All You Need Is Love

Freckles, Dimples & Wine Gums

"I had no idea of what she'd really been through," said Lorna sitting at her dining room table with Pops. He'd just explained to her the full details of what had been happening in Gabrielle's life.

"How is she now?" she asked him. It must have been hard for him to explain what had happened to his daughter for it had obviously affected him too.

"Actually Lorna, she's doing fine and apart from this flu virus that she has got she seems to be doing marvellously," said Pop the proudness of his only child evident in his eyes.

"Have you ever thought about telling her?" asked Lorna. "You know...about... "

"I've always thought about telling her but the time was never right," he interrupted sadly. "After Judith died, well she had that to deal with and then she left home, married him and then...that's never been the appropriate time."

"Do you think she could handle it if you told her?" asked Lorna watching the man she was so fond of tearfully explain about his daughter.

"You know I think she could now. I'm quite sure she could handle it," said Pops nodding to himself and looking up at the flame-haired woman opposite him.

"Well it's your decision and I'll be right here beside you, whatever you decide," said Lorna putting a hand out to touch Pops.

"She needs to know Lorna, she needs to know about you." Was all Pops said looking into Lorna's eyes and taking his hand in hers. "Its time."


Gabrielle woke freezing. She was lying on top of the bed in just her underwear and the window was still wide open from when Tre had opened it earlier in the day, the curtain still billowing around. She shivered and got up off the bed, wrapping her quilt around her and went over to close the window. Looking out she noticed the full moon, high up in the sky then glanced down at the bright reflection it made across the inky night sea. She shivered once again and closed the curtain quickly. As she stepped away from the window she trod on something soft that was on the floor. She bent and picked the article up; it looked like a cuddly toy, like a squirrel. She got back into her bed, covering the quilt over her then leant across to the bedside lamp and switched it on. The brightness from the light immediately filled the room causing Gabrielle to wince and to close her eyes for a moment. She opened them gradually so that her eyes could adjust to the brightness. It was a squirrel, a Beanie Baby squirrel and was of a reddish-brown colour; actually it was a similar colour to Tre's hair Gabrielle thought smiling to herself. She checked out the heart-shaped label attached to the toy and read the name of the squirrel: Nuts. She smiled again then turned the label over and a small message was written there in childish writing. It said, To Dad. I miss you when you are away, love Ramona.

I have kids, she could remember him saying those words earlier and this must be his little girl thought Gabby reading the name again. Ramona. How cute, how cute that he carries Ramona's toy squirrel around with him. Gabrielle touched the tuft of fur sticking up on top of the squirrel's head then placed the soft toy next to the photograph on the bedside table, switched off the light and fell straight back to sleep dreaming of Tre-smelling squirrels.

When she woke again at six o'clock Tre was the first thought that came to her mind. She couldn't sleep properly after that, tossing and turning and throwing the quilt off then back over herself again. She felt so much better than yesterday so decided to get up, make a cup of tea and get a bath.

When she was dressed and ready, she lay back on her bed, slightly tired and flicked through a book but not really concentrating on it and having to go over paragraphs again as she couldn't take them in.

At nine o'clock she finally heard the sound that she'd obviously been waiting for, the sound of the key in the front door. It wasn't until that moment that she realised that since she'd woken up Tre had hardly left her thoughts and she'd been waiting for him. Now he was here and her stomach leapt.

She couldn't hear him walking down the hallway but suddenly her bedroom door creaked slowly open and his hand was there and it was holding a huge bag, a family sized bag of wine gums. Then his face, all wide-eyed with eyebrow wiggles.

"A little birdie told me that you quite like these," Tre said opening the door up wider so that he could enter the room.

"The little birdie was wrong," said Gabrielle laughing, "I love them but I don't often have them for breakfast."

"How's the patient today?" said Tre coming over and immediately putting his hand to her forehead. "Your temperature seems to have gone," said Tre.

"Actually I'm feeling so much better that I may just have to have a few of those wine gums there," said Gabrielle shifting herself over slightly on the bed to let him sit down beside her and pointing at the enormous bag of sweets.

"Hey you have my nuts," said Tre suddenly picking up the squirrel from the bedside table. She noticed his automatic reaction of gently stroking the squirrel with his thumb then he was checking out the label and turning it over to read once again his daughter's writing.

"Yeah you left your Nuts over by the window, you have to be careful what you do with your nuts you know," Gabrielle said. He looked up at her then and smiled.

"Apparently he looks like me," said Tre. "Ramona says he reminds her of me, she says it has something to do with his colouring, his name and his tufty bits," he said.

