
Thursday, August 25th

Dear Diary,

So today’s my birthday, and Flip gave me this weird necklace. It was just string, but the thing that was on it was weird. It was like a kind of gem. The shape of it was also like a teardrop, and was blue, it was weird. Then, I looked a little to the right of Flip, and I saw 3 other necklaces. One was in the shape of a fire. The colors on that one were orange and red, like a fire. Then the necklace next to that one was in an odd oval shape, and was grey, it was kind of in the shape of a rock. And the last one, well, it was just a circle, and it was purple. I think that these necklaces and the page of the ‘MAGE’ society are related. I’m going to ask Flip, maybe she’ll tell me the truth for my birthday.