

"Damn," Delilah smiled as she put on my makeup. "You're going out with Devan already? I'm so good."

"I can't believe you had sex," I kept from touching her with my legs or arms.

"I'm not germy, Jesus," she sighed.

“I’m not worried about germs,” I explained. “It’s the jizz that freaks me out.”

"Jizz?" she asked slowly. "Oh you mean..."


"I took a bath," she said slowly.

“Still,” I frowned.

“Well,” She mumbled. “If it’s any different, it was amazing.”

"Well, good for you babe but I don't want you touchin' me."

"Bite me," she grumbled.

“I wouldn’t be the only one,” I sang.

“Fuck you,” She threw the blush on the bathroom floor and stomped out, sniffing.

"Delilah," I sighed and walked after her, just in time to see her slam her door. "Delilah I'm sorry."

“Fuck you!” She sobbed. “Just go away!”

"Come on Delilah!"

"I thought of all people you would understand my reasons."


“Fuck off!”

"Man," I mumbled as I walked away. "Fucked that up."

"I'll go," Dean walked by and barged into her room. "Come on babe, let's talk."

“Go the fuck away!” She cried.

"De," he said slowly as he pulled her into his arms, I watched through the crack in the door. "Come on honey, talk to me."

“It’s just,” She collapsed into his embrace. “I thought I made a good decision.”

"Was it good for you?"


"That's all that matters, is what you think."

“But, Dana…”

"Its you're life Delilah," he said softly. "She can't tell you what you should do."

“She just seems angry at me,” She wept. “I don’t want her to be angry with me.”

"She's not mad baby," he laughed as he pulled her into a hug. "She's in shock."

"I'm sorry," she cried.


“I didn’t think it’d be such a big deal…”

"It isn't to anyone but you," he said. "Now, if you just listen to me, don't worry."

“Okay,” She nodded slowly and closed her eyes. “I love you.”

"Aw I haven't heard you tell me that in five years," he shrieked and held her close. "I love you too sis."

“It’s good to know,” She nodded slowly.

"It is," he agreed as he let her go and smiled down at her. "Think you will be okay girly?"

“I hope,” She reached over and grabbed her phone. “I’m gonna call.”

“Okay,” Dean nodded and walked out, glaring at me.


"You should be ashamed of yourself, she needs you Dana."

“I didn-“

“You hurt her, really bad,” He growled.

"I didn't mean to Dean, she shocked the hell out of me and I was playing with her!"

"She's you're sister, shocked or not you should have been there for her."


“Whatever,” He shook his head and walked off, leaving me confused.

"Damn confusing family," I grumbled walking back into my room. “Fucking moody as hell.”

"What did you do now squirt?" Danny asked looking over at me from his door.

“I upset Delilah,” I grunted angrily. “She’s too fucking grumpy.”

"How'd you piss her off smart one?"

"I made fun of her."

“For what?”

“Sleeping with Raegan.”

"Jesus Dana," he sighed. "Why do you do that? It was her first time."

"I know."

“Why’d you make fun of her, then?”

“I was kidding,” I insisted.

"She didn't know that," he pointed to the door. "I suggest you put the water under the bridge or else it will flood the dam."


"Just apologize!"

“Fine,” I mumbled and walked into Delilah’s room, her staring at me with the phone to her ear.