Gabrielle took the squirrel from his hands and held it up next to his face to compare the two.

"Yep, I can see the likeness," she smiled. "Get those wine gums open will you, I'm starving."

Tre did as he was told and opened up the bag, dropping a few onto the bed as he did so, he then picked up the stray wine gums and shoved them all into his mouth.

Gabrielle laughed. "Hey that reminds me of something that Beth and I used to do when we were younger."

"What's that?" Tre said, his mouth full of wine gums.

"We used to see how many wine gums we could get in our mouths at once," said Gabrielle. "Childish I know," she said.

"Lets do it," said Tre, his eyes sparkling. "Yeah I like the sound of that game," he said.

"No, I think I'd probably throw up right now," said Gabrielle clutching her stomach. "But when I'm fully better I shall challenge you to a competition. I think I currently hold the record at 15 wine gums."

"Fuck, you have got a big mouth," said Tre shovelling more wine gums in.

"Hey don't eat all the reds; they're my favourite," said Gabrielle grabbing the bag from him. Anyway, talking of big, your hands are huge, look at these sausages," she said grabbing at his fingers.

"You know what they say...huge hands, huge... "

"I get the picture," said Gabrielle who still had a hold of his hand. "Lets see how big they are?" she said and she put her palm up to his and measured her hands against his, palm against palm.

"Nah it's not my hands that are huge," said Tre, "it's your hands, they're abnormally small, that's what it is," he said enjoying the sensation of their palms touching and fighting the urge to let his fingers drop through hers to link. Gabrielle was thinking the very same thing.

"Let me read your palm," said Gabby suddenly.

"What, not that freaky shit," said Tre pulling his hand away.

"It's not freaky, it's just a little fun," said Gabrielle. "Come here," and she grabbed his hand back again, turned it over and gently held it flat open while she got her forefinger and ran it along his lifeline.

"You have a good strong lifeline," she said tracing her finger along his palm.

"That's good; I can be a burden to my kids," said Tre laughing and not believing that he was listening to this stuff about palm reading. Still, he was enjoying her tender touch.

"And I can see you with white hair, balding," said Gabrielle smiling to herself.

"That sounds like my dad," said Tre slightly shocked that she had described her dad, but then weren't all old guys white haired and balding.

"You're going to be quite wealthy," said Gabrielle, concentrating.

"Good," said Tre but not letting on that he was wealthy already.

"...and you're going to have three kids." She suddenly said doing something with her finger at the side of his hand.

"Oh, right, well I have two already so there may be another little Tre baby to come then somewhere. Does that mean three ex-wives? I'm going to be penniless," he laughed, but she didn't say anything about the wives.

"...and your love line is a bit rocky to start with but it's quite strong from here on," and she pointed at another line on his hand. "See."

Yes he could see.

"That's it really," said Gabrielle, "So you're going to grow old with white hair, three kids and you'll be rich with some lady looking after you," she said looking into his eyes. Were these the ones that she had dreamt of? She hoped so.

She was still holding onto his hand and Tre was quite enjoying the sensation of her small soft hand holding on to his bigger clumsier one.

Gabrielle's mobile phone rang then and she looked over to see who it was that was calling. 'Beth' she read.

"Hi Beth," said Gabrielle cheerily.

"Hey you sound so much better, how are you feeling?" said Beth.

"I'm loads better thanks," said Gabrielle. She watched Tre walk out of the room, heard him going into the kitchen and turning on the water, it sounded like he was filling up the kettle.

"Has it been busy at the hotel?" she asked smiling to herself. This could be interesting, was he about to make her a cup of tea?

"Not that bad thank goodness," said Beth. "Anyway, the reason I'm calling is... he there with you?" she said, "you may not be able to talk but you know who I mean." Gabrielle could now hear the clattering of mugs and cupboard doors opening and closing and smiled to herself.

"Yes Beth he's here, that is if you mean Tre," she said.

"Shouldn't it be Mr. Cool to you Gabby?" Beth said imitating Gabby's voice.

"Actually I've been calling him Dr. Cool," said Gabrielle whispering into the phone. "He's been so good to me Beth."

"He's been asking me loads about you but I've not answered any of his questions, well the obvious ones I have," she said.

" what?" Said Gabby, intrigued.

"Like were you single and what's your story basically. I just told him you are single and anything else he needed to know he'd better find out for himself."

"Oh Beth, you can be so hard when you want to," said Gabrielle, but pleased that he had taken to the time to want to find out more about her.

"I know...he seems keen on you Gabby," said Beth.

