
Sunday, July 31st

Dear Diary,

So today I went to Lake Plaga, and then, right at that moment, I realized something. Katy is a HUGE hypocrite. As you may be able to tell, we’re still fighting. Anyways, so I was at Lake Plaga, and then I saw Katy. She was trying to talk to some of her best friends, but they didn’t seem to want to talk to her. So I got closer, wanting to figure out why some of her best friends in the world didn’t want to talk to her. Then, as I crept closer and closer, I figured out why. Apparently she was cussing about me, and some of the people that she was trying to talk to were also my friends, and they didn’t want to do that behind my back, as far as I know. I think that Katy is getting on most of their nerves, I kind of wish that that would happen, but I don’t want her without friends…

Anyways, I realized that she’s a hypocrite because, as I said before, she was cussing about me like crazy! And she ALWAYS complains that my friend, Sara Rivers, cuss’s too much, and now look at her! I just want to hit her!