
Saturday, August 13th

Dear Diary,

So now Flip has been weirder than usual. She keeps looking at me weird, and it’s kind of creeping me out! I think that she wants to tell me something, but I’m not positive. Oh, the weird guy came in again today. He said, I guess to Flip, ‘The signs are here. You know that it is time. We must rise again. Come with me Flip, you know as well as I that we must. If you do not, then you will have upset the whole society-‘ and then he suddenly cut off, as if just about to say something that he shouldn’t. He then looked at me, and then back to Flip and said, ‘Does she know?’ then there was an odd silence, and then he just laughed and left, shaking his head as he left. I tried to ask Flip about it, but she looked dazed, as if scared, and wouldn’t talk for the rest of the day. I’m starting to become worried.