"Do you really think so?" said Gabrielle listening to him in the kitchen and kind of thinking that may be, yeah he was keen.

"Definitely, but Gabby you know nothing about him at all," said Beth.

"What is there to know?" said Gabrielle looking over at Nuts then.

"Loads Gabby, absolutely loads, you don't know anything about him," said Beth.

"Do you then? Do you know loads about him," said Gabrielle whispering and frowning now.

"I know some things," Beth said. She was so worried for her friend who'd been through so much she just didn't want to see her lapse again and was worried that Tre Cool would hurt her.

"Like what?" said Gabrielle her stomach lurching slightly. She didn't really want to know too much about him did she? It could only be good stuff, she couldn't cope with anything more.

"That he's got two kids by different women, he's a bit of a womaniser. Look, just be careful Gabby, I worry for you," said Beth sincerely, but Gabby didn't really want to hear any of it.

"Beth you know me, after all that's happened do you think I'm going to rush into anything?" she said to her friend.

Beth started laughing. "Of course not, god Gabby it's been years since you've been with anybody. You know it's been about 3 months now since David has left and...well I think I'm going to have to get a companion like you've got."

"What do you mean?" said Gabrielle, confused.

"Your little Leroy friend," whispered Beth.

"Oh, Leroy, my 'battery operated' friend you mean." They laughed together.

"Yep I think I'm going to have to get myself a Leroy. Though the real thing is soooo much better don't you think?" said Beth, reminiscing. Tre entered the room then and Gabrielle couldn't help but stare at him carrying in two steaming hot mugs.

"I agree," said Gabrielle, still watching Tre. Something about him...she couldn't take her eyes off him. "Anyway, what time tomorrow? Why not come here about 7pm and we'll have a drink and chat before we head off. I'm looking forward to it Beth."

"So am I and may be I'll pull tomorrow night and then I won't need a 'Leroy friend' after all," she said.

"Oh Beth, see you tomorrow. Oh and I may pop in to the hotel for a couple of hours just to see all's well," said Gabrielle.

"OK and enjoy your day, may be you won't need Leroy anymore," she said and Gabrielle could almost see her winking.

"Bye Beth," she said, clicked the red button on her phone and placed it on her bedside. She was still smiling.

"I've made you a cup of tea," said Tre. "I wasn't sure if you took sugar," he said placing the mug down on the bedside next to her phone, the photograph and Nuts

"Thanks Tre and no I don't take sugar. Anyway, where the hell did you learn to make a cup of tea? I thought you Americans were huge coffee drinkers?" she said reaching over for her mug.

"We are ex wife Claudia used to drink it nearly all the time," he said.

"How long were you married?" said Gabrielle suddenly interested.

"Three years," said Tre. "We have a son; Frankito," and Tre went straight into his wallet and brought out a photograph and proudly handed it over to Gabrielle.

Oh my god thought Gabrielle. He reminded her of...

"He's beautiful," said Gabrielle slightly taken about. "How old is he?" She asked.

"He's 4," he said.

The very same age when...

"He's so cute, I can see the likeness," she said looking at the gorgeous little boy in the photograph, the boy that was so much part of this Tre's life.

"...and Ramona?" said Gabrielle thinking back to the message on the squirrel. "Do you carry a picture of her?" she said handing Frankito's photo back to him. She watched him safely tuck it away.

"Actually," said Tre bringing out a small photo album and smiling. "I have this, each time I go home Ramona adds more photographs to the collection. She's ten and she says that the more photos of her I carry, then I can't forget her. As if I'm going to forget her anyway," he said obviously remembering his daughter's words.

Gabrielle took a moment to look through the pictures. "Now she looks more like you than Frankito. this her mother?" Said Gabrielle looking at a photograph of Ramona with a beautiful woman. "She's lovely. Were you together long?" she asked.

"Not that long, no, not long at all really," said Tre. It was obvious to her that he loved talking about his children.

He didn't elaborate and she didn't ask anything more. Gabrielle carried on looking through the album. "She's a gorgeous girl Tre, you're going to have a few male visitors when she's older." She smiled and he did too, proudly.

"I'll see them off," he said.

She handed back the photograph album then a sip from her tea. Tre put the album away in his jacket pocket, took off the jacket and slung it onto the chair on top of Gabby's work skirt and blouse that had been there since yesterday. She couldn't help but stare at his biceps as he moved around reaching for his mug and sitting down on the bed. Her stomach leapt once again, a feeling that had been lost on her for years. It was a wonderful feeling having that back again.

