
Friday, September 30th

Dear Diary,

So this week was definitely not as eventful. A few days after my last entry, Flip said that we had to get going. I don’t know why, because I thought that we were actually pretty safe there. Flip said that I was being silly and that we were never safe in a really high and scratchy voice. It was kind of scary. I asked Yazmin about it, for she was packing up the last of her supplies, and she just laughed, telling me not to worry, but if I do, then to either ask Marina or Azeral. She said that they would know the most, because they’ve been with Flip longest and know her best. She then opened her mouth, as if to say something, but quickly closed it again. I knew, even though she didn’t say anything that she was just about to mention her. I guess that she was one of the first to know Flip too. I told that it was okay, that I cried too, that I wish she were still here, and that it sometimes feels like she’s still here, too. She then started to cry, but quickly brushed them aside and began to complete her packing. I left her alone, quietly leaving, which was hard to do, because her door was squeaky, but she didn’t seem to notice.

So I went off to find Azeral. (I knew her better) Unfortunately, I ran into Marina first. When she saw me coming, she briskly handed me some of the boxes that were in a pile by her and told me to follow her. While we were walking, Marina started talking about how much of a help I was and crap like that, so I interrupted her and asked her exactly what I had asked Yazmin. ‘Is it normal for Flip to talk in a high, scratchy voice?’ Exactly like Yazmin, she laughed, then telling me that it was when Flip was under stress, or really tired, or something like this was happening. I didn’t really believe her. I mean, I didn’t really believe anyone these days.

They’ve all kept secrets from me. So many secrets! Anyways, I had to believe her, ‘cause Flip was creeping me out, so I ruled out that option of asking her myself, and I couldn’t find Azeral anywhere! It was kind of weird. But, then again, it was a big building. So I went ‘round to finish packing, all the while, still looking for Azeral. By the time I got to my room, Azeral was still nowhere to be seen. I just had a few things left to pack, so that only took me about five minutes to find everything and cram it in a bag. Once I was finished, I went searching for Azeral some more. I asked everyone I saw if they knew where she was, the answers were all the same. A plain and simple ‘no.’ After about an hour of searching, I went off to find someone else who might be able to give me answers. I still didn’t dare go straight to Flip, so instead I went to the first person I could think of. Well, second, the first was Geko. The second was Jaye. We get along pretty well, and I absolutely no idea where the hell Cam was. Jaye was sitting in the ‘library’ as we called it. But it was actually the place where we just kept what books we had, which included:

• Mage’s First Society, by Heidi Gijeb

• A Powerful Magic, by Kina Toule

• Candles-How and Where To Use Them, by Xue Rjorndi


• The Most Powerful Magic Beings of All Time, by Pj Vink

Jaye said that I was mentioned somewhere in The Most Powerful Beings of All Time. But he wasn’t sure where. After that, I asked about the candle book, and he said that he had absolutely no idea why we had it, and if I did want to know, that I should ask Flip. My stomach churned at her name. I don’t really know why, but it just did. Maybe it was because she’d been keeping so much from me all these years. Anyways, so I then asked if he knew what was up with Flip, and he just said that she always acts likes this, that it’s nothing to worry about. But I still am worried about it. If Jack knew, he could destroy Flip, and everyone with her. It’s the one weakness that Flip had that was shown, at least. Man, I can’t trust, like, anyone these days! It sucks!