
Jenna's P.O.V.

“Come on Kane I’m tired!” I whine S-C-A-N-D-A-L-O-U-S! Blasts from my phone. “Oh it’s Meg!” I yelp “Hello?”
Meg is another one of my best friends, I’ve known her since 2nd grade, and she’s the only one that knows that I’ve had a crush on Kane.
“Hey Jen! Wanna go to the movies?” She says over speaker phone.
“No.” Kane yells at her. “She’s with me.”
“Oh hi Kane!” She says in a singsong voice. “Come with us Kane! Everyone is coming! Me, my sister, Erik, Jenny!”
“Don’t include me in that count!” I yell.
“I wanna come too!” Someone yells. We look over and Kane’s sister, Emily is hanging out her window waving at us!
“No.” Kane says. “Yes” Emily yells back climbing out her window.
“Jenna?” Meg asks over the receiver. “Were gonna see Horton hears a who! Come on it will be fun! Meg begs (Lol I made a rhyme.)
“Fine.” Kane says. “But you paying for us!”
“Emily too!” Emily chimes raising her hand.
“Okay, okay I will…Emily too. Meg says.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now we go back to Jenna's P.O.V. :) Please Comment!