
Wednesday, September 21st

Dear Diary,

So apparently a lot of things can happen in 5 days time! We started out on schedule, leaving Friday morning, and we met in the store. Then, we set out on foot. I don’t know how long we walked for, but it seemed like days, I guess it was only hours. So then after a few hours, we stopped at a town by the name of ‘Ba-zahl’ I think. It was a cute, but definitely small, town. We spent the night at a huge house! It was like a castle! In fact, I think that it was one! The only inhabitants were bats. Eliza still put some enchantments on around it so that if anyone did come by, they wouldn’t notice us. It was sweet. I was exploring for a while, but then Eliza came and told me that I had to go to bed. I scowled, but obeyed like a little dog. I crawled into bed, but instead of falling asleep right away, I thought. I thought about why we were doing this. I thought about how my life was before I knew. I thought about what Cam said to me in the back room. I thought about what would happen if we were to fail. I thought about finally realizing that this was actually happening. I thought about what my past life must have been like. I thought, and thought, and thought. I just couldn’t stop thinking! It was crazy! I guess that Eliza, Cam, and Geko thought that I had already fallen asleep ‘cause they were talking, no, arguing, to each other. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, so I crept out of bed. Eliza just said that I had to go to bed, she never said for how long, or if I had to stay there, just that I had to go. I love loopholes. Anyways, so I crept out of bed and snuck to the door. They were either talking right outside the door, or they were arguing incredibly loud! This is what I caught:

Geko-But she should be strong enough for it!

Eliza-No way! Flip said told me to keep her safe and not do anything crazy like that!

Geko-But it’s not crazy! I’ve been training with her everyday since she learned! And Flip isn’t here, and she didn’t tell me that. So it must not be that important!

Eliza-No. It’s important. You saw how Flip was hesitant to let you come with us! She just trusts me, and not you!


Geko-Don’t you even start on trust, Eliza Fletcher. Trust me, you know nothing when it comes to that.

(Eliza snickers)

Eliza-Yeah, right, I doubt that.

Geko-You better not! Just ‘cause Flip trusts you doesn’t mean that anyone else does! That’s why I have more of a life than trying to kill people!

Eliza-I-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Geko-Oh you’ll remember. Trust me on that.

Eliza-I’ll try to remember that.

Cam-C’mon! We can’t fight! We have a job to do! Remember?


Cam-Good. Now, I think that Geko’s right. We have to go faster; otherwise we’ll be too late. But, if Flip told Eliza that we can’t teleport, than we have no choice to do that. Sorry Geko. Unless of course one of you two wants to try to contact her.


Geko-I will.

Cam-Okay, that’s settled then. Geko will contact Flip, and then we’ll leave as soon as she knows.

(It was quiet for a few minutes)

Geko-She said that we could, but only if we were in a dire emergency-

(Geko cuts off and silence surrounds us)

Cam-But-How? I thought you put enchantments around this place.

Eliza-I did! I don’t know how they got in!

(Silence again)

Geko-We have to get Riley!

I then got dressed quickly and opened the door, right before Geko was about to come in. She tried to say something, but I quickly told them that I was listening by the door. Eliza was the only who actually looked surprised. She said something like ‘What do they teach you there?’ I didn’t reply to this comment. Instead, I quickly asked for an explanation of what was going on. I soon got one. So apparently, some of Jack’s men wanted to kill me so that he wouldn’t have to face me, again. What a coward. Of course, we had to get out there ASAP. Geko then asked if this was a dire emergency, I just laughed. That was a bad thing, on my part. Apparently it wasn’t a laughing matter. So they quickly explained how to teleport. I caught on quickly, faster than Eliza expected. So we teleported out of there to a nearby pub. I can’t recall what the name was, but it was a really shabby place. We didn’t sleep the rest of the night. We instead started training me on my powers more. Especially teleporting. By daybreak, I think that I got the hang of it. So we slept during the day somewhere deep in the forest. It was eerie, but at the same time, it wasn’t. It was weird. So we slept. That’s how were going to travel now, apparently. Eliza still won’t let us teleport unless we need to, which I think we will. We’re really behind schedule, according to Geko. We should’ve already passed the outskirts of a town called ‘Inslits.’ We still haven’t passed it, so to get back on track; I think that we will have to teleport. Apparently we have to get back to my homeland, and that’s where we’re going to meet everyone else. We’re supposed to be there in five days time, but at this speed, it might take us a month, I’ll have to remind Eliza about that. Oh well, the sun’s coming out, so I’ll have to get some sleep. I’ll write whenever I can!