
Friday, August 26th

Dear Diary,

So today I asked Flip if the things do have anything in common…she said not to worry. But I still am…Man! Flip has been so annoying! I mean! She can’t even tell me the frigging truth for my birthday! I’m just happy that school starts soon, and then I won’t have to keep this on my mind as much. Oh! I forgot to say! School starts on Monday! I kind of want it to start, but I also kind of don’t. I mean, school’s fun and everything, but that means studying and crap like that. Eh, oh well…let’s just hope that this year’s better than last year.
(P.S.-Eliza came today, she seems nice, but she wanted to know if there was a cat here. I said yes, and she immediately wanted to go see it. Weird, huh?)