Status: A temporary hiatus? I think that's in order considering that our real lives are quite hectic at the moment. Chapters will resume when stuff slows down. Thanks for reading!

What Happens In Germany Stays In Germany

Saving Face And Knowing You're Loved

Tanita’s POV

Gott how I wish she would just chill out and learn some freakin’ patients. I’m so nervous as it is; this will be considered the first date cuz the club thing was way too crazy to be considered anything other than that…crazy.

And now I’ve got Jessa breathing down my neck and banging on my door. My nerves are shot. And now with that stupid remark about building an army…I had it.

I burst out of my bedroom door and pushed right past her into the living room. I heard her following me but never turned to look at her.

“’bout time…” I heard her mumble but just bit my lip to keep from loosing it.

I walked over to the mirror in the entry way checking to make sure I was completely ready. The dress Jessa got me was perfect; the plum color did wonders with my skin tone. I hoped Bill would like it.

“So…you like the dress?” she asked from the kitchen.

“Sure, I guess…its ok.” I was not about to tell her how fucking awesome it was.

“OK? Its freakin awesome!” She sounded a bit upset but I didn’t care because I was too.

“Pfft…whatever you say.”

I heard her hope down of the stool as her pumps clicked across the tiled kitchen floor. She came into the living room and looked at me with a shocked expression.

“I said what I meant…It’s awesome! And way expensive so you better be happy. We could have paid rent with these out together.” she huffed.

I was about to make some crude remark when I heard a knock at the door and figured it was the guys here to pick us up. We agreed to just cool it until the guys left later tonight so that we’d save face. Jessa walked back to the kitchen.

Tom’s POV

I gotta say, I was a bit nervous right now. Bill and I were in the elevator on the way down to get the girls. We both wore black slacks and a button down dress shirt; mine was blue and his red. Bill wore his hair relaxed and I didn’t wear a cap, just my black bandana. We looked made me want to laugh. I probably would have if the doors to the elevator hadn’t just slid open.

My stomach lurched. I was however anxious to see what Jess would look like. I mean she looked nice when we went to the club…but this was a semi formal dinner. We walked toward the door slowly and I turned to look at Bill who laughed at me. We were thinking the same thing…funny how we do that.

When we got to the door we heard raised voices and weren’t really sure what was going on. Knowing Nita and Jess they were probably just messing around. Bill knocked on the door and then it was quiet. Nita answered the door and she looked very nice. It a purple dress that did her justice. But I was still anxious to see Jess.

“Hey guys come on in.” she said as she stepped aside for us.

I looked over at Bill as we came inside and he looked completely in awe.

“Umm…where’s Jessica?” I kinda mumbled.

“In the kitchen.” She said a little less enthusiastic than I would have guessed.

“Danke.” she only nodded as I turned and walked toward the kitchen. Now I really felt like throwing up.

Gott, pull it together man…she just a girl and this is just a date…like all the others….

Wrong. What was I thinking? Jessica was not just a girl; she was possibly the girl. And this was not just a date; it was the first date. And there was no way in hell she was like all the others; she was so much more important. Gott, does that mean I’m whipped?…I don’t even care.

I turned the corner slowly and peered into the bright white kitchen. There standing in front of the sink, back to me, gazing out the window was probably the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. My heart stopped. I couldn’t breath. I couldn’t move.

She must have heard me, or my pounding heart because she turned around slowly, smiling that smile that sent shivers through me.

She was wearing a black strapless dress that went about mid thigh. Her long legs brought her closer to me and the clicking of her heels echoed through the silent kitchen. Her long brown hair hung straight and went to the middle of her back. I couldn’t even smile back at her which made her giggle.

“Something wrong?” she laughed.

“You are so beautiful.”

“And that’s wrong?” she cocked her head to one side.

