Sequel: New Beginnings

Finishing Up

Chpater 12: Calming Waves

Now we have to go to the ocean. One of the last things on my list. I've always wanted to go, but have never been able to. Which is really a shame, because we live only an hour away.

**At the beach**

Ella hopped out of the car, whining about how long the drive was. "Ella, it was an hour." I said, turning and looking at her seriously. I couldn't help it and started cracking up, which caused her to laugh too.

We walked slowly to the shore, where the waves came in fiercely, and crashed down, then retreated back to the open water. It was beautiful and I instantly glad I chose this event to be one of the few that could make it on. Even though some were crazy. Like the geese, yeah that was...random. But hey, I'm a random person!

Anyways, back to the story. We sat on the beach and talked, about a lot of things actually. We avoided the subject of me having only one month left to live, and I was happy about that.

I got up, grabbing the small picnic basket we had brought with. Tossing a sandwich at Ella, I giggled. She threw (or attempted to throw) a handful of sand in my direction. It was pretty funny watching her try to do that.

We ate in silence, but it wasn't awkward. It was peaceful and gentle. The kind of silence that lets your mind wander, but doesn't make you get all clammy.

After I finished eating, I slid my clothes off, revealing my tiny body in my bikini. I didn't care that I was pale and bald, or that I was extremely skinny. I was determined to have a good time, and not about to let leukemia stop me.

Ella did the same, not even noticing my sickly looks. She had seen it all before, but even more than that, she knew I didn't want to hear it. And she didn't want to upset me.

We ran down the shoreline, chasing each other and pushing each other in at random times. It didn't last long, as I got tired quite easily. But since I was off chemo, I had more energy than before.

Staring off into the sunset and sitting on the beach with my best friend, my sister, I forgot for an instant that I was terminally ill.
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The chapters are going to be short from here on out, but the story is almost over. THEN THE SEQUEL!! I have that one planned out A LOT better. :]