Status: -*NEW* NEWS UPDATE on my profile. 12/31/09. Please Read.-


I promise

promĀ·ise: noun 1.a pledge to do or not to do something specified; 2.ground for expectation of success or improvement; 3.something promised.

I will never cheat on you for as long as I live if you'll just give me one more chance. I promise.

Promise is the one word in the world that my so called boyfriend, who claims he loves me more than life itself, doesn't know the meaning to and can't keep one no matter how much his life depended on it. My name is Jaclyn Mathers and my lying cheating backstabbing piece of shit boyfriend is none other than the great Zacky Vengeance. Tonight, I just caught him yet again with his pants down, fucking some girl during Brian's house party, in the laundry room.

I pulled into the driveway of the house that I share with Zacky and got out of my car with tears running down my face. I slammed my car door shut and headed into the house. I have finally had enough of Zacky's lies and his constant cheating when I have never, not even once done him wrong in any way, shape, or form. I walked into the house, slamming the front door so hard that it caused our ten week old puppy, Ichabod, who was lying by the door, waiting for me or Zacky to get home, to bolt into the living room in fear. I felt bad because I didn't mean to scare him, I'm just angry at his father.

I walked into the living room to see him lying low to the floor under the coffee table, looking at me with his head resting on his paws. I got down on my knees, patting my thigh and told him to come. He slowly came out from under the table before he trotted over to me and I picked him up. I petted him, telling him I was sorry as I headed up to my room to pack. When I got to the room I'll no longer be sharing with Zacky, I set Ichabod down on the bed. I walked into the closet and grabbed one of my suitcases. I opened it up and started to pull my clothes off the hangers, throwing them into the case, wiping my tears away every now and again. I walked out of the closet, dragging my suitcase over to my dresser. I opened up the drawers, emptying them into my suitcase.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed all my stuff off the counter. I carried it all out and dumped it into another bag. I made sure I had everything before I zipped up my bag. I closed my suitcase and started to zip it up just as Zacky ran into the room. I looked up at him as he tried to catch his breath and shook my head as I looked down at my bag. I stood up and started to drag my suitcase toward the bedroom door.

"No, no, no, Jackie. I'm sorry, baby. Please don't go. I'll never do it again, I promise," he said, frantically and I shook my head, ignoring him.

I walked out of the room and he followed me, begging me to stop. I walked out of the house and put my suitcase in my car. I walked back into the house with Zacky still on my heels as I headed back to our room. I went to grab my other bag, but Zacky grabbed my arm and pulled me back around till I was facing him. He pressed his lips against mine and I groaned as I tried to push him off of me. After a few seconds, I finally pushed him away.

"Get away from me," I snapped.

"Jaclyn, please. I'm sorry, baby. Don't leave me, I'll never do it again. I promise."

"Fuck you, Zacky. You say that to me every damn time. I'm sorry, I'll never cheat on you again, just give me one more chance, I promise," I said, sarcastically, "It's always the same fucking thing with you. You cheat on me, I catch you, you beg and plead for me not to leave and give you one more chance. I always give in because I love you, but I'm not fucking doing it anymore. I'm leaving."

"Jackie, please, I'm sorry," he said as he dropped on his knees and hugged my waist.

He started to cry, which made my tears start to fall again. I placed my hands on his shoulders, pushing him back and he looked up at me.

"I'm sorry, Zacky, but I can't forgive you this time," I said as I placed one of my hands on the side of his face.

"Please," he whispered.

"I can't. You've done it to me so many times and it hurts more and more each time."

"Jaclyn," he cried.

"I can't forgive you this time. So, I'm leaving," I said and he started shaking his head, "and the only way I can forgive you is when you finally decide to learn from your mistakes."

"I'll learn, I swear. Just don't leave me."

"I'm sorry, but I have too," I said, placing my other hand on his face.

"Jackie, please."

I shook my head before I leaned down and kissed him, lightly on the lips. I pulled away and looked at him as I wiped the tears off his face. I kissed him again before I pulled away as he looked at me.

"I love you," I cried.

"I love you, too."

I pulled myself fully away from him and grabbed my other bag as he slumped down, sitting back on his feet. I walked out of the bedroom without Zacky following me this time. I headed to the front door, being sure to leave my house key on the door side table. I looked up the stairs before I walked out of the house and down to my car. I put my bag in the back with my other one before I got into the driver seat. I closed the door, sitting back in my seat before I slowly leaned forward, resting my head on the steering wheel as I gripped it. I cried for a few minutes before I leaned back in my seat again.

I looked at the house, knowing that I was leaving the love of my life behind, but it was something I had to do. I took one of hands off the wheel and placed it on my stomach as I looked down, rubbing it slightly. I was leaving Zacky without him knowing that I had our future growing inside of me. If he didn't break his promise every time he made it, I would have told him and we would be able to start a family like we've always wanted. Only, I can't put our child thru the lies and the cheating, so I have to go.

I sighed and started my car, backing out of the driveway and left the house. I don't know how long it will be before I decide I ever wanna see Zacky again, but I know I will eventually in the future... I promise.
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