
Thursday, September 15th

Dear Diary,

Guess what? Give up? Well of course you do! You can’t even talk! Anyways, Flip said that I was really improving! Isn’t that great? Well, that was the good news; she also said some bad news. But she first had to call the rest of the Mage society/group/club. I don’t really know what to call it yet. So she called everyone, and they all came rushing to the store. Since Flip didn’t leave, I guess she talked to them silently. I still need to master that skill better…And yes, I have been trying! Anyways, when everyone got there, Flip told us the bad news. Man was it bad news! She said that my success was to be tested real soon. Wait, that wasn’t the worse part. The worse part was that Jack was becoming even stronger than we thought, so we had to act now, or else all our efforts would have been for nothing. I wasn’t sure on what other stuff we had done, but I figured that ‘all our efforts’ couldn’t just have been training me. So many secrets these days! But so now I have to leave, which is good, and bad. At least I’ll of here! Flip said that I couldn’t go on my own, yet. No idea what that means, Flip says that I will soon enough. So she sent Cam and Eliza with me. I asked, no, that understatement, more of begged, for her to let Geko come with us too. I finally got her in the end, reluctantly, but I got here. We have to pack right away, and then we’re leaving in the morning. Everyone else will be covering for us while we’re gone. After the meeting, a little group got together and said that they’d meet up with us at the ‘place.’ I just tried to act as if I hadn’t heard anything. I failed, miserably, but everyone who saw me played along. I better go. I still have to go pack. I’ll write soon!