Sequel: New Beginnings

Finishing Up

Chapter 13: A Kind Act

*Normal POV*

Ella groggily logged onto her laptop, clicking on the Jonas Brothers fansite. She had registered days before, so she could get presale tickets to the upcoming concert. She bought to VERY expensive tickets, 3 row. Ella hated the Jonas Brothers, but was going to take Manda as her last gift.

She quickly dialed Manda's number, and told her the news. She was ecstatic! Ella got bored and finally hung up, relieved that Manda didn't call her again. She could only handle so much of her droning about those boys...

The concert was in 3 weeks and she knew Manda would want to go shopping. So that was the next thing she was doing. Taking her shopping for a Jonas Brothers concert. Oh, this was going to be fun.


After Shopping

"Ella I love you SO MUCH!" Manda squealed, hugging her friend. "Do you think they'll notice me?" she asked, holding up her black skinny jeans and rocker tee that she was going to wear to the concert in 1 week. "Of course!" Ella had decided to play along since day 1. She had to pretend to like them. Sure, she didn't think there music was the best, but they were all handsome and polite and down to earth, even if she didn't want to admit it. Ella had decided to wear black skinny jeans too, but a different top. More babydoll than Manda's. A kelly green one. She was a little excited...

"Hey, how about we have a pre-party??" Ella asked, involuntarily. It just sorta came out, but she shrugged it off. "OMJ YES!" Manda yelled. "Ella, this is why you're my best friend: you're a genius!"

"Oh, thanks Manda. Not the fact that I'm considerate or polite or-" She was cut off by Manda whacking her in the head with a pillow. "I'm just kidding!"

*Day of Pre-party*

*Ella's POV*

I went to the craft supply store to buy posterboard and sparkles, ribbon and markers, and all that stuff for making signs. I was now fully pumped about this concert, and Manda had noticed, but didn't say anything.

Bringing them to her house, we both made signs. Mine said "Made You Look!" knowing Joe would like it. Manda said "A Little Bit Longer" which completely melted my heart. I brushed it away, knowing she was hoping she'd get to meet them.

For the most part, we just hung out, listened to Jonas Brothers music (which I actually enjoyed, for once) and watched movies. Back to the old Ella and Manda.

*At the Concert*

*Ella's POV*

Fully geared in there pre-planned outfits, Ella and Manda carried signs into the stadium like any other obsessive fans. They quickly found there seats, and chatted with other fans until the show started. When the boys came out, Manda just about fainted. Kevin was wearing gray pants, with a long sleeved white shirt. Over it, he had layered a gray vest and a scarf. Joe was wearing jeans with a black striped shirt that was mostly covered by his deep brown jacket and blue scarf. Nick was wearing white skinny jeans, with a gray shirt and black jacket.

"Hey there! How're your guys?" Kevina asked the crowd, who replied with ear piercing screams.

"What?" Joe asked, grinning. If it was even possible, the screams got louder.

"Oh, that's what I thought!" Nick teased.

"Look! Ahh! Ella, we are breathing there SAME AIR!!" Manda was ready to pass out.

They played there new hit, Burnin' Up while everyone sang along. I cheered extra loud when Big Rob came out and rapped. He was awesome!! They then sang songs from there 2nd album; Jonas Brothers. When Hello Beautiful rolled around, Manda was practically crying when she didn't get picked. I tried to comfort her. She watched in agony, as I imagine thousands other were, as Joe Jonas got down on his knees and sang to this girl. Afterwards, Kevin gave her a rose.

The night was almost over, and I was upset, yet relieved, if that makes sense. I could barely hear from all these over obsessed teenage girls. Sure, I was only 14 too, but.... Anyways, there last song was A Little Bit Longer. Manda sobbed the whole time, finally letting her emotions out about her cancer. Nick cried too, but not nearly as hard as Manda did. It was heartbreaking, and soon, I was in on the weeping. I cried with them, hugging Manda as we cried into each other.

The night was over, but as we watched the boys walk off stage, I was sure I had seen all three look directly at us and smile weakly. Manda wasn't paying attention and I didn't want to get her hopes up, so I didn't say anything.

We grabbed our signs and walked out of the stadium area, before being stopped by a man.

"Hey! Put those signs down!" he yelled, running at us. We did as we were told, completely scared and shaking. I could tell Manda was nervous. "Hey! We did NOTHING wrong!" I yelled, still putting my stuff down. I knew it wasn't good for her to be under stress with her cancer.

He chuckled, whispering "I know" in our ears and pulling us away. We didn't argue, as he was security. Before we knew it, we were backstage. "Oh Em Jay!" Manda squealed. She saw Joe's scarf and ran over to it. I followed, watching her finger the damp blue cloth.

"Want it?" I heard a deep, masculine voice ask from behind us. We both slowly turned, as if in a movie, to see the three boys standing behind us.

"Whoa." was all I could say. Manda started tearing up and ran into me, crying her heart out harder than she had during A Little Bit Longer. "Shh, it'll be ok Manda. Go say hi. Isn't this your dream?" I asked, trying to comfort her like a mother.

Kevin walked up, patting her back. "That's a really pretty name you have, Manda. Why are you crying girl?" he asked, soothing her. The tears slowly faded, and her smile returned. "Its a longs story," she answered, stressing the word long. I gave them a don't-ask look, and they picked up, immediately dropping the subject.

"So, did you like the show?" Nick asked, changing the conversation.

"It was fantastilistic!" We said in unison. They laughed, sitting next to us on the couch. We talked and talked, Manda warming up to the boys quickly. It was hard not to. They were amazing!

We got pictures and autographs, and I asked to talk to Kevin alone.

"Sure," he easily replied.

"So, why did you bring us back here?" I accused, like it was a bad thing.

"Well, Nick saw how hard you guys cried, and knew something was up. He insisted we see what was wrong."

"How sweet!"

"So....?" Kevin said, trying not to pry.

"Oh. Okay, well-" I stopped myself. "It's just a really emotional song for us. It hits home harder than you could ever imagine..." I trailed off, remembering that Manda had a wig on tonight. Of course, they had not idea she had leukemia.

We left, chauffeured by there limo back home. Manda forgot all about me and Kevin talking alone, and never even asked. It was the best night of her life.
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Ok so yeah, its really long. Hope you liked it! Only one or two more....!!