"Right, do you think you are up for a walk, to get outside and get some air into you?" said Tre glancing over at her.

"I think I could manage a walk but don't you dare suggest the helter skelter," she laughed. Her dimples appeared suddenly and Tre wanted to reach out his hand and run his finger over one of her dimples, they were so cute.

"Drink up your tea then and we'll go," said Tre. "I'm dying to go for a walk along the seafront."

Gabrielle did as she was told, drank her tea down then stood up to put on her sweatshirt. It didn't look like a cold day but the south coast of England was renowned for being chilly.

Tre took the mugs and went off to the kitchen to wash them up. Very domesticated thought Gabby to herself.

She went out into the hall, slipped on a pair of trainers and waited for him. He came out from the kitchen clutching the keys and they silently left the flat together.

"Oh and I've just hung up your skirt and blouse," he said to her as they went down the two flights of stairs down to the ground floor which Gabrielle took fairly slowly. She was amazed at this guy. She felt slightly wobbly but didn't want to go back inside, she definitely wanted a walk, with Tre alongside her.

They walked along the pavement for about five minutes then suddenly Tre stopped outside a restaurant.

"This is where Mike and Brittney want to go tomorrow night," said Tre checking out the menu that was displayed in the window.

"This is where I'm coming tomorrow with Beth," said Gabby. "It's the place at the moment," she said. "They have a club too apparently so if you decide to go you'd better wear your black nail polish and make up if you want to look good," she said nudging him.

"May be I will go after all," said Tre. "The menu looks decent," and now that he knew Gabrielle was going, well that was the reason that really changed his mind.

They crossed the street and headed over to the beach, stepping down onto the pebbles. Gabby faltered slightly but Tre was there to grab her elbow and keep her upright. "You OK?" He said, "We can head back you know."

"I'm fine Tre, anyway, I want to show you how to skim stones," she said suddenly walking ahead of him and heading off to the waves.

"No way, I am the best stone skimmerer known to man. I was bought up in the mountains where there are loads of lakes," said Tre, shouting after her.

"No, I'm the best at skimming, I've been doing it since I was five," She shouted and turned to look at him struggling to walk on the stones.

"The bet is now on to see who is the best," shouted Tre slipping and sliding on the pebbles.

"Right, you go first then," said Gabrielle looking over at Tre who had his finger on his mouth looking down at the hundreds of millions of pebbles that surrounded him as if trying to choose the best ones.

"Hey you need a FLAT stone," said Gabrielle. "They're the best."

"No, I needed a ROUNDED stone," said Tre.

"FLAT," said Gabrielle, hands on her hips.

"ROUNDED," said Tre.

"As you want," said Gabrielle collecting up a few pebbles and stuffing them into her pocket.

"What the hell are you doing?" said Gabrielle laughing at him. "How long does it take to choose a stone that's going to end up in the sea?" hands back on her hips.

"This is a tactical move," said Tre wiggling those eyebrows at her.

"Just hurry or I'll go first," said Gabrielle.

"OK you go first, I need to know what the competition is like anyway," he said.

"Right, Dr. Cool, just watch this," and Gabrielle went down to the edge of the water, flicked her wrist and sent the stone flying. It bounced three times then disappeared into the water.

She turned to Tre, smiling widely. "Worried now are you?" she said.

"Not at all," said Tre. "Hey, I've found one," he said bending over and picking up a stone and turning it over in his hands.

"What are you doing NOW?" Said Gabby rolling her eyes impatiently.

"I'm just checking to see if it has the right feel," he said.

"Oh just get on with it will you," said Gabrielle. Tre laughed at her impatience and she couldn't help but smile back at him.

He walked over to the sea then threw the stone into the water. It also bounced three times also then plopped into the water.

" seems pretty even at the moment," said Gabby looking around her for another stone. "I bet you can't do four bounces," she said smugly.

"No one can do four bounces," said Tre picking up another stone. "It's impossible."

"Right, have you got your stone Doctor?" Said Gabrielle.

"I have," said Tre.

"Well come over here and we'll do it together," she said.

"I'd love to do it together," said the cheeky Tre coming over towards her but he didn't think she'd heard him. Actually she did but decided to ignore it as she had blushed and didn't want him to notice.

They stood together but Tre was head and shoulders above Gabrielle and almost twice as big.

"On the count of three," said Gabrielle. "1...2... 3," and with that they both threw their pebbles out into the sea. Tre's bounced three times and Gabrielle's four.

She dusted her hands together in triumph. "See, four bounces. You said that was impossible."

