The 122nd

Chapter Eighteen: The Vents

Captain Bryan was in the briefing room on sub-level three looking over maps of the entire complex. The briefing room was filled mostly with desks and chairs facing the front of the room where a large white wall was at between two large computers. Bryan looked at the map again. He focused specifically on sub-level four and the medical lab located there. The medical lab on sub-level four was larger and more sophisticated than the one on sub-level two. Its location is in the same vicinity that the one on sub-level two is located at, which is on the western side of the sub-level. He knew he couldn't just walk through the front door. He couldn't even come in through the back door. Bryan would need both his security card and written authorization from a higher commanding officer to walk in there alone. Since the admiral was the only officer he knew higher than his own rank, he wouldn't be able to get into the lab through the front or back doors.

Bryan rested both his palms on the face of the machine that was displaying the maps. It looked something like a xerox machine from Earth's old days, but without a cover or a lid. The top of the machine was glass and it was illuminated in a blue color. Mixed with the blue were many white lines and small details that made up the map he was looking at. At the moment, the map displayed the entire design of sub-level four. It was a horror to him. The sub-level was a labyrinth of passages, hallways, and corridors. Simply looking at the map told Bryan that the main purpose of sub-level four was for training. Bryan knew only one reason why anyone would want the engineers who built that sub-level to want to turn it into a maze - to have soldiers run through it like mice and display the results of how they performed. Sub-level four was the largest of all five sub-levels and it was indeed the most intricate and complicated.

Bryan inspected the medical lab once again on the map and looked for another way in. He was looking for a way to sneak in this time and go undetected. Bryan knew that it was crazy to even think of doing so in such a high security installation but he was willing to search for a way. Looking over the maps, he saw something that particularly interested him. In what appeared to be the storage room for the medical lab, there was a large vent in the north-west that connected to another vent somewhere in the depths of the maze. He followed the vent until he found it's exit. It appeared close to the opposite end of sub-level four, around the south-east end. It wasn't too far from the east elevator either. Bryan knew that it would still take a while to navigate and traverse to the medical lab. He zoomed into the entrance of the vent within the maze portion of the sub-level and looked at where exactly the medical lab's vent was connected to. The room didn't contain much. It looked like a maintenance outlet. Bryan zoomed in further and noticed something of particular interest - a security camera. It was on the corner of the wall overlooking the vent access.

Bryan chuckled to himself and began to envision ways to get past the camera undetected. If it was a rotating camera, the captain only needed to wait for it to turn away and sneak in, assuming the vent was easily accessible. If the camera was in a fixed position, Bryan would need to either create a diversion or disable the camera in some way. He could use a smoke grenade or create some sort of gas leak, but that could backfire and attract unwanted attention to the area. Messing with the power would be another tactic so it would be too dark for the camera to survey the vent. Unfortunately, he knew it wouldn't go unnoticed for long and there could possibly be a technician or a electrician in the area to investigate the problem.

It seemed like an impossible task but Bryan was certain that, for Landon's sake, he would get to the bottom of this.