
Nice rack!

“Delilah!” He growled, running after her and catching up pretty quick.

“Don’t kill me, Raegan!” She pleaded.

"I'm not going to kill you," he threw his book bag off and laid her on the ground, kissing her lips.

"Well, that's one way--" I stopped when lips covered mine.

“Mmm, Devan!” I pulled away and gasped, giggling.

"If you can't beat them, join'em," he smiled as he kissed me again.

"Raegan!" Delilah giggled loudly.

“What?” He chuckled lowly.

“In the car, please,” She smiled as Raegan carried her over.

"Oh gross," I groaned covering my face as Devan started laughing.

‘Your sister.”

“I know that," I groaned again.

“Its fun to rub it in,” He smirked.

"Thanks," I rolled my eyes as I turned around and nearly attacked him as I kissed his lips. “Devan, I really like you.”

“I really like you, too.”

"Fuck," I mumbled looking at Delilah. "What is she doing?"

"I think she's giving Raegan a lap dance," Devan narrowed his eyes.

“What?” I turned my head to see her grinding her hips into his.

"Yeah," he said slowly as she flung her hair around and kissed his neck slowly. "She's..."

"When did she learn that?"

“Dude,” My eyes widened as she threw a leg over his shoulder. “I don’t know…”

"My God," I whispered watching as Raegan pulled her closer and kissed her lips. "Why is she..."

"At your house with your family here?"


"I don't know."

“What the fuck is she doing?” I sighed heavily.

"Being sexy."

"Devan!" I slapped his arm, he covered his arm and whimpered.

"Sorry,” He kept watching. “I’m impressed, though.”

"Men," I grumbled as he watched with interest, Delilah pulled her leg off Raegan's shoulder and sat in his lap and leaned back letting her legs raise in the air and her neck to lay back. "What the hell?"

“Is your sister’s night job a stripper?” Devan smirked.

"I'm beginning to wonder," I grumbled. "What..."

"She just lost her top," Devan's eyes bugged. "Damn."

"Alright!" I covered his eyes. "Delilah!"

“What?” She looked over to me and growled.

"Cover up! We're in the same fucking room!" I screeched. "You stripper!"

"Leave the room," she said slowly and dropped her pants. “Now.”

“Delilah!” I shrieked as Raegan pulled off her thong. "Ah!"

"Let me see!" Devan pulled my hand off and grinned as I pulled him off the couch. "Wow De, nice rac--"

"Shut up!" I shouted as I pulled him to the door.

“Fuck, Raegan!” Delilah moaned loudly as my eyes widened, pushing Devan out of the door.

"So gross," I leaned against the closed door. "Damn."

"Wow," Devan laughed. “Your sisters hot.”

"Devan," I glared as he cleared his throat.


“It’s… Fine,” I grumbled.

"No it isn't," he sighed. "I was just saying that because I'm a man."

“I can’t help it that my sister has a nice body,” I mumbled and looked around.

"You do too," he smiled at his hint, I only gawked.


"Aw," he whined.

“You want that, go find my sister.”

“I only want you,” He whispered and kissed my ear.

"You want her," I pouted my lips.

"I want you," he countered kissing my neck.

“You want her,” I pulled my head away.

“I want you,” He pushed his hand up my shirt and rubbed my ribcage.

"That tickles," I squirmed away as he kissed my neck again. "Devan..."


"Get you're hand out from under my shirt and I'll forgive you."

“Oh,” He recoiled his hand and smiled. “I’m sorry.”

"It's alright," I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Now."

"Now what?"

"Now kiss me."

“Really?” He whispered as I nodded and pushed my lips to his.