Tires and Asphalt

Read this.

Kay, this is not a part of my story, but this is easier than individually PMing all my readers. Plus, I would have to just go by whoever has commented which obv. wouldnt work because you dont all comment.
Anyways, this story is on hiatus for the time being because frankly, I have no inspiration whatsoever for this story atm. I promise I will continue writing if that's what you people want. Comment and let me know if its worth my time to continue writing this.
And if you have any ideas, let me know through comment or PM.

Thanks for reading so far. I'll be taking a 2 week vacation soon and hopefully will be able to get some writing done while gone.

Bekah. <3

P.S. In the mean time, I would love it if you would check out my other two stories if you haven't already.

Cheese and Lamposts

and the sequel to that....

Lamps and Cheeseposts