"Well I suppose I was wrong then freckles," said Tre looking down at her, enjoying watching her have a good time.

"What did you call me?" Said Gabrielle with a slight frown on her face as she looked up at him.

"Freckles," said Tre checking out her freckles. He took his forefinger and pointed at her nose and cheeks. "I think these ones here have definitely had babies because I'm damn sure they weren't there yesterday," he said smiling. Keep smiling Dr Cool thought Gabrielle, for I love your smile, even if you are staring at my freckles.

"Please don't look at my freckles, I hate them," she said looking away and out to sea.

"They're lovely," chuckled Tre. "What's not to like about them? Why do you hate them?" He loved them.

"They're just...ugly," said Gabrielle turning to go back up the beach. "When I was a kid I used to try and wash them off. I read this article once that if you mix vinegar and lemon juice and apply it nightly for a month they fade then eventually disappear."

"You're kidding?" Said Tre laughing to himself and following her.

"Nope, I did as I was told and it didn't work so I decided on a bottle of bleach and a scrubbing brush. That didn't do the trick either and I just ended up losing three layers of skin and had scabs all over my nose. THEN I hoped that when the scabs fell off the freckles would go with them."

"And they didn't of course," said Tre.

"Nope, obviously I still have them but at least I can cover them with make up," she said tucking her auburn tendril behind her ear.

"Are you for real?" said Tre.

"You don't know the half of what I got up to as a kid," said Gabrielle enjoying this guy's company and not minding at all about sharing her exploits. She just couldn't bring herself to tell him anything else.

"Tell me," said Tre really interested in this girl that had got under his skin.

They sat down together and she drew her knees up towards her chest facing out to sea.

Gabrielle laughed and glanced over to the pier. "Well... you see the helter skelter over there?" she said.

"Yup," said Tre glancing over towards it.

"Well...each time I went on that from about the age of 14 I used to moony from the top of it."

Tre laughed, he couldn't imagine it.

"And on my 18th birthday I stripped and jumped butt naked into the sea off the end of the pier."

"Fuck...that's quite high up," said Tre.

"Yep, but I was drunk and almost got arrested. The police were called and they were covering me with their coats. It drew a crowd and... "

"What on earth did your mother think?" said Tre

"My mother died when I was 10," Gabrielle said.

"Sorry, I didn't realise, it must have been awful," said Tre.

"She was quite a sick lady, she had had a heart problem from birth. They say she was lucky to have lived that long and even luckier to have me. She was only thirty. I can just about remember her but sometimes I have to get out the photographs to really remind myself what she looked like."

She shivered then.

"Cold?" Said Tre.

"A little," she said looking towards him.

He put his arm round her then and pulled her slightly towards him. A waft of 'masculine' swept over her and she drank it in. His huge hand was working its way up and down the top of her arm warming her and warming her heart too.

"So you grew up here in this beautiful place?" said Tre.

"Yes, I grew up here but lived in London for 5 years and hated every minute of it," she said suddenly. This was more information than she'd ever said to anyone else since all that had happened.

"I missed the sea, the air and the people. You know I don't think I could live anywhere where I couldn't hear the sea. I just love that sound," said Gabrielle, enjoying his warmth and looking out to the sea ahead of them.

"I know what you mean; I live near the ocean too. Hey do you know the best thing about living near the ocean?" said Tre.

"Well my best thing about living near the sea is that when you wake up at night, all alone and you open the windows and hear the sea its's like there's someone there with you and you don't feel so alone anymore," said Gabrielle.

Tre was shocked for she had just described how he felt when he lived near the sea. He often felt alone and as long as he could hear the waves crashing he felt fine.

"My sentiments exactly," he said, he didn't have to say anything else.

The wind was blowing gently and Gabrielle's hair started gently whipping across her face and she fought a few strands, trying to tuck them behind her ear. Tre still had his right hand warming up Gabrielle but he could see her struggling with these stray strands of hair so put his left hand up to her face and slipped his fingers through the tendrils and tucked them gently behind her ear. His face was close to hers and he drew her even closer to him and in a quick movement he pressed his lips to hers. It was a gentle kiss, sweet but salty from the sea air. She opened her lips to encourage him to put his warm tongue there. It was such a tender and wonderful kiss and when they stopped they pressed their brows together and Tre gently sighed a small contented sigh. He rubbed her nose with his back and forth then kissed her eyebrow. Right where my scar is thought Gabrielle.

They were interrupted by a beach ball being lobbed at them and they pulled away laughing. Tre stood up and picked the ball up. He turned and a little boy no older than five was looking at him a little nervously with wide eyes wondering if the guy would tell him off for hitting him with a ball.