“Nein…not at all.” I stepped forward and put my hand around her on the small of her back pulling her into me as I leaned down to kiss her. She smiled into the kiss and I wanted to smile back but found it impossible. I pulled away slightly and wrapped her into myself; she fit perfectly. And there we stood until I heard Bill call for us.

Bill’s POV

I stood there staring at this beautiful creature in front of me, not knowing what to say. Tom had just left the room to find Jessica and now I was alone with Nita. She looked fantastic and I couldn’t believe she chose me.

Of course everyone always told me I could have any woman I wanted, but I’d never believed that the one I wanted would want me back. Well…she did and she was standing here waiting for me to speak and so I did.

“Wow…you look…perfect.” I smiled as she blushed.

“Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.”

I pulled her in for a hug but Nita has a mind of her own. Her lips crashed against mine and I lost all my will power. When I kiss her its indescribable so I won’t ever try. It makes me sound crazier than I already do. My hands found her face and help to hold her in place a little longer.

When we finally parted we both had the biggest, dumbest grins on our faces.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked.

“Yea.” our eyes never parted.

“Tom! Jessa! We’re leaving…” They walked out of the kitchen hand in hand and met us in the hall.

On the way to the elevator I realized I probably seemed rude ignoring Jess the way I was so I pulled myself from this place of ecstasy for a second or two to acknowledge her.

“You look very nice tonight Jess.”

“Thank you, so do you. And happy birthday, to both of you. I got you gifts but figured we’d do that later tonight.” she smiled.

“Sounds good.” I said. We made our way down to the car in silence, but not the bad kind.


Jessica’s POV

We were all sitting together inside an amazingly huge jet black stretch limo. I swear, you could have played hide and seek on this thing and not be found for hours.

Nita and Bill had gotten to sits in the middle of the limo along the side wall. Tom and I sat in the back seat and he had the strangest expression on his face. Like he was unsure of something.

I took his hand in mine hoping to put him at ease but he just furrowed his eyebrows like he was confused. Was I doing something wrong? I mean we did like each other right? Or was this one sided on my part?

I was about to pull my hand away when all of a sudden his expression broke into the glorious smile of his I loved so much.

“Are you ok?” I asked a bit confused.

Tom’s POV

As we sat in the limo on our way to the restaurant I could seem to say anything to Jessica. I felt horrible, Gott only knows what she thinks of me know; probably that I’m a complete ass.

But I just couldn’t get over the fact that she actually liked me. Me. She knew who I was, everything from my past, what people had said about me being a womanizer. Yet she still liked me and wanted to be around me. Most girls figured I was only good for a night and never bothered trying again the next day. I didn’t blame half of them; I hated repetition. It got boring only being with one person.

But now that I wanted to be with just her, I was afraid that that wasn’t what she’d want. But she was here. Did she have ulterior motives?

I saw her from the corner of eye as she noticed but expression and took my hand in hers resting it on her lap.

Now I was really unsure. I mean yea, the signs were there, but why would she want to be with someone like me? I was such a jerk at times.

Then it hit me. She didn’t care. Who I was to everyone else wasn’t who I was to her. Their opinions didn’t faze her because she had her own. She did like me…for me…the me she knew. Not many people knew this me. Just my family and close friends.

I couldn’t help but smile as I realized this.

“Are you ok?” she asked.

“Nein.” I smirked. She almost let go of my hand but I held tighter, “I’m happy…I’m perfect.” she blushed a little and looked down at our hands. I used my free hand to pull her face up top meet mine. I looked into her sea deep eyes for a fraction of a second before our lips connected.

It was just a short sweet kiss but enough to make me stomach knot.

“Guy’s…we’re here.” Bill said.

We parted and smiled at one another before I opened the door and got out and held her hand as she joined me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait guys
I've been way sick
But i hope you like what we've got for ya :]

The dresses are hyperlinked so that you can see what we're talking about.
its a better visual!

Thanks to all our readers and to Mellogasm and sherbetsi for being the only AWESOME people on here to comment our last chapter! This ones for you guys.