
Chapter 5- ending

Yesterday I had found a note in his pocket. A note with female handwriting.
I felt the pang of hurt as I read it, learning of this mystery woman's plans for tomorrow night.
My boyfriend came into the room, telling me that he was going on a work trip tomorrow and that he would be back by monday night.
I listened to him, my eyes cold with hatred, and watched him walk out of the room, unaware of my own secret plan in store for him.
He was such a lucky boy; two girls awaiting his company for a big surprise.
After he left for work that morning, I began to mould my plan. I used the phone number at the bottom of the note to conduct a search on the internet for details of that person.
Her name was Marie.
I found pictures of her, her family name, her occupation and her house number.
It's amazing what people leave on the internet.
I finished my work with a smug smile as I climbed into bed, ready to dream of a life away from this.
The next day, I finished my wedding plan as well as my plan to finally be rid of my boyfriend.
As I stood in the church with the veil over my eyes, I thought about the time I'd spent with Frank.
I thought about my boyfriend. I thought about Charliey. I thought about Gerard and Bob and Ray and Mikey.
I thought about how much they must hate me.
I thought about it, and it hurt me.
My dress dragged on the carpet as I walked alone through the church.
I'd asked for some time to pray. I knelt down in front of the altar with tears rolling down my cheeks and staining the white dress. I looked up to see Jesus smiling down upon me from the crucifix. I looked away to see Mary watching me as if she were my own mother; proud, loving, kind. I sat, looking at her, and I asked her aloud:
"Why am I here? What happened?"
I walked through the church for the second time that day, holding back tears. I listened to Beethoven as I walked, accompanied by my boyfriend's friend.
I walked past Frank. He was looking at his feet, crying. Silent.
I felt my heart jump as I realised what I was about to do. I looked at my boyfriend, smiling at me like her really did love me. I saw a glitter from on top of the altar. The rings.
I stood silentley, listening to the vicar give the hardest terms and conditions speech I'd ever heard in my life.
"In sickness and in health?"
I watched the statue of Mary from the corner of my eyes; still the love in her eyes.
"Forever to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
I clamped my eyes shut as Frank gave a loud whimper.
"I do."
I opened them again to look at my boyfriend.
"To be your lawfully wedded husband?"
As I looked at the man standing before me, I remebered who he was.
I thought back to the abuse, to the hurt, to the threats. I opened my mouth, ready to seal the vow.
I'm not sure what happened that moment, but I'm pretty sure Mary had something to do with it.
"I don't."
There were multiple gasps from the spectators as I lifted my hand. Almost in slow motion I moved it powerfully in front of my face. I felt the most freeing pain in my life as I felt my hand hit my ex boyfriend's skin for the first time. I saw blood spill from his mouth. I looked upon him again with hatred and said:
I spat as I walked away, not daring to look back.
In the graveyard, I sat next to Mary again.
She looked upon me with gentle triumph, and I knew she was proud of me.
Hey, we don't need men.
I heard crackling as someone walked over to me.
I looked at black shoes, black trousers, a white shirt and a red tie.
I moved my gaze onto the most beautiful face I've ever seen. I'd seen if before, and I hoped to God I'd see it again.
Frank smiled at me, holding his arms out.
I leapt in slow motion again, screaming with joy and crying as I held Frank Iero in my arms again.
I loved him.
As we walked back inside together, I looked back, and I'm sure I saw Mary wink at me.
Religion is the best.
"Hey, is there any chance of you working ovetime today?" Frank asked the vicar.
He looked quizical, but smiled as he realised Frank's plans.
I stood at the altar for the third time that day, with an audience of the people I loved most, looking at the man I knew I was destined to be with.
The final "I do" of the day was not a lie.
It was the truth.
I thought to myself as I kissed my new husband, that this was the best day ever.