica walking in from the front door with bags in her hands.

"Where the hell have you been I thought you died?!"

"I went out to get something to wear. How long were you waiting in front of my door?" I knew she was waiting for my answer and I knew she was going to laugh at it.

"Ten seconds." I lied.

"Right more like ten minutes." She laughed, the bags dropping to the floor.

"Did you get me anything?"

"Yeah coffee." She smirked at me.

"Ahh! Jessica I mean to wear." I pinched the bridge of my nose as she started a fit of giggles again.

"Yes Nita I got you something to wear too."

"Danke Gott Jessa, you’re a life saver." I grabbed the bag she was holding out to me and started my very short walk to my room. "More like 15 minutes." I close my bedroom door only to hear her asking 'what' in the hall way.

Bills POV

21...Who would have thought the Kaulitz twins turning 21? I couldn't be happier and I knew Tom couldn't either. Living in this beautiful apartment with two beautiful girls living a few floors below us and only to have them belonging to use., more like feeling the same way that we were. I haven't seen Tom this way since well...when he can't even remember the last time he was like this. I found him to be a lot happier, a smile on his face every time I walked past him or if I brought up the idea of the girls he would grin the stupidest grin I have every seen.

But on the other hand I couldn't be happier myself. Me and Tom had everything we wanted, everything we ever dreamed of, and I knew the both of us didn't want to screw this up in any way.

"Bill are you awake yet?" Tom’s head was around the corner of my bedroom door, his green bandana wrapped around his head.

"Yes." I mumble into my pillow.

"Are you going to get up? You do know what day it is ...right?" I moved my feet to the side knowing Tom was about to sit on the edge of my bed.

"’s our birthday dummy." I rolled my eyes into the pillow.

"And we get to take the girls out too." I knew he was smiling. How? It’s a twin thing.

I rolled over and looked at him, a simple smile on his face, his eyes looking out the large window across from him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my hand lying on his shoulder.

"Of course, I couldn't be better, I feel...wonderful." I laughed to myself. This wasn't my Tomi. What has Jessica done to him?

"Did Jessica suck your soul out and replace Tom with someone else?"

"No..." He laughed, now looking at me. "I'm just...happy."

"That's too." This moment was odd; Tom and I never had this...this...type of bond. I was never the type of guy who would sit down and talk to him about girls or anything along those lines. But I felt like Nita brought me closer to my number one best friend.

All he did was smile back at me. I knew he knew what I was thinking and I knew he felt the same way.

"Maybe you should get up and get ready lazy bones."

"Hey I am not lazy! I just need my rest..." I knew I wasn't going to win this pity fight, the type of fight me and Tom would always end up laughing about at some point in our lives.

"You are to, and are you going to wear something nice or are you going downstairs in just your underwear?" I thought to myself for a few minutes before I laughed more to myself then to Tom.

"What’s so funny?" He asked his eyebrow rose once again.

"Nothing you tool. Now get out so I can get dressed!"


Jessica’s P.O.V

"Are you ready yet?!" I was waiting out side Nita’s door, my back to it and my foot tapping on the hard wood floor beneath it.

"In a second!" She yells back." I wish you could learn how to wait!"

"Well sooorrry. What the hell are you doing in there anyway building a freakin army?" I snickered to myself before the door behind me opened and Nita walked out pushing past me and into the living room where we were to wait for our dates.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to our readers and to Mellogasm, sherbetsi and XBurningxFlamesX for commenting on our last chapter!
Lets get a little more than three comments guys lol
Plz, it make writing this for you a lot more fun to know its appreciated!