Sequel: New Beginnings

Finishing Up

Chapter 9: Skydiving

Skydiving was next on the list, and I knew this would be interesting. Ella was deathly afraid of heights. Oh boy, this would be very fun.

I woke up, walked to Ella's house and marched into her room, shaking her violently. "Wakey, wakey!" I called. No response. But Ella was a morning person, so I knew she had been faking. I began tickling her. It was like, BAM, instant laughter from Ella. "I knew you were awake!" I gloated.

She covered her head with a pillow, trying to forget about the day's plans. "You agreed. Remember?" I asked in a mocking, sing-song voice. "Unfortunately, yes I do." she moaned, getting out of bed.

"Go get dressed." I ordered, pointing to her closet.

"I know where my closet is, thanks." she joked.

I didn't answer. I was too busy on her laptop. I was on Youtube, and searched "Skydiving". Clicking on the first video, I tuned in.

"Ella, you have got to see this!" I remarked, after watching the whole thing.

She rushed over, unaware that it was a video of skydiving. "Oh, God, no!" she screeched, running away. I just giggled. That's why I loved Ella. She was completely herself, even though her best friend was dying. She refused to treat me like it, and I admired that.

Next, I searched "Hello Beautiful" on Youtube and clicked on the video. Ella came up behind me. "This is my dream." I said, melting as I watched Joe Jonas get down on his knees and sing to some lucky, lucky girl. "I wish I could be her." I sighed, X-ing the tab.

"Let's go!" I was very excited. I threw in an "Ahh!" just for kicks.

When we finally arrived, we met the pilot and then the coach, I guess you could call him. He helped us get our suits on and Ella had been bombarding him with questions all morning.

"Ella, chill." I said under my breath so he didn't hear me.

"But what if our parachute doesn't open up? What if my glasses fall off and my eyes dry out? What if-" I cut her off, covering her mouth with my hand.

"Ella, were not playing the 'What If' game. None of that is going to happen because this good man is going to be with us. Right?" I said, turning to the man and winking, indicating for him to play along.

"Right." he said, catching on and playing it cool. "Right."

"See? Everything'll be fine," I smirked.

*In the Plane*

Sitting in the padded seat and staring out the window, Ella was shaking beside me. "El, chill!" I said again, probably for the millionth time in 10 minutes. "We'll.Be.Fine!" I instructed once more.

We were now at the appropriate height to jump. I was shaking with excitement, and poor Ella was shaking with fear. The man helped us maneuver to the door, which was difficult. On account of that me and Ella were tied together in a quite uncomfortable way. He showed us once more how to position ourselves. And we were off!

Ella, of course, screamed the whole time. I truly believed she was going to pee her pants. I, on the other hand, was thrilled. I was filled with a rush of adrenaline, and overcome by my adventurous side. I smiled so much, that by the time we reached the ground, my face actually hurt. No joke. And yes, if you were wondering, our parachute did open up.

Much to my surprise, Ella was smiling too!What are you so happy about?" I asked, confused. "That.Was.Amazing!" she exclaimed, still smiling.

"Who are you and what did you do with Ella?!" I yelled, joking. She laughed. "Let's go again!"
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