
Monday, September 26th

Dear Diary,

I’m so sad! I can barely write! Though none of this will make any sense to you ‘cause I haven’t written in a few days. So I’ll try to explain it as best I can, hopefully I’ll be able to explain anything!

So it was the next day after Geko and I were talking. Geko told Eliza of the delay, but Eliza just wouldn’t allow it! So Geko kept pestering her. Finally, Eliza let us teleport, though it took some help from Cam. We then teleported. Cam needed to teleport with someone because he lost all his Mage powers, so he teleported with Geko, and Eliza teleported with me, ‘cause she didn’t think that it was safe for me to travel alone, or, that’s what she told me. Anyways, so our destination was to be a motel a few miles away from where we were to meet the others. We got there safely, so we stayed for a few days, ‘cause we had some time to spare. I guess that we stayed a little too long. For on our last there, about midnight, some men, I guess from Jack again, ran, no, that’s a HUGE understatement, they more of burst/charged into the room that we were staying in. None of us had fallen asleep yet, I mean, it was midnight, we’re almost NEVER asleep by then! But Jack apparently thought that it was late, he must have a bedtime that’s like, ten o’ clock. Anyways, so we all jumped up, prepared. Well, we more of looked at them for a few seconds, then realizing who it was, jumped up. Cam left room, and I think he went to the bathroom, but either way, he wasn’t there. So that just left Eliza, Geko, and I.

There were curses flying everywhere! It was pure madness! It was my first real test of how much my powers had improved. I think I killed one guy, I’m pretty sure his name was O’ Hearly. Anyways, Cam came back in the middle of the fight, it was actually pretty funny, ‘cause once he reached the room and got inside, he ducked behind a brownish-gray couch.

The fight was over in a matter of minutes. Four people lay dead, O’ Hearly being one of them. We couldn’t tell who two of the victims were, but when we saw the third one, we all gasped.

The person who lay dead before us was none-other than…Geko.

We didn’t know exactly who killed who, but it didn’t matter, Jacks’ men were dead, along with Geko. There was a silence, but not an awkward silence. I knew that we were all mourning and praying for her. I said a silent prayer to myself. I felt that her death was my fault. I wanted her to come. No, I made her come. I wanted to talk, but all I could do was cry. Cam came over to comfort me. I didn’t care. It didn’t make any difference. Eliza was the first one to actually talk. “We have to get out of here” were her words exactly. Cam and I both nodded in agreement. We quickly teleported out of that motel to where we were going to meet everyone else. Eliza actually came up with this idea. She said that it wasn’t safe to travel by foot anymore, at least, without more protection. I took offense to this, but then realized what she had just said. She, Eliza thought that we weren’t safe without Geko. Eliza, the person who hated, loathed, her, actually admired her. I was just shocked, but of course, I didn’t bring up this matter. We had much more disturbing matters on our hands right now. It took a few seconds to get where we needed to go, which is apparently called ‘EGAM Head Quarters’ and is somewhere that only the members could see. It was weird, but a good place to stay. Anyway, so it took us a few seconds, but it took everyone else a few hours. It was 6 in the morning when they finally got there. We, Eliza, told them what happened. That day, I just hung out with Cam most of the day. I told him that I was responsible for her death. He didn’t need any reminding as to ‘her’ was. He told that I didn’t know that it would happen, but she knew could. She knew what she was getting into by going with us. She didn’t have to come, but she did. She didn’t die in vain, and she didn’t want any of us to think so. This cheered me up a bit, but I still feel responsible. So now Flip is training me like crazy! This is now the second night that we’ve been here. Flip told me that I should get enough sleep so I’ll be fully energized. I got a good laugh from that! But I am feeling a little. So, until later, ta-ta for now!