
This is offically bullshit.

"Okay, this is officially bullshit," I growled, David chuckling lowly. "This isn't funny."

"What's not funny about it?" He smirked.

"The fact that I have to wait in line to use the bathroom at six in the morning will never be funny."

"Boo-hoo, Dana," Delilah growled. "I'm out."

"Finally!" Danny clapped, jumping up and down into the bathroom.

"Damnit, Danny!" Dean barked. "It was my turn!"

"Ha... Ha..." Danny poked his head out of the door and scoffed, Dean leaning forward and slamming the door on him.


"You deserved it Danny," I smirked. "Just use the bathroom."

"Fine, fine," He sighed and shut the door.

"I'm next," Dean raised his hand.

"Fuck you, Dean!" David growled. "I was out here before you!"

"Too bad!"

"Guys!" I shouted, both of them turning to me. "Neither of you are next."

"And that would be because?"

"I'm next."

"Oh hell no," Dean glared at me while I stuck out my tongue.

"Yes," I nodded as Danny walked out, and I brushed past him to run into the bathroom. "Ha-ha bitches!"

"You bitch!" Dean yelled. "I can't believe you—gah!"

"Live with it," I mumbled as I walked over to the toilet and did my business and then brushed my teeth before walking out, getting punched by everyone as I went to my room. "Assholes."

"They are," Delilah laughed as she walked in my room. "Need a ride?"

"You're letting me, ride with you?"

"You're my sister," she shrugged. "Why not?"

"Well, okay," I sighed. "But what's the catch?"

"I'm..." She looked away. "Driving everyone else."

"I knew it!" I whined. "I knew there'd be something to fuck it all up!"

"We're all quintuplets," She glared at me. "I can't just shun them."

"Yes you can!"

"Dana," she laughed as she leaned against the door; she was the oldest and looked it. "Come on, Danny and Dean are already waiting."

"Fine," I grumbled. "But I will never ride with them again."

"Its hell, I know."

"Then why—"

"Because they are my family," she laughed again.

"Your other quints, to be exact," Danny walked in, grinning as I huffed.

"Why?" I looked up to the ceiling and whined. "Why the hell did you give me four more siblings? All born at the same time, same birthday, same everything. You mother fucker."

"Don't hate," Dean glared at me. "You love us and you know it."

"I always doubt myself," I nodded slowly as David pulled me into his side. "Get off."

"Dana," Delilah huffed as David hugged her side instead of mine. "Be nice to your brother."

"Or what?" I countered.

"I'll tell mom and you know what? She won't let you go to that concert tomorrow," Delilah stuck her tongue out and ran from my room, knowing I'd bite her head off.


"Don't hate," Dean reminded me as he skipped after her. "Twinny come back!"

"I'm not your twinie!" Delilah whined. "I'm your quinie!"

"Close enough," He continued running as all of us followed. "Here I come!"

"Fuck!" Delilah screeched as he tackled her to the bed. "Pain!"

"Yeah!" Danny and I cheered him on.

"Love you!" Dean licked the side of her face, she gagged and kicked him away from her. "Ow!"

“That’s what you get,” She huffed, striating her shirt and mumbling. “Let’s go.”

"Alright," I laughed as she pulled Dean up and ran downstairs.

"Dean! Stop it! Incest perv!"

"I can't help it, you're butt's so pinchable!"

"God he's a moron," I mumbled.

“Knock it the hell off, Dean!” Delilah whined, turning around at the door and slapping him hard across the face. “Stop!”

"Damn Lylah!" Danny, David and I yelled at the same time.

"Well he was pinching hard!"

“But you slapped me!” Dean whined.

“Well, you’ll deal!”

"But I'm your brother!"

"But you shouldn't be acting all incest and pinching my ass Dean," she growled. "Seriously, did mom drop you on your head as a child?"

"I think."

“Well,” I cleared my throat. “We did get in that car crash.”

Everyone became silent and looked around.

"I wasn't hurt," Dean cleared his throat. "Delilah and Danny were."

"Yeah," I nodded slowly. "I forgot."

“Let’s just go,” Delilah grabbed her keys, huffing, as she rushed us out to the car.

"Smart one ass," I rolled my eyes at Dean as I followed Danny out, he was trying to stop Delilah.

“Li!” He grabbed her shoulder, making her turn around and glare.

"They had to bring it up," she looked away. "Didn't they?"

"It was an accident babe," he whispered hugging her to his chest. "Dana didn't mean it, neither did Dean."

“Still,” She grunted. “It still hurts.”

"I know, but Dad wouldn't want you to act like this towards you're family," he whispered.

Our dad, Franklin Arthur, died in a crash involving all us quints when we were eleven, Delilah and Danny were pronounced dead but weren't barely alive. Dad died from decapitation from a steel plate, Delilah and Danny seen it all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ha, yes, new story. I got the idea watching clips from the old show, Quintuplets, on youtube.