
Chapter 1

I sighed as I looked around in my apartment. My life wasn't going to become easier from now on is it? I asked myself. I knew it wouldn't be. I mean, I'm 16 and I now live on my own. I sighed and laid down on my bed. Work tomorrow, great.. I got ready for bed and laid down on my bed. As always I left the bedsde table light on, just so I could feel safe. Long story..

The next day I woke up at seven and took a shower. I blow-dried and brushed my hair and put on some eyeliner. I looked myself in the mirror and sighed. I put on a big hoodie that still smelled like my older brother and a pair of black jeans. I pulled up the hood and walked to work. I looked down on my hands, my nails were purple and pink. My iPod was blasting My Chemical Romance's Famous Last Wordsand I walked into the coffee shop. I paused the iPod and walked behind the counter to the back and putting on an apron.

"Hi, excuse me, you freak, but I'd like a coffee!" a very preppy, fake girl said and I made her her coffee.

I have never talked much, and I sure won't do it now. I know that the fake girl talked about me with her friends. I hread them giggle and I rolled my eyes.

After a couple of hours, as I was cleaning a table, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a guy that's been in here a lot for the past week I've been working here.

"Uhm.. Hi.. I was just wondering... You're new around here, right?"

"Fucking emo-fag!" a jock yelled and once again I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I am." I said, ignoring the jock. The guy seemed supriced at my reaction. "If you're like me, you get used to those type of comments. Besides, they're not worse than.." I cut myself off. Why was I just about to tel my biggest secret to a compleatly random guy?!

"Eeh.. Yeah.." he said nervously. I walked back behind the counter as a customer waited.

"I'm Yuriko by the way. And yes, I am a girl." I giggled when he blushed.

"Oh.. I.. I knew that.." he mummbled. "Well, I just wanted to know if.. If maybe you'd let me show you around when you're done for the day.."

"Yeah, sure.." I said and smiled. "I get off at five."

"Okay.. I'll be back then.." the guy said. "Oh, I'm Kiro by the way.."

"Nice to meet you, Kiro." I said with a smile. "I don't want to sound rude, but.. I kinda need to get back to work.."

"Oh, right.." he blushed again. "Well, I'll see you at five, Yuriko.." And with that he left.

I kept looking at the clock. Couldn't it be five allready?!

"Why so impatient, Yuriko?" Julie, another worker in the coffe shop that works the three to nine shift, asked.

"Oh, it's.. Nothing.." I mummbled, feeling myself blush.

"Oooh, is Yuriko waiting for a certain someone?" she teased.

"Shut up, Julie!" I mmmbled, blushing even more.

"So.. Who is she?"

"It's a guy!"

"So, you're gay?"

I groaned. "Julie! I'm a girl!!" I growled. I pulled the hoodie back so my boobs were visable. Julie blushed and caughed slightly.

"Oh..Okay.. Uhm.. I'm sorry, but I always thought.."

"Don't worry about it, Julie, you're not alone in thinking I'm a guy.." I mummbled, shuddering at the memoried that flashed before my eyes.

I continued working and before I knew t Julie told me I had five minutes. I took of the apron and made sure that my make up and hair was okay. I put on some more eyeliner and ran my hands through my short hair.

"Oh Yuriko, there's someone here for yoou!" Julie said in a sing-song voice and I felt my heart beat faster. Yes, I thought Kiro was supercute and I'm glad he actually wanted to talk to me. No one has ever talked to me since I ever moved here. Well, unless Julie, I don't really count the costumers. I walked back out and saw Kiro standing there, a nervous smile on his lips.

"Hi, Kiro."

"Hi Yuriko.. You're ready to go?"

"Uuh.. Yeah." I said and followed him outside. "So, where should we go first?" I asked. The answe I got was him grabbing my hand and pulling me to an empty playground. He sat down on a swing and I sat down on the one next to him.

"So, how long have you been here?" he asked shyly.

"Oh, about a month.. I started working at the coffeshop just last week.." I answered smiling.

"I know.. I.."

"You've been stalking me, I know.." I joked and giggled. "No, I know.. You've been comming into the shop at least twice a day since I started working here.." I said and looked down on my feet blushing. "Let's just say that you're not the only one that notices people.."

"Uhm, Yuriko.. I know thatwe've just met, but.. My friend is having this party tonight and I'd like it if you came.."

"Sure.. It would be a good oppertunity to get to know other people around here.." I said and giggled as he blushed again.

"It starts at nine.. I can show you where it is.."

"Okay.. Meet me at the coffee shop at eight thirty?" I said and he nodded. "But if I'm going to a party I need to go home and change.. But I'll see you later, Kiro." I said and smiled.

"Yeah, see you later." he said as I got up and walked home. I knew what I was going to wear tonight. I skipped and hummed all way home..
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Cheesy, dull, boring, I know.. I'm bored, okay? XD