
Well that's something...

“Sorry,” She opened the car door violently and climbed in.

"Li," Danny whined as he crawled in after her. "Stop it."

"Get in your seat Danny or I'll leave you," she growled turning on the car. "Everyone in now."

“Okay,” I nodded as we all crammed into the car, Delilah flooring it out onto the road.

"Li don't fly please," David said softly.

"Sorry," she mumbled as she slowed up. "I just...yeah sorry."

“We know you’re upset,” I scolded. “But don’t put us in danger.”

"I'm sorry," she said slowly. "I really am."

“Just calm down,” I insisted as she gripped the wheel tight. “Drive safe.”

"I am," she took a deep breath. "We're here."

"Thank god!" Danny yelled.

“Drama queen,” I chuckled.

“Why yes,” He put his hand up dramatically. “I am!”

"I have a gay brother," Dean shook his head and climbed out.

"Homo," David chuckled.

"Don't go all homophobic on me," Danny teased. "I'm not gay idiots."

“How can we be sure?” Delilah pushed the double doors open.

"Because I have a girlfriend," he rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"So," I laughed.

"Whatever," he growled as he walked over to a blonde girl, and kissed her.

"He's trying too hard," Delilah laughed as she walked over to a tall, big built, brown haired, tattooed man that had a lip ring. Raegan Trents, the football star, quarterback.

“How’d she get him?” I asked, pointing to Raegan.

“Good question,” David shrugged.

"Go ask," I pushed him forward, he glared before joining his team around my sister. "Lilah!"

"What?" she leaned back.

"Who's that?" I pointed to the guy beside her.

"Raegan Trents, my boyfriend," she said walking over. "You knew."

“I did?” I titled my head.

“I told you last night-And, you probably weren’t paying attention,” She sighed and pulled Reagan over.

"I probably wasn't," I nodded.

"Raegan Trents meet one of my quints, Dana, Dana meet my boyfriend Raegan Trents," Delilah introduced.

“Nice to meet you,” He said in a raspy voice. “Li’s told me a lot about you.”

"I really like you're voice," It slipped out. "Oops."

"I know," Delilah giggled. "It's great."

"Thanks," Raegan kissed her temple and laughed. "Stop gushing over my voice."

“He’s a good singer, too,” Delilah wiggled her eyebrows, making us laugh.

"Thanks babe," he laughed and kissed her head again.

"He's really touchy feely too, it’s funny," she giggled and kissed his lips quickly. "He has a friend that you'd like."

“Would I?” I asked as Raegan pulled her close.

"Uh huh, his name is Devan DeGarmo and he's the linebacker for the football team," she explained.

"He's one of my friends," Raegan said nodding.

“Well, when can I meet him?” I looked around.

"Hang on," Raegan said walking off, he walked back with a black haired man with tattoos and piercings in his lips.

"Can he play with piercings?"

"He puts studs in," Delilah mumbled. "I asked."

“Damn,” I sighed as Raegan walked back up with Devan. “Hi.”

"He's damn good too," Delilah whispered. "Hey Devan."

"Hey Delilah," he smiled waving. "This a quints too?"

"Yep," she laughed. "My sister Dana."

“Hey,” He turned to me and smiled. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

"Aw cute," Delilah laughed as she hugged Raegan close, who laughed and pulled her away.

"She's weird," I pointed out.

“Yeah,” He shrugged. “But she’s cool.”

“Cool?” I scoffed. “Ha.”

"She is," he laughed. "She does pretty good on the softball team, do you play?"

"I've tried, I suck at it."

“I’m sure you’re not that bad-“

“I knocked myself out with a bat.”

“Oh,” Devan grimaced. “That is bad.”

"Yeah," I chuckled.

"What about basketball?"

"I tripped over my own leg and broke my collarbone."


"I got a concussion from hitting the ball with my head."


"You don't even want to know."

“Are you good at any sports?”

“Um,” I thought for a moment. “No.”

"Huh," he said slowly. "Anything at all?"

"Music, I'm good with music and art."

“Well, that’s something,” He shrugged.

“Yeah,” I nodded, chuckling.