"Hey little dude is this your ball?" asked Tre.

The tiny boy nodded then and Tre bent over and held the ball out to him.

"Thank you," whispered the boy shyly then took the ball from Tre and quickly ran off in the direction of a woman who waved over her thanks.

"How cute was he?" said Gabrielle standing up.

She thought Tre looked slightly sad then and it was obvious that he was thinking of his own children and missing them. She put her hand on his arm.

"Hey Tre," she said and he turned and looked at her.

"How about some fish and chips?" she said trying to think of a way to cheer him up.

"Sounds good to me," said Tre rubbing at his stomach. They slowly crunched their way on the pebbles back up the beach.

"I have a confession to make," said Gabby as they walked.

"What's that?" said Tre looking at her. Was she going to tell him that she was married after all?

"I have one of your CDs at home and...I still haven't listened to it," she said looking down at her feet.

He raised his eyebrows.

"Well when we get back, we'll take a listen to it together shall we?" said Tre. "Which one is it? He asked.

"Ummm...I'm not sure, I don't know what it's called and I've even forgotten the name of your band. Sorry," she said slightly wincing.

Tre put his head back and laughed loudly.

"What's so funny?" said Gabrielle, what a great laugh he has.

"So far today I've learnt that you skim stones like a man, you can't go for a ride in a helter skelter without showing off your ass, you nearly got arrested for being naked in a family area and now you tell me you don't remember the name of the band I'm in."

"Soooooo," said Gabrielle.

Tre just shook his head in amazement looking at Gabby.


"Not bad," said Tre holding boiling hot fish and chips wrapped in paper. He held a tiny wooden fork and was pulling apart the fish and shoving it into his mouth hungrily.

"You like?" Said Gabrielle biting a chip in half.

"Mmmmmm," said Tre. "If you leave any of yours, I'll finish them off," he said.

They were sitting on a bench by the sea looking out at the crashing waves lapping their white foam up onto the pebbles. There was a slight breeze but it wasn't cold at all and the sun would show itself now and again from behind fluffy white clouds.

"Actually I don't leave food, I eat everything up like a good girl," said Gabrielle, mouth full of fish.

"Fuck, that's not how it works," said Tre. "Aren't women always meant to be on some kind of diet or other all the time then they leave the food for the man to finish off."

"Not with me matey," said Gabrielle eating the last of her chips then screwing up the paper into a ball and taking it over to a dustbin nearby.

"Fuck, and you finished first, so no extras for me then," said Tre.

"Nope," said Gabrielle coming to sit next to him and pinching a chip from him.

"Hey," said Tre like a little boy and protecting his food.

He finished up his fish then did the same as Gabrielle, took his rubbish over to the dustbin then brushed the salt from his sweatshirt.

As he walked back she couldn't help but look at the way he walked, confident, head back, and the jutting out of his wonderfully strong looking chin. As he sat next to her she brushed some salt off his chin. It was firm and slightly rough from where he'd shaved.

A lady spoke to them then, it was a little old lady that had been sharing the bench with them and the other side of her was an old guy.

"Young love, eh Bert," she said. "You keep a hold of him deary," she said to Gabrielle. "He looks like a good un. You know, Bert, and me we've been coming to Brighton every year for 50 years. Not missed a year have we Bert, except when you were in having that gallstone operation done. We soon made up for it the next year didn't we Bert," she said nudging the quiet Bert. "Anyway... are you American love?" she asked looking at Tre.

"Sure am," said Tre turning to the old lady.

"Oooh I love an American accent," said the old lady. "Reminds me of back in the war days when you lot came over and took most of the young women back with you. I'm not surprised...if they looked like you do...well. You keep hold of him now deary, he looks like a good un," she said again.

"Come on Ethel or we'll miss our lunch," said Bert suddenly getting up off the seat, obviously embarrassed by his wife and the way she was talking.

"Good to meet you," said Ethel to Gabrielle and Tre, Tre in particular.

Tre stood up and took Ethel's hand and kissed it. He shook hands with Bert then said, "Good to meet you too." Gabrielle's stomach just leapt watching him, he was a gent through and through. She suddenly had this urge sweep over her to get him back to her flat, she wanted to kiss him again but this time away from prying eyes.

"How sweet," said Tre. "Imagine being like that with someone when you're that age," he said glancing over and watching the couple walk away hand in hand to get their lunch.

"You OK?" said Tre turning back to Gabby

"A little tired," said Gabby. "May be we could go back now, anyway I think I'd better listen to some of your music," she said. "All I know about the CD is that it has a black case and apparently it's your latest one," she said getting up off the bench but wobbling slightly.

"Right you," said Tre turning his back to her. "Hop on."

"What?" Said Gabrielle.

"Hop on, its only a short walk, I'm sure I can manage to lift you even though you pigged out earlier," he said.

"I've not had a piggy back for years," said Gabrielle. She climbed onto the bench then climbed onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck. He grabbed the backs of her knees comfortably and she rested her cheek against his neck. She could feel the softness of his sweatshirt and the warmth from the skin on his neck. She could smell his usual cologne smell and also another smell...the shampoo from the hotel. She smiled to herself and let Tre carry her home.

"Right, that's it I can't carry you any longer," said Tre.

Gabrielle reluctantly slid down his back. She'd enjoyed the ride.

They walked through the doors and up the stairs. They stood at her front door just looking at each other.

"You have the keys, remember?" Laughed Gabrielle.

Tre fumbled around in his pockets and found the keys in his hoody pocket. He brought them out along with a few pebbles. He handed the keys to Gabrielle who went to open the door then Tre spoke as they walked through.

"Oh look, what a beautiful pebble," he said. It was quite a flat pebble; grey-ish purple but was in the shape of a heart. He turned it over in his hand a few times.

"You're funny," said Gabrielle closing the door behind them.

"Am I?" said Tre still clutching the pebble.

"Yes, its just a pebble." Said Gabrielle. "There are absolutely millions out there to choose from."

Tre shrugged then and put the pebble back into his hoody pocket.

Gabrielle dropped the keys down onto the hall table and headed off to the bathroom. Tre walked through to the Living Room and once more checked out the view. When Gabrielle came into the room she started rummaging around in her cupboard for the CD.

"Here it is," she said bringing out a CD.

"Green Day," she said. "That's what you're called. I remember now." She looked over at Tre who as shaking his head, rolling his eyes and smiling.

She put the CD into the player.

"You know the first song is quite...well may be not your thing," said Tre coming over to the CD player. Let me think, I think you'll like this one," and he pressed play as Gabrielle walked over to the window. She opened it slightly to let in a slight breeze, she felt hot suddenly in his presence.

The sound of a guitar filled the room, then a voice.

"Summer has come and passed the innocent can never last... "

Tre watched her auburn hair blowing about by the cool breeze and decided he had to go to her then. He joined her over by the window and placed both his hands on her shoulders. She immediately felt the heat from him and the firmness of his hands and her stomach leapt from his touch. She could feel him brushing her long hair aside so that he could get to her neck to plant a gentle kiss there. She cocked her head to give him easy access and she could feel his warm breath blowing just below her ear. He kissed her neck with such gentle kisses then nipped at her ear lobe and she giggled.

"What a wonderful voice Billie has," she said turning to face him. He was staring at her intently and she reached up to touch his cheek.

"Yeah and the drum beat ain't that bad either," he said.

She smiled then and he put out his thumb and gently stroked it across one of her dimples.

Gabrielle felt an overwhelming desire surge through her body, a desire like she'd never felt for anybody before in her entire life. He bent and kissed her and she smiled against his lips that were still salty from the sea air and the fish and chips. She put out her tongue to lick at his bottom lip gently and he opened his mouth freely to her. She could feel his hands trying to undo the buttons of her blouse. He was fumbling slightly but she didn't want to help him, she wanted him to do it. She wanted him to undo her buttons for her and to expose her to him and anyway, she liked the feel of his warm hands against her breasts and the feeling of anticipation was tremendous.

The doorbell sounded and they both stopped dead in their tracks.

"Leave it," said Tre his mouth still against hers.

"I can't, I know who it will be," said Gabrielle.

"Pops," said Tre.

"Yeah," said Gabrielle reluctantly pulling herself away from him. "I'm going to have to get it," she said.

Tre nodded.

"Fuck, what do I do?" he said pointing down towards his jeans that were straining against his bulge. Gabrielle laughed. "You'll have to go to the bathroom for a while until it calms down," she said hurriedly doing her blouse buttons back up. He only had one button left to go too...

The doorbell again.

Tre hurried to the bathroom and Gabrielle went out to the hallway. Just before she answered she checked herself in the mirror. She noticed a few red blotches on her chin area where Tre had rubbed her with his stubble and had caused a mild rash. She hoped her father wouldn't notice. She opened the door and Pops came bounding in, as large as life as ever.

"Hey Angel, you're looking not bad and I thought you'd still be in bed. Sorry to disturb you," he said coming through to the Living Room.

While Tre was in the bathroom waiting for his erection to disappear he glanced about him. The window was full of small trinket boxes and he decided to have a look in a few of them. Most of them were empty, one had a few shells in them and the last one had some pills inside. Tre kind of knew what the pills were for and he was slightly shocked to see them. He quickly closed the lid of the trinket box and thought to himself about Gabrielle. He knew nothing about her really. Shit, what was she all about? He liked her a lot and wanted to get close to her but all he'd learnt was that she was fairly rich and that she'd lived in London for a few years and hated it. He had to get her to open up to him. He went then to flush the toilet...

...Pop turned as he heard the toilet flush from the bathroom.

"I didn't realise you had a visitor," said Pops.

"Oh its Tre," said Gabrielle, "Tre whose staying at the hotel."

"Oh," said Pops nodding in understanding, "the American guy who plays the drums, I see, he seems like a good friendly guy."

Tre came out of the bathroom then and came straight to shake Pops' hand.

"Hi...Pops...I'm sorry that's all I know you as," said Tre

"It's fine son," said Pops. "Everyone calls me by that name now and I quite like it. I hear you've been looking after my little girl," he said.

"Well I've been keeping her company," said Tre looking at Gabrielle who was showing him her dimples once again.

"But I really must be going, I'll leave you to it and I'll shall probably see you tomorrow night then Gabs," said Tre.

"Nice to see you again Pops," said Tre.

"Yeah, you too son," said Pops going over to the stereo to turn the music down slightly.

"Let me see you out," said Gabrielle.

She walked with Tre to the front door and he bent and kissed her gently on the cheek.

"May be I'll see you at Luigi's then," said Gabrielle hopefully.

"May be you will, freckles," he said then was gone.

"He's a nice guy," said Pops.

"Yes he is," she said. "Anyway, what have you been up to dad, anything?"

"Oh this and that, listen honey, I'm going away for a week with Lorna to her place in France. Will you be OK to stay at mine and look after the dogs for a week?"

"Of course I will, I love it there," she said thinking about the wonderful cottage two miles along the coast where she grew up and the small private beach that went with it.

"I'm going on Saturday morning and when we get back...we must get together with Lorna and have a nice meal together. There's something I want to tell you anyway," he said.

"Oh, can't you tell me now?" Said Gabrielle intrigued.

"'s nothing and I'd rather tell you when we're back from France," he said knowing that it was nothing.

"OK, cup of tea?" She asked her father

"Please Angel," said Pops wandering over to the stereo but this time turning it off.


Tre decided to walk back to the hotel. It was a beautiful walk and the scenery was breathtaking and he was glad of the walk to clear his head slightly. Fuck! What was he getting himself into here? He really liked Gabrielle and was sure she liked him too but were there going to be complications? He really could do without complications. May be he would call a halt to it before he got any more involved.

His phone rang then and he smiled as he saw his sons name flash up on the screen.

"Hey sunshine, good morning," he said as he realised that Frankito was just getting up.

"Morning Dad. Hey Dad, I've drawn you a picture," said Frankito. "Mom said she'll take a photo and text it to you. Can I? Can we do that dad?" he asked, urgency evident in his little voice.

"Of course you can dude. Do it now OK?"

"Yeah and Dad I love you. See you in a few days."

"Yeah I can't wait. How about we go kite flying when I get back?" said Tre remembering the guy on the beach with his kid.

"Oh yeah dad, we haven't done that in ages. Love you dad," he said again.

"Love you monkey," said Tre. "Now hurry and send that picture won't you."

Tre carried on walking. Fuck it he hated being away from them, hated it so much. That was hard to do and now to get involved with someone on the other side of the world. Was that worth it too? How much more hassle could he take in his life.

The phone bleeped and he checked out Frankito's picture. It was a drawing of a house, a huge house and in front of it three stick people with the words Mom, Dad and Frankito written in babyish writing above each one.

Although he lived with Claudia for the sake of Frankito it was becoming more and more awkward for the boy. Frankito still thought they were together but they weren't together at all and one day they would both want to move on and find new partners. May be it was time for Tre to get a place of his own to make his son realise that his parents weren't properly together anymore. Then Tre changed his mind as that would mean seeing even less of Frankito. Tre shoved the phone into his pocket and walked into the hotel driveway. He had a headache coming but his thoughts came back to Gabrielle and her dimples and freckles and he smiled. He needed her to open up to him a bit more and...well if she didn't... what would be the point?