
Friday, September 2nd(even later)

Dear Diary,

So apparently I’m a Water Mage, and apparently I’m HEAD Water Mage. Wow. It’s honestly shocking. I never knew. So when I went out of the back room, you wouldn’t BELIEVE the people that were there! Here, I’ll list them for you:

1. Jessica
2. Azeral
3. Sara
4. Katy
5. Cam
6. Elsy
7. Sofi
8. Yazmin
9. Geko
10. Marina
11. Rick
12. Jaye
13. Me (No Duh!)
14. Eliza
15. Flip
16. Eve (WHO?)

Those were the people who also started panicking when I got this little black book. It’s weird. Anyways, so when I got there, everyone was already there, and I guess the person named ‘Eve’ gasped. She said the WEIRDEST thing EVER! (At that time.) So, ‘Eve’ said, “She survived! Yes! Who took care of her? Was it Flip? No…it was someone else…let me guess, it was the person who betrayed her? Thought so” And when she said that, everyone looked down, and then at Cam…I really don’t know why…

Anyways, after that, Cam said something about me having ‘The Dream’ and crap like that. Flip noticed that I wasn’t really paying attention, apparently she can read minds, and scowled at me, telling me to pay attention, that I’ll need to know what they were talking about for me to survive later in my future. So this is basically what I caught from the conversation:

Flip-She is here.

(Everyone gasped)

Flip-Yes, it’s no lie. She just doesn’t really know who she is. So she’ll need plenty of reminding.

Eliza-Yes, after the incident, she didn’t know who she was, what she was, or where she was. She didn’t even know who Flip was.

(Everyone gasped again)

‘Eve’-Sorry I’m late. What did I miss? Oh! (Gasp) She survived! Yes! Who took care of her? Was it Flip? No…it was someone else…let me guess, it was the person who betrayed her?

(Everyone looks at ground/Cam)

‘Eve’-Thought so…It’s amazing, the person that tried to kill her, ended up saving her (Does an odd cackle-her laugh?)

Flip-Yes, it is amazing, but it was fantastic at the same time. Let’s give Cam our thanks.

(Everyone thanks Cam, and Cam turns red-ish)

Cam-Yes, I realized that after my mistake, I just had to go and see if she was all right. ‘Cause she’s also my friend, and luckily, she still is.

Eliza-Oh come on! That’s just plain bull! She doesn’t even remember that day! Or the days before it! So you can’t say that ‘She still is’! (Scoffs)

Me-Wait! What’s frigging going on here? Who are you all talking about? I’m so confused! I have been for the past days! Why is no one making any sense around here?

Rick-She’s right! She doesn’t know what the hell we’re talking about! Because I assume that none of you have explained anything, and I know that I haven’t told her yet.

(Everyone looks at each other, and then all shake their heads ‘no’)

Jaye-Damn Flip! You haven’t even told her? Wow. Riley, you must be REALLY confused right now.

Me-I am!

Eliza-Yeah, I guess that it’s best that someone explains it to her…and I vote Cam!

(Everyone nods in agreement)

Cam-Okay, I’ll tell her, but I have to do it in private. ‘Kay?

(Everyone nods ‘yes’)

Cam-Thanks. C’mon Riley.

(Cam and me go into the backroom)

Cam-So, you have the necklace that Flip have you, right?

(I nod ‘yes’)

Cam-Good. You see, you’re a Mage. You’re a Water Mage. Actually, you’re the Head Water Mage.

(I stare at him in disbelief)

Cam-Yeah, and the only reason is because of me. You see, long ago, before you came here, you lived in your actual hometown, protecting the other world, YOUR world, from evil villains, evil people, people like me.

(Cam looks at me, and then back at his hands)

Cam-You see, the darkest, meanest, Dark Mage kind of tricked me into his service. He said that if I joined him, that I would actually be helping civilization, not destroying it. I really wanted to just help civilization just one time, so I agreed. Unfortunately, what ended up happening is that I did end up hurting civilization, and so I got banned. In the process, I ended up hurting you, making it so that you would have forgotten most, if not all, of your other life.

(I look at him, like I’ve never done before, like I was scared.)

Cam-I’m really sorry Riley. As soon as I learned what he did, what I did, I went to find you and see if you were all right. You weren’t. You were shaking in your sleep, you were bleeding like mad, and you didn’t know where you were, or who you were, for that matter. Anyways, as soon as I got here, I tried to help you. It kind of worked, and it also kind of didn’t. The part that worked was that you would be able to continue living, the part that didn’t was that you would have no recollection of who you used to be, and the shock of telling you, reminding you, of who you were, would have…would have…let’s just say that it would have ended badly. I’m really sorry, really. I hope that you can forgive me.

(Looked at me)

Me-Wow. So…wow. You’ve been keeping this from me this whole time? Wow. Wow. Why didn’t you tell me this, any of this, before now?

Cam-Uh, well, you looked so happy with this life that you were living…I just couldn’t. Trust me, it wasn’t easy for me. It hurt me more and more everyday to continue keeping this from you. But I didn’t want to let your time here be ruined. I only hoped that the Dark Mage Lord wouldn’t come back. Unfortunately, he had a son. Jack Gabe Hiu. Honestly, his middle name is just confusing to me.

(I laugh a little)

Cam- (Smiling) Yeah, but, now his son is trying to take over your old world. You were the strongest Mage of our time, even stronger than Flip-

Me-Flip is a Mage?!

Cam-Oh, uh, she didn’t tell you that?

(I shake my head)

Cam-Oh, well, yes, she’s actually the Head Light Mage. But anyways, so you see, we were all wondering when to tell you, and Jack’s power was just getting too great, so we knew that we needed to tell you…soon. So, now you know. Do you think that you may be able to rise up your power again? To help stop Jack?

Me-Oh, well, I can try, but I can’t promise ANYTHING.

Cam-That’s good enough.

(We start to leave)

Cam-Oh yeah! Mages can read minds, too. That’s one of the biggest advantages that they have.

(I stop, looking at him, disbelieving)

Cam-Yeah, I didn’t believe it either at first, but it’s true. Just don’t get banished, then you lose your ability to read minds, and it really sucks, especially if you want to know if someone likes you or not.

(We both chuckle as we leave)

(We enter the store, everyone looks at us)

Cam-She’s going to try for it!

(Everyone cheers)

Flip-Okay everyone! Time to get to work! Let’s go!

And then the conversation just kind of went on from there, it’s just way too much to write, and I wasn’t really paying attention. I’m getting tired, I’m going to stop writing, and go to sleep. Everyone says that I’ll need it for later. Whatever that means.