This Jet Black Feeling


*Frank's POV*

"Careful, Pansy, or you might fall over," sniggered the guy who had just tripped me up and caused me to fall flat on the corridor floor. Pretty much everyone else in the hallway was laughing at me, and a couple threw various items (bits of food, paper, blu tac etc.) at me. One guy (his name's Rhys and he's on my Top 5 People that I Want to Kill list) yelled "Fag!" and kicked me hard in the stomach while I was still on the floor. That's fucking low. Kicking a guy when he's down. Coward.

I scrambled to my feet and walked away fast, not looking at any of them and ignoring their insults. I narrowly avoided walking into that guy again as I headed towards my next class. He saw all that? Shit, now he knows that I'm a total reject. Not that he'd really care about me anyway. I got to my maths class only a couple of minutes late for once, and sat in my usual seat at the back on my own. I'd just turned my maths book to the fourth full page of doodles when I heard his voice. Smooth, deep and sexy in uncountable ways.
"Can I sit here?" he asked me, gesturing to the chair next to me.
"Y-yeah. Sure," I replied, giving him a nervous smile and moving my bag off the chair so he could sit down right next to me.
"You're the guy I bumped into in the hallway yesterday, right?" he questioned. He remembered me? I nodded, blushing. "You seemed in quite a hurry. Are you okay?" Now he was probably concerned about how I was after what had happened with the chavs in the corridor a few minutes ago, but just didn't want to mention it.
"Yeah, I'm fine thanks," I reassured him. He was smiling at me. "Umm... are you new here? I don't remember seeing you before yesterday..."
"Yeah, I am. Oh, sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name's Gerard, but you can call me Gee. All my friends do." He winked at me, and I promptly turned crimson. Did this mean he wanted me to be his friend? It took me a good ten seconds to realise that I should probably tell him my name, too.
"My name's Frank," I told him.
"So... Frank," said Gerard, pointing at my t-shirt. "You like the Misfits?"