Sequel: New Beginnings

Finishing Up

Chapter 5: Dealing

I awoke to Ella's loud breathing, and laughed quietly to myself. I'd thought about getting cancer before, when I saw someone with it on the news. I decided that if I'd ever get it, I would fight and tell people not to be sorry for me, because this was God's plan for me. And I was fully determind to stick to that plan.

"Ella! Wakey, wakey." I shook her gently, as she sighed and rolled.

"Whaaaaaaaat?" She had never been a morning person, but one thing always woke her up.

"My mom's making pancakes!" I said, jumping up and running for the door. If I wanted to eat, I had to beat Ella downstairs.

As promised, she darted out of her sleeping bag and into the kitchen. But for now, I had beaten her, and I made sure to rub it in her face with a big smile. "Ha! Guess who gets the first pick this time?"

She giggled, knowing I was only kidding. We had played this game since our very first sleep over. Quite fun, actually.

Ella had now gone home and I was getting phone calls left and right from people I didn't even know I was related to! I'd just be up in my room and then I'd hear my mom.

"Manda! Aunt Jessi is on the phone!"

And then I'd think 'I have an Aunt Jessi? Interesting.' And then, of course, we'd talk like we had known each other since I was born and she'd say how sorry she was. It just got sorta old. The same went for "friends" from school. Before I got sick, no one cared. I was just another girl.

Guess it's just another thing I'll have to adjust to.
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Okay sorry I have to get off now. :