From What I've Heard


Jack’s Point Of View

“I just wish that they’d hurry up and get… married or something,” I grinned as I heard Alex and Dakota giggling loudly as they passed by the bus.

“Agreed. I don’t think they’re obvious to the fact that they both like each other which makes it so painful to watch. I just want to scream it at them,” Hayley sighed.

“Then we should,” I replied.


“We should scream at them. Y’ know. Give them a few examples and then shove them off somewhere so they can talk,” I shrugged.

“Jack, you’re a genius!” Hayley shrieked as she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

“Seriously?” I asked in surprise, after all, I’d never been called a genius before.

“Yes! Now, do you know where Dakota and Alex are?” she asked as she smiled at me, her eyes shining.

“I think they went for a walk or something but they should be back soon.”

“Awesome. Shall we get to work on our ‘speech’?” Hayley asked using air quotes.

Half and hour later, Hayley and I were going over all our examples. All while stuffing our faces with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. We thought that we had some good examples and we were literally on the edge of our seats, waiting for Alex and Dakota to get back.

I heard a loud giggling come from outside the bus and I instantly recognised it as Dakota’s. Hayley nodded at me and we both got up and met them outside the bus.

“Hey guys,” I grinned as I jumped out of the bus.

“Hi Jack,” Dakota smiled as her eyes flickered from me to Hayley and back again.

“Could Hayley and I, uh, speak to you guys for a few minutes?” I asked.

“I guess,” Alex said as his smile faltered, worried about what we needed to talk about. After all, it wasn’t very often that I was this serious.

We all then sat down on the grass surrounding the bus and Hayley and I began.

“Say, what do you guys class your relationship as?” she asked casually.

“Friends,” Dakota answered instantly.

“With benefits?”

“No…” she continued, her eyes flicking everywhere.

“Alex?” I asked.

“Well, we are just friends. Why do you care?” he asked, his stubborn side coming over him.

“Seriously?” Hayley asked, staring intently at both Dakota and Alex.

“Positive.” They both nodded.

“Are you both retarded?” I asked, “because you two flirt like hormonal teenagers, which you still are, and it’s getting a pain in the ass.

“Whenever you two are together, you instantly start flirting, and you probably don’t notice but it’s getting on our nerves. You two flirt, nearly kiss and stuff but you’ve done nothing about it!”

“Alex, Dakota. Listen to us, please,” Hayley continued. “Every time you’re around each other, sparks literally fly. You guys are so cute together! And all I want is both of you to be happy and I know that if you guys got together, you would be!”

We then just looked at them, waiting for their reactions. They were dead silent but I knew we had got our message across. While it was silent, I was thinking about their answers earlier. Obviously they had lied, they knew it but they probably hadn’t admitted it to each other. Alex was afraid of rejection and I knew Dakota would commit suicide if Alex said no.

Finally someone spoke. “Alex, can I speak to you somewhere private?’ Dakota asked, standing up and brushing the dust of her black jeans.

“Oh, um sure,” he mumbled, standing up and following her to their ‘private’ spot.

As soon as I knew they were out of earshot, I began talking again.

“Ha, they lied,” I chuckled.

“I know. Dakota answered way to quickly when we asked her about her relationship.”

“I guess all we can do now is wait,” I grinned before standing up, helping Hayley up and heading back inside the bus where I threw myself on the makeshift couch (nine or ten pillows thrown on the ground) and flicked on the television. I found it funny how our bus got a flat screen television but a constantly empty fridge whereas Paramore’s bus had a crap television and a fridge filled with food (ignoring the fact that most of the food was way past its use by date).

After half an hour of watching Pimp My Ride and snippets of Viva La Bam, Dakota and Alex arrived. Massive smiles graced their tanned faces and I knew that Hayley and I had, hopefully, knocked some sense into then and got them talking.

“Thanks,” Alex grinned goofily before grabbing Dakota’s hand and pulling her over to the bunks.

“No sex please! I’d rather not be traumatised for the rest of the tour!” I yelled before turning up the televisions volume and shifting the cushions.
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Sorry, it's been awhile.
You see, I opened the document and this chapter was missing.
But here it is. So enjoy it : ]