Sequel: New Beginnings

Finishing Up

Chapter 2: Tylenol

**Manda's POV**

"Manda, will you PLEASE turn that off!" Ella joked, covering her ears as the familiar Jonas Brothers lyrics filled the air.Yes, I was yet another obsessed Jonas fan and loved the boys to death. I sang extra loud, just to annoy her. "Poor unfortunate souls! In pain, in need! This one longing to be thinner, that one wants to get the girl. And do I help them? Yes, indeed!" She laughed, but I turned it off anyways. Now we sat in my room, just talking. "So has your mom taken you to the eyedoctor yet?" Ella asked, knowing about my trouble seeing lately. "Nah, she says its probably just because it's the end of the day and I'm tired, or something like that. She has a new excuse everyday." I sighed, knowing that it was getting harder and harder to see the board at school and read street signs. Plus, I was getting headaches now. But I figured those were from not being able to see right. "Aww, that's gotta be hard." Ella comforted me. She always knew how to comfort me. But that's how things go when your 15 and have known each other since you were two. She's like my sister, the one I never got. And I'm like hers. Ella's phone vibrated in her pocket. "Aww man! I bet it's my mom. Hold on." I listened to her talk, and could hear her mom too.

"Yeah mom?"

"Hey. You need to come home now. Dinner's ready."

"Alright. Be there in a few!"

She hung up, knowing better than to argue. Her parents didn't tolerate it, and she'd just end up in trouble. "Did you hear that?" she asked me, as I twirled a piece of my hair around my index finger. "Yeah. I'll walk with you." I replied, gathering her purse and handing it to her. I walked downstairs, Ella following, and slid on my flip flops. "Walking Ella home!" I yelled to my mom, who was in the kitchen cooking. "Okay!" she yelled back.

We walked, talking more about my headaches and eye problems, to her house; it was only 3 houses down from mine, but I liked any excuse I could get to hang out with Ella more. She was practically my sister! She said goodbye, and I turned, heading for home.

"Mom, I REALLY need to go to the doctor," I begged. "I went through 6 Tylenol's today, and my head still hurts." "I know, I scheduled one for Tuesday at 10:00 am. That works, right?" my mom informed me. "Oh don't worry, I'll make it work!" I joked, running upstairs to my room. I changed into comfortable pajamas and laid down in bed, quickly drifting off to sleep.
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Not very eventful, I know. But the next one will be; I pinky promise. xD