Sequel: New Beginnings

Finishing Up

Chapter 6: Torture

I sat in the dull brown chair, an IV type thing hooked up to me. They said I just sit there. So that's what I did. After about 45 minutes, I tried reading. Couldn't focus. Then I tried watching a movie with my portable DVD player. That lasted about an hour. Next, I tried sleeping, but I mean come on, it was 12:30 p.m. How can you sleep in the middle of the day? And in a busy hospital?!

I had to sit there until 1:30. Only an hour of this left. That was what would be known as the longest hour of my life. I tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable. Then the nurse yelled at me and said I had to try not to move as much.

When chemo was FINALLY over, I was tired and sore and felt sick. "Let's go." I growled at my mom.

She drove home, asking many questions about the treatment that I reluctantly answered. When we pulled into the driveway, I ran straight up into my room and sulked.

Then my phone vibrated. Ella.

'Hey. How was chemo?' -Ella

'Torture." -Manda

'Oh, that's gotta be hard." -Ella

'Mhmm.' -Manda

'I would come over, but I have to go to my little cousin's bday party.' -Ella

'That's ok. Have fun. :]' -Manda

'Thanks. gtg' -Ella

I laid in my bed, daydreaming about the first day I would be cancer-free. I would throw a huge party and celebrate, even though it would probably be only me and Ella. I giggled, and thought about how we'd have pancakes, before drifting off.
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Hope you likey, even though its short.