
Sunday, September 11th

Dear Diary,

So, instead of writing ‘Dear Diary’ every single time I write an entry, I have decided to give you a name. It has to be a GOOD name, or else it won’t work. Hm. This might take a little bit. Hm. ~Thinks~ I know! Wait, maybe not. It has to be a name that sounds trustworthy, a name that I can count on, or maybe, a name of SOMEONE trustworthy. This name/person has to be someone who I can count on NOT to betray me. ~Ponders~ I got it! Well, I’ve always been able to count on Cylene! ‘Dear Cylene,’ no, that won’t work, ‘cause of that one time… I got it! The one person that I have ALWAYS been able to count on, time after time, no matter what, he’s always been there. It’s……………


But that doesn’t look cool enough. Let me see how to change that.




No, wait! I got it!


Yeah, that works. Let’s see:

‘Dear Camm’

Yes! That works! YEY! We’ll see how well it works tomorrow! G’night!
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I know it's EXTREMELY cheesy...but I was kinda hung up on a guy, so just